Belize King
I got concepts of a plan.
Generally, no.
It will come back on you. This is one thing consistent about stereotypical female nature I hate. You should be able to be open with your lady, but every woman I've ever been serious with has brought it back up at the most awkward or vulnerable moment to help win a fight or prove a point.
I imagine there are some you can, but I don't think I have observed it or been told by any of my friends their woman is the unicorn.

I’m naturally a closed off person. That is my personality. I’m aloof and emotionally detached.
I’m an Aquarius to the T plus I grew up a military brat. It is what is it and that is who I am.

Still, woman and my woman want to feel “attached”. They feel as though sharing thoughts and emotions can get your relationship closer.

If I share something with my Wife, she is over the moon.

How do you become one, without sharing your thoughts/heart?

It’s been a battle for 7 years but we are closer with the nuggets she gets every so often.