"By Approaching, You Separate Yourself From 99.9% Of the Other Men On the Planet"

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Honestly women find men their interested in, approaching for the part depends on your looks and so forth. Better get ya weight up and make them approach you or eye fukk you.
Apr 3, 2014
Hmmm... now that i think about it:

Current Girlfriend: Cold Approach

Current side piece: Cold Approach

Ex girlfriend: Cold Approach

(mind you these were in bar/lounge settings... but a guy of my ethnicity doesn't eat offline due to stigmas of people from my race and i've never really been introduced to broads via networking cuz bytches are sheisty/deep down want me for themselves, even tho they already have a man. Dump concept i know, but its reality).

My last job i was working in a auto body shop, so the only women were customers (but don't get it twisted, i ate off that too, my boss never knew but it was great. Being the office manager in a business where women feel vulnerable was god status. And those followups where i would text the customer would turn into dates, frequently. Boy i miss that gig).

Law of leverages... it's a numbers game and you increase your odds by simply putting yourself out there. Trust me, i'm certain i've been rejected more than you guys cuz of my background, but i knew the uphill battle i was facing and only used that to my advantage as it made me more resilient; as a matter of fact, i thrive in adversity.

Now with social media and dating websites/apps, dudes don't go for what they want, just what's available to them/convenient.

That's why dude is saying that guys that go in and spitting game at strangers if methodically effective because women see it as a tool that exudes carnal desire/a manly trait.

If you get shut down, you get shut down. As a matter of fact, when you become as calloused and indifferent as i am aboot it... you develop an innate ability to decode a woman's behaviors and understand their body language heaps greater with experience. If she fukkin' with you, you can gauge in the first 10-15 seconds (the line between whether she's just being nice to not seem socially inept or rude vs. "i think this guy is attractive, let's see where he goes with this" becomes more easily to distinguish because she'll do things like twirl her hair, smile more... or ask you questions! I.e. want to stick around or initiate phone exchange/meeting up for coffee/drinks, etc.).

Women want to feel admired and attracted as well. It's up to the right guy to make her feel that way and most importantly, for her to reciprocate that.

Just don't come off too thirsty and aggressive. Assertiveness and being suave/calm and cool are so pivotal to manifesting her feels for you.

Bottom line, you just gotta step up to them and fine tune your game. Talk to everybody and it will get easier (im talking about the laundrymat attendant, the mailman, the grocery clerk, the bus driver, the construction sign signaler, the guy in the bumble-bee suit in front of the grauman's chinese theater. etc.).

Once you realize that attractive women are just regular specimens too (just ones you happen to want to have a romantic connection with)... it's all copasthetic.


Underrated post :ehh:


All Star
Jun 30, 2012
I remember listening to a Trey Songz interview once and the host goes

Interviewer: Trey you ever get rejected? :russ:

Trey: Yeah man all the time

Interviewer: Stop lying man :russ:

Trey: All the time man. What's so funny about that? Everyone gets rejected

Girls thirsting out here for Trey Songz, we can all admit he's a good looking man (heterosexually speaking). If that man as a big time celebrity gets rejected, wtf makes you think you don't?

I admit, I gotta cold approach more myself though lol:russ:


Sep 2, 2014
Funny, I thought of this thread when that one came up. I have gotten numbers and play with all manner of serious and goofball approaches in real life, often by accident.
Just hit it off with a chick and its natural to ask for digits. Online though? Not only does it feel weird, but I lose all the leverage that I have in real life. I lose all my charm.

I don't know how others do it, cause it feels ass backwards.


May 19, 2012
Yeah I once hit on this milf from Vegas she was like 40 n she was like yeah I would take ya home but you too much of a youngin' :bryan:......Older women or girls that got their heads straight sh!t is straight up fam :ohlawd:.....Most of the cats here their dixks don't get wet n jack off (a lot):huhldup:....cz when u r horny you aggressive you will approach whether ya like it or not:pachaha:.....Also to smash you still got remain aggressive n the chick gotta know if she ain't lettin' up she going to the bushes:pacspit:....(this was mistake I would talk to chicks n not close:snoop:)....my sh!t was never PUA but straight up I like talkin' to beautiful women...cats here talkin' about "botherin'" her so what fool she don't put food on your table so why care about her feelings !!These nikkas SOFT like Wet Toilet Paper!! :mindblown::aicmon:

It's part of it, if porn didn't exist most def this thread wouldn't either lol :pachaha: