nothing you said proves anything I am well aware of all of these statistics, leveling up on cam would mean he surpassed him or sold more records, the argument isnt whether or not cam fell off in popularity the argument is whether or not jim became bigger than him, which he didnt.. not even at the peak of ballin was he selling more than camNgga you do know we can look this stuff up right?
Crime pays dropped in 2009. At that time, Jim dropped Prey 4 Reign. It had Pop champagne on it which—-thanks to @Ed MOTHERfukkING G —-we know it CHARTED. Crime pays did 45k first week. P4R sold 42k.
So the point isn’t to nitpick Jim vs cam fame, the point is ….how was it even close. If I fight Floyd and he barely beats me in 12, ngga i won
So when you say ‘act like Jim leveled up on cam’, he did. In no scenario should Jim and cam be equals but it happened and lasted for a minute until IIWII. Which is why even to this day Jim has more IG followers.
cam put jim and juelz in a position where even tho he was the boss, they stood beside him and looked like equals, which is why juelz sold more than cam by his second album and nobody batted an eye, but with jim yall treat it like it's tony yayo catching up to 50 cent in sales and 50 never seen it coming and became bitter because of it
and there was a period in 08 where jim was the most visible and active member, if u wanna say he became the face by default because of that, sure, even tho ur wrong.. but either way he did a horrible job representing dipset as the face if thats what u wanna call it, hanging out with 50, being blamed by hell rell as the reason dipset broke up, getting aired out by jha jha, and turned into a punchline by max b
we're sitting here comparing nikkas selling 40k first week in 2009... BOTH of them were fukking washed regardless of him squeezing out that one last hit that he stole from ron browz
if cam's lowpoint is jim's peak I think that speaks for itself for how overstated his so-called level up was