Jan 31: The FCC announces that it will no longer defend caps on phone rates charged to prisoners.
Feb 21: Attorney General Jeff Sessions releases a memo reversing the order reducing the use of private prisons that had been announced by the Obama Administration.
Mar 31: AG Sessions lifts all federal consent degrees used to monitor police departments that had been guilty of violations of civil rights
May 10: Sessions releases a memo instructing federal prosecutors to pursue the charges that carry the longest possible sentence in drug cases and refers to the War on Drugs as a "rousing success"
Jun 12: Sessions urges states to go after marijuana users and even scrap protections for medical marijuana.
Jul 17: Sessions promises to increase asset forfeiture, a practice that even conservative senators and justices have warned may be unconstitutional.
Jul 28: In a speech to law enforcement officers, Trump encourages the roughing up of suspects who are already in custody.
Aug 1: An internal DOJ memo announces that resources in the DOJ's civil rights division were being redirected to fight against Affirmative Action policies in college
Aug 28: Trump rescinds an Obama-era order that had blocked the transfer of military equipment to local police
Sep 15: AG Sessions pulls out of a federal effort to reform police departments after officer-involved shootings
Dec 21: Jeff Sessions rescinds a Obama letter to courts that advised them to be careful in imposing overly stiff fees and penalties on poor defendants.
Jan 4: AG Sessions rescinds the Obama-era memo ordering non-interference with marijuana crimes in pot-legal states
Mar 12: AG Jeff Sessions announces that the DOJ will prioritize funding for more police officers on campus. Black students are far more likely to be arrested by such officers than White students
Mar 12: The Department of Education proposes repealing an Obama-era guidance promoting racial equity in school discipline
Jun 8: Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Candace Jackson instructs her staff not to investigate systemic racism unless it is specifically raised by the complainant
Jun 21: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is found to have dropped 1,200+ civil rights investigations initiated under President Obama
Jul 2: SecEd DeVos and AG Sessions rescind 7 Obama-era guidelines on affirmative action and issue a statement calling on colleges to end the practice
Aug 22: Trump directs SecState Pompeo "to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers", specifically White farmers.
Jan 4: The WP reported that Trump is rolling back disparate impact regulations, meaning that lenders, insurers, and local governments could now pass regulations that have negative impacts on minorities just so long as there's no proof they did it for openly racist reasons.
Jan 15: In Stokeling v United States, the two Trump-appointed justices joined a 5-4 majority allowing the Trump administration to expand the offenses that count as "violent felonies" under three-strikes laws.