Can i get a quick refresher on why TLR is MAGA all of a sudden?


Nov 21, 2013
You lazy fakkit. How US Attorney General Jeff Sessions Has Rolled Back Obama-era Policies

Let me guess because it doesn't say "this policy is specifically designed to fukk black people" it won't effect us in droves?

Read link and stopped after reading about LGBT and sanctuary cities. Just admit you have nothing and keep it moving breh. Its getting embarrassing. Which leads to this:

Why dont you explain to us how Trump destroying the environment doesn't effect Black people specifically.

You are a lunatic

You've now resorted to the environment as to why blacks should treat Trump as some type of boogeyman :mjlol:

Trump is the only president to destroy the environment now?


Nikkas snitch on the coli like they name is Kobe
Mar 3, 2017
Kobe snitched on Shaq
Read link and stopped after reading about LGBT and sanctuary cities. Just admit you have nothing and keep it moving breh. Its getting embarrassing. Which leads to this:

You've now resorted to the environment as to why blacks should treat Trump as some type of boogeyman :mjlol:

Trump is the only president to destroy the environment now?
You stopped reading because you're a lazy piece of shyt:mjlol:

The point of Trump rolling back environmental protections (another clue as to why you're a lazy piece of shyt since it's been all over the media since day 1) is that your logically fallacy of "how does this impact black people specifically" is shattered when black people live on planet earth and of they earth and its climate is destroyed we are going to be negatively effected.

Human scum like you seek to divide black people and all people from accomplishing any true change. You are the perfect agent for the alt right.


May 21, 2012
All I asked was for you to bring something that documents this.. Obama had an initiative to close federal prisons. Great. Now bring whatever it is that you've seen that documents this so we can go from there. If I said the existence of prisons in America makes slavery legal thats just saying something. Now if I brought the 13th (or 14th) amendment that says that, thats bringing something concrete to the table that everyone can look at and dissect. Im asking you to do something similar with this initiative you refer to. Not saying it doesnt exist, but I cant look at something that isnt there. And yes I can google it, but in a discussion its your responsibility to support your side and vice versa...

So Trump went back on body cameras is what you're saying? The rest sounds like lip service. Such as "Police must also ensure that stop search and arrest practices do not discriminate on the basis of race" would be according to who? The court system who for the last 400 years has treated black men disproportionately in comparison to other groups?

The problem is that you and they want me to believe that the same court that for hundreds of years upheld systematic racism, is now going to be the same court that decides what is and what isnt systematic racist misconduct when it comes to police agencies.. They found misconduct within Ferguson PD. Cool. Who was fired? Who was charged? Did anything come from that other than words?

Private Prisons Back In Mix For Federal Inmates As Sessions Rescinds Order

The federal government does not have the power to fire anybody in local police departments. They can bring federal charges if any are found. But mostly that is left to the state. What they can do is enter lawful agreements that are backed by federal courts such that if the agreement is broken, now you have to deal with the federal government in the federal court of law. I guess you feel like we're better off without that assurance.

I don't know what to say about your distrust of the court system at large. But I'm sure if someone blows a red light, totals your car, and fukks up your back, your ass would be sitting in front of some judge filing a lawsuit instead of letting bygones be bygones because of your distrust of the court system.


Nov 21, 2013
You stopped reading because you're a lazy piece of shyt:mjlol:

The point of Trump rolling back environmental protections (another clue as to why you're a lazy piece of shyt since it's been all over the media since day 1) is that your logically fallacy of "how does this impact black people specifically" is shattered when black people live on planet earth and of they earth and its climate is destroyed we are going to be negatively effected.

So we should hate Trump because hes destroying the environment (like every other president)... Yea okay bruh :mjlol:

But humor me and bring the specific protections he's rolling back...
Human scum like you seek to divide black people and all people from accomplishing any true change. You are the perfect agent for the alt right.

Bruh fukk you nikka. I dont want to unite with nikkas like you because yall look to the white man for yalls salvation. You think begging or asking him to save you is gonna help. Yall think that the "protests" of the civil rights movement is what got yall rights. So I aint about uniting every black person. Im about picking out the black people that KNOW that our salvation is inside us not outside of us and going from there.. Because thats how rulers think. And we were rulers once, and we will be again. nikkas like you are destined to be the serf class to cacs because thats who you think like. Serfs. Thats why you allow them to dictate who you hate and who you like :coffee:

Trump doesnt give a fukk about black people like every other president. No politician in this society is here to help or save you.. Point blank..


Nov 21, 2013

But do you know that the prison system in itself allows for slavery? You know that the amendment banned slavery EXCEPT for in prison? Thats what needs to be abolished and they know that. But they know if they do surface level things they'll trick silly lil nikkas like you into thinking you're making progress. So they get rid of "private prisons".. What exactly does that do when the prison system itself allows for slavery? When will yall get on them to abolish that?

The federal government does not have the power to fire anybody in local police departments. They can bring federal charges if any are found. But mostly that is left to the state. What they can do is enter lawful agreements that are backed by federal courts such that if the agreement is broken, now you have to deal with the federal government in the federal court of law. I guess you feel like we're better off without that assurance.

Okay. So nobody was fired. Nobody was charged. Its just a "do better" lip service type of thing. And "if yall continue to do what you've done, THEN we'll get you" type of thing. And I dont trust them to "get" anyone thats been doing what alot have been doing in this country for hundreds of years. You do because your hope for salvation is in cacs hands. Mine aint

I don't know what to say about your distrust of the court system at large.

Of course you dont. Because on one hand you want whine about "white supremacy" in United States, but on the other hand put the power in their hands to decide what is and what isnt police misconduct. Tamir Rice was killed in a practical drive by on camera. Eric Garner choked to death again, on camera. What did Obama say or do about either situations? Look at the videos of him talking in front of black people vs him talking in front of everyone else. All politicians treat black people like kids because they bred yall to think like slaves. So when you need something you'll look to them and not yourself. Me and other brehs who have raised their understanding of theirselves and the world around them are here to break that. Thats why we wont be fukking what lil nikkas like yourself in the future. You can remain a serf to cacs, Im here to be free

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
This site might be completely compromised between trolls stirring the pot and smart-dumb dapfishermen eating it up.

In each individual thread dudes got hella excuses and deflections on deck

"B bu but the feminists"

"The afric00ns and carribeans started it..."

"Well ann coulter be right sometimes. I wanna fukk her :yeshrug:"

But when compiled like this it's pretty damming.

The jig was lowkey up in the wealth tax thread. Dudes caping for white billionares who lobby for racist policies. Got posters decrying socialism in one thread and juelzing about reparations in another :mjlol:

Tlr posters find a way to have a thread that shyts on every prominent democrat politician, most of whom black people irl dont know about (warren, AOC) but these "woke" folks are silent and clueless on republican fukkery. The shyt that ends up negatively effecting black people

It wouldnt surprise me if alt right/russian propagandists had their hands in here. Because this place is looking like a republican wet dream
Just a bunch of Alt nikkas


Jul 5, 2012
Yeah, you do. Black people are trailed in almost every retail store. Redlining still pervades the housing market. Funding for schools that are predominantly black is abysmally low. Predominantly black neighborhoods are usually food deserts. If you're a straight black male who isn't moist and a c00n, good luck finding gainful employment in the private sector. What America do you live in? :lupe:

But in black neighborhoods the workers and security are black at Macy’s, target, footlocker, Walmart, Home Depot, grocery stores etc. nikkas ain’t profiling all nikkas.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I mentioned in Nap's thread that the pushback from black men against agendas that vilify us would start at some point. I called this and anyone could see it coming. Though I think the real goal was to push us into a position where we seem to ally with MAGA Ideology and then use it to further vilify us.

The biggest issue is that no one seems to allow us to be critical of both sides or not be on any side but our own. This is dangerous and probably also planned. I could be wrong but I doubt I am.
Ya'll are allies with the Alt right. Your group is following a wannabe white supremacist gay BW who hates her own identity and only gains traction when she is shytting on others. Your whole movement is a facade. Just another MAGA/Tea Party movement based on hate, the difference is nikkas got no push so ya'll just complain and act like bytches instead of actually doing shyt that has actual impact.

Most if not all of the DDoSers are just wannabe white supremacists. That's why it's easy to frame these dense nikkas with Russian bots because you don't sound Black, you sound like white supremacists.


Jul 5, 2012
you said repubs aren't fighting for our votes because we hate them. i made the point that they started the hate and have never changed. why would i even think about collaborating with a group who at every turn has made it clear they don't want shyt to do with me? and they actively implement laws and processes to discourage black people from participating? i just don't get what you're trying to say here... should we just look past the modern day lynchings by repubs and give them a chance? i'm not putting words in your mouth, i'm trying to understand the point you're trying to make about blacks and repubs.

let's be honest we have made a lot of progress since the 50s and 60s. and neither repubs or dems deserve credit for it. black people deserve the credit because the progress we have made has been because we took it! more recently we've collaborated with dems to make that progress, but again it was because we put them in a position where they had to work with us.

black middle class has grown substantially and poverty levels decreased, employment levels and access to many job sectors have increased, our home ownership rates has gone up, we have our own colleges and institutions, access to healthcare. by almost every measure black progress has increased. again, it's not close to where we need to be, but there's no denying the progress.

the issue like i said before is we got complacent. they also got better at slowing down our progress via the prison system, racist police practices, gerrymandering, and a bunch of policies to disenfranchise us.

i get why you say we shouldn't be beholden to one party, dems. i don't get what you're saying with regard to our expectations of repubs. why should we even try to partner with repubs?

Home ownership is lower than 1968, lol.

Black male Income gap is higher than 1968, lol.

Black wealth is lower than 1968 and approaching zero, lol.

There has not been any financial progress as a collective in 50yrs.

Plus Dems created the crime bill in 1994 with Joe Biden leading that charge, lol.


Jul 5, 2012
Ya'll are allies with the Alt right. Your group is following a wannabe white supremacist gay BW who hates her own identity and only gains traction when she is shytting on others. Your whole movement is a facade. Just another MAGA/Tea Party movement based on hate, the difference is nikkas got no push so ya'll just complain and act like bytches instead of actually doing shyt that has actual impact.

Most if not all of the DDoSers are just wannabe white supremacists. That's why it's easy to frame these dense nikkas with Russian bots because you don't sound Black, you sound like white supremacists.

Y’all immigrants stay mad. It’s really immigrants that have posed as ADOS and represented us in the media that are disconnected in this modern era.

Don’t worry about ADOS since we don’t have any power...worry about what white folks is doing. Restoring ADOS dignity got people in they feelings :umad:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Y’all immigrants stay mad. It’s really immigrants that have posed as ADOS and represented us in the media that are disconnected in this modern era.

Don’t worry about ADOS since we don’t have any power...worry about what white folks is doing. Restoring ADOS dignity got people in they feelings :umad:
Exactly my point, hate is your leader. Not sensibility. Just a bunch of Russian Alt right bots. I have Akamai DDoS mitigation to destroy you DDoS bots