who recorded the footage? i thought the zemo dude did that, and he saved in case he needed it later on. Im pretty sure tonys parents died before the avengers teamed up so how did he know the tape would be so valuable? how did zemo know tonys parents would die there? or that they were about to get killed?
im just confused about this camera. Russian dude in the beginning told bucky no witnesses
either dude can travel thru time or movie had some plot holes..
Ok..... how do we do this.
Ummmmm.... so you know how like there are cameras at lights or security cams that record pretty much everything outside of your home? It was just something that got caught on like a security or traffic cam. Hydra is basically equivalent to Shield or the government, so getting that footage wouldnt be a difficult task. If you just saw this weeks Agents, you see how characters can get vid feedback. Many secret agencies access the cameras on jobs and secure them so they can remain hidden to the world.
Let me break this down to you like this.... think of the OJ case and think of video footage like the Furhman tapes. Now Cochran didnt record them, Cochran didnt anticipate OJ was gonna murder someone and Furhman would be involved so he saved them for that moment. NO.
It was stated early in the movie that Zemo was doing research trying to get all the info on Hydra.... he had a hell of a head start at that base, he came across that vid there. He knew the tapes would be valuable just like Cochrans team knew the Furhman tapes would be valuable.... kinda of a common sense thing.
He didnt know Tony's parents would die there, he just found a tape.
When Bucky was told "No witnesses" that meant kill the marks and anyone who may have been around. Bucky did just that, he killed Starks parents then shot the camera. But that doesnt mean that Hydra isnt going to keep tabs on him to make sure he doesnt fukk up the mission, get killed, captured, or betray them. Hydra was ALWAYS watching Bucky and therefore they kept tabs on every move he made in and outside the base. You really think with the way they keep him locked up and etc they just gonna let him walk out and trust that he does everything he's ordered to do?
I hope this clears it up for you