by the time crime pays/cookies and apple juice came out ballin was 3 years old and jim jones was having his reputation ran through the mud by max b and french while getting clowned for selling 17k on a byrd gang CD.. not sure why yall are making it seem like jim was some big dog who leveled up on cam
Ngga you do know we can look this stuff up right?

Crime pays dropped in 2009. At that time, Jim dropped Prey 4 Reign. It had Pop champagne on it which—-thanks to @Ed MOTHERfukkING G —-we know it CHARTED. Crime pays did 45k first week. P4R sold 42k.
So the point isn’t to nitpick Jim vs cam fame, the point is ….how was it even close. If I fight Floyd and he barely beats me in 12, ngga i won
So when you say ‘act like Jim leveled up on cam’, he did. In no scenario should Jim and cam be equals but it happened and lasted for a minute until IIWII. Which is why even to this day Jim has more IG followers.