YepShe's also guilty of:
* Saying that Ahmaud Arbery was a criminal who had it coming
* Saying that Derrick Chauvin was unjustly convicted.
* Immediately responding to the Buffalo White Supremacist shootings by saying the media was failing to cover hate crimes against White people.
* Testifying before Congress that the "Southern Strategy" is a myth and Republicans have never tried to appeal to racists
* Claiming she's never experience racism in her life (even though she sued her own school for racist harassment when she was a teenager)
* Said Trump had never said anything offensive about Black people
* Said White Nationalism and hate crimes are not an issue but were just created by liberals to scare Black people
* Falsely claimed that the NRA was a civil rights group created to protect Black people from the KKK
* Defending Hitler and saying he would have been just fine if he had kept all his shyt internal and not started a war
* Said that Caribbeans are successful and African-Americans aren't because AA's are focused on meaningless shyt like Juneteenth
* Said, "Black Lives Matter is an intellectually lazy and dishonest position because police brutality has no impact on the Black community."
Yeah can't believe she thought she could criticize small hats on a small hat. PlatformEh, she knew with what she was saying this was inevitable. She wants to use this to further a persecution narrative.
Would y'all smash?
- Illegal immigration and how it effects the black community
- military industrial complex
- congress being control by lobbyists
- dem and rep fear mongering
- identity politics
- why is there an issue when we question the establishment?
- term limits for congress
- corruption in our government, from money laundering with proxy wars to stock markets. There only focus is growing their money
- issues with economic mobility
These are some of the topics she touched upon. So you believe its nonsense?
She can say 'everything was taken out of context' when people don't want to actually fact check her. She's an excellent orator but she lies and makes false arguments and most people are too lazy to check her or Google what she's saidThat Hitler quote was taken out of context so who's to say the others weren't? I watched her takes on Andrew Tate, her interview with him, the interview she did with the Rabbi and her interview with the breakfast club. Thats all I've seen of her. She kept mentioning how people love to take what she says out of context. And she brought evidence to show that they indeed did.
In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3]
You have videos of her saying these things?
She's also guilty of:
* Saying that Ahmaud Arbery was a criminal who had it coming
* Saying that Derrick Chauvin was unjustly convicted.
* Immediately responding to the Buffalo White Supremacist shootings by saying the media was failing to cover hate crimes against White people.
* Testifying before Congress that the "Southern Strategy" is a myth and Republicans have never tried to appeal to racists
* Claiming she's never experience racism in her life (even though she sued her own school for racist harassment when she was a teenager)
* Said Trump had never said anything offensive about Black people
* Said White Nationalism and hate crimes are not an issue but were just created by liberals to scare Black people
* Falsely claimed that the NRA was a civil rights group created to protect Black people from the KKK
* Defending Hitler and saying he would have been just fine if he had kept all his shyt internal and not started a war
* Said that Caribbeans are successful and African-Americans aren't because AA's are focused on meaningless shyt like Juneteenth
* Said, "Black Lives Matter is an intellectually lazy and dishonest position because police brutality has no impact on the Black community."
You want every one of them? I know you won't change your mind, if you're ignorant enough to still be defending and watching her right now.
Video where she not only doubles down and not only claims the case has nothing to do with race, but downplays lynching DURING JIM CROW!!!!
12M views · 140K likes | Was Ahmaud Arbery “just a jogger” who was “murdered for being black?” | By Candace Owens | Facebook
Was Ahmaud Arbery “just a jogger” who was “murdered for being black?”
Straight up says it was the "wrong verdict" right at the beginning of the video:
That was her ENTIRE response to the Buffalo shooting. Didn't say anything else except to deflect to a Black man.
Video in link:
Candace Owens Says She Never Experienced Racism…But A 2008 Discrimination Lawsuit Determined That Was A Lie - The Oklahoma Eagle By Veronica Wells Many of us watch Candace Owens and we know what she’s doing. She’s swaying with the wind, Rolling with the punches, chasing the platform and most importantly, the money. For years now, she’s alleged that President Obama race baited the country with
Trump praises controversial pundit Candace Owens as a 'very smart thinker'
Owens was thrust into the spotlight after defending neo-Nazis’ right to protest and calling police killings of black men trivial on TMZ with Kanye
Meet Kanye West’s Toxic Far-Right Consigliere
Candace Owens, a far-right vlogger and conspiracy theorist, has a new project even more questionable than her doxxing one: red-pilling Kanye
Video in link:
Candace Owens tells Congress white nationalism not a problem for minorities in US
Conservative commentator Candace Owens told a House committee on Friday that white supremacist-inspired crimes in the U.S. are not “impacting” minority communities, telling lawmakers th…
Candace Owens exposes only herself in her BLM documentary
In “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold,” the far-right media mogul sinks to new
I'm sure you'll try to nitpick to defend her, but everyone else can read for themselves. What do you think of this tweet?
Lol Ben Shapiro knows who Nick Fuentes is.Nick isn’t mainstream, and everyone expects Kanye to say off the wall things.
I'll watch the videos later.
Defend her? I don't follow her. I don't know much about her besides the couple interviews I saw.
I'll watch the videos later.
Defend her? I don't follow her. I don't know much about her besides the couple interviews I saw.
I'm not Jewish.You don't follow her but you watched her whole interview with some random toxic rabbi and then believed her excuse for the Hitler comments?
Are you Jewish?
You don't follow her but you watched her whole interview with some random toxic rabbi and then believed her excuse for the Hitler comments?
Are you Jewish?
Don’t forgot her comments towards George FloydShe's also guilty of:
* Saying that Ahmaud Arbery was a criminal who had it coming
* Saying that Derrick Chauvin was unjustly convicted.
* Immediately responding to the Buffalo White Supremacist shootings by saying the media was failing to cover hate crimes against White people.
* Testifying before Congress that the "Southern Strategy" is a myth and Republicans have never tried to appeal to racists
* Claiming she's never experience racism in her life (even though she sued her own school for racist harassment when she was a teenager)
* Said Trump had never said anything offensive about Black people
* Said White Nationalism and hate crimes are not an issue but were just created by liberals to scare Black people
* Falsely claimed that the NRA was a civil rights group created to protect Black people from the KKK
* Defending Hitler and saying he would have been just fine if he had kept all his shyt internal and not started a war
* Said that Caribbeans are successful and African-Americans aren't because AA's are focused on meaningless shyt like Juneteenth
* Said, "Black Lives Matter is an intellectually lazy and dishonest position because police brutality has no impact on the Black community."