Buzzfeed: families say male friends, family radicalized by misogynist, anti LGBT Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels, Fresh Fit podcast


Sep 18, 2015
Population is shrinking in rich countries. People don't get married, don't even date and don't have kids.
Because Women talk down to men and now Men are retreating in the internet. A population collapse is in progress in rich countires.
More eldery, less young and no kids is the recipie to disaster.
Men and Women should reconcile , disconnect rom their phone and het together.

Poor people dot it and will win. Either by coming to rich countires or by thriving in their own land.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
And I have no problem doing so, because I have experienced it. And that’s the tough thing about what many in our community are experiencing…

You can’t speak highly of men and love men and understand men if you haven’t truly been loved and nurtured by men. Like your dad, grandpa, uncles, etc. I am grown and it some ways probably still come off naive and younger than I am because I exist in this western world with the protection of Black men who conquered the system and ensured we’d never have to struggle.

I can’t speak badly about brehs because the brehs who aren’t on their shyt don’t step to me, because from a young age I was taught was is and isn’t acceptable 🤷🏾‍♀️

All men know when they have encountered a woman who wasn’t raised to have standards, and a lot of men will take advantage of that until they encounter the woman they want to actually commit to. <— That’s the trick many girls don’t learn because, unfortunately, many don’t have a dad a around to teach them the game. You don’t have to be the prettiest (although it definitely helps), and you don’t have to have the best body (although, again, it definitely helps). You do need to be a quality chick who knows how to relate to a quality dude. And at that point it’s not about finding “the one”; it’s really a game of numbers, compatibility and shared values.

But the point is it’s hard to see this side of masculinity if you haven’t experienced it.


Having good fathers/paternal figures is CRUCIAL, because it’s a man’s world. I know how good it can be, and how absolutely evil and dismal it can be BECAUSE I have men in my life who protect me and keep it 💯 about men, men’s desires, men’s duties and how bad the world is WITHOUT good men.


JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
she lost it when a male poster (Brolic Scholar) who she had a crush on posted his non black girlfriend.

she tried to shit on his girlfriend and Brolic said my gf looks better than you. She got even more incensed and made a Thread with her picture and Brolic’s gf pic with a poll attached thinking the coli brehs would come to her aid and vote her as better looking over the non bw girlfriend.

:no: she got Crushed in the polls and hasn’t recovered since. Brolic Scholar got banned for running a victory lap after his gf won in a Thread SHE created.
Where’s the lank to the OG thread? :feedme:

She really had a crush on BS or y’all just threw that in there?

I didn’t pay attention to all that but it was said he just started wilding out and had a whole breakdown that’s why he got banned. That wasn’t true?

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
who is worshipping white women? names?

any criticism about Black Women is shitting on them. After decades of black men ain’t shyt, talk shows, magazine articles, blogs, etc…

I stopped watching because he got too repetitive but Kevin Samuels was constantly telling men to work 60+hour weeks because these women do not respect you if you’re not bringing in dough…and the women callers co-signed that sentiment. He was always calling men bums, losers and unproductive but of course y’all don’t have a problem with that, it’s only when told y’all to lose weight and smile then all hell breaks loose.

Also, when KS was calling men, bum and losers, men would accept it and do better. Kevin told men don’t leave the house without taking a shower and wear cologne, Men listened. Dumbass women on the other hand was calling him names just cause he told them to be nice, have a personality and go tot hem gym. This lets you know women are delusional and are the problem.
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JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
This is weird can straight men stop dikk-policing other men. Who gives a fukk what someone’s preference is. If nikkas got nothing going on and view themselves as high-value man whatever(that’s their fukking problem).

I don’t understand why we can’t leave people with their crazy expectations/preference if it’s not harming anyone else.
As a high value man with low value tendencies, I concur :unimpressed:

If youre a man with Mentors or in-community role models you probably don't have a desire to go on to YouTube to find unvetted guys such as KS and Tate who's purpose is to entertain and generate revenue rather than educating and giving customized advice with context to an individual.

KS was a man with a show talking to mostly women about what High Value Men want with an audience of mostly men that will statisically never be high value.

Andrew Tate is a brute who believes that masculinity only comes one way, and any real elevation of women should be resisted and met with violence. No sane man would want their daughter dating a man like him.

What kind of man is taking a YouTuber's advice over their own Father, Mentor, or Community Role model. Especially those two.

Fathers raise your sons and they won't have a desire to take these guys seriously and emulate them.


I'm seeing alot of "BW are at fault" rhetoric in here.

At the end of the day if men are the Kings of our community we have to share some responsibility in why our communities are in disarray. Why are so many of our children being raised in one parent homes? Why are most of our children born out of wedlock? Why do many of us with children have children by multiple women without marriage? If youre a leader and partially responsible for that child you have to bare some responsibility.

If youre a man in our community blaming women as the primary reason for the state of our community you probably don't deserve the submissive woman you're probably desiring and you're no different than the women you complain about.
In all honesty, I very rarely see a true dead beat dad. Majority of dudes not actively playing a role in their child life is because the baby mama won’t allow them to and the courts are completely on her side. And the main thing that scares men from marriage is getting railroaded in divorce court which also favors women heavily.


Mar 11, 2022
As a high value man with low value tendencies, I concur :unimpressed:

In all honesty, I very rarely see a true dead beat dad. Majority of dudes not actively playing a role in their child life is because the baby mama won’t allow them to and the courts are completely on her side. And the main thing that scares men from marriage is getting railroaded in divorce court which also favors women heavily.
I think the point is, why are so many men ok with dropping their seed in women they don’t want to marry/live in the same household with? Why is it other races have more men having kids IN wedlock?

It’s the same reason we have more baby mamas: Black folks don’t value marriage. Men nor women. If women valued it, they’d be more careful about who impregnates them and make themselves available to men who are responsible and have proven to be good leaders who are dependable.

And if men valued it, they wouldn’t be ok with a woman birthing b*stard children for them, and would want children recognized in society that were born within wedlock because of the respect it would bring their children.

Both sexes have low/no values and that is passed through to the children.


President, (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
As a high value man with low value tendencies, I concur :unimpressed:

In all honesty, I very rarely see a true dead beat dad. Majority of dudes not actively playing a role in their child life is because the baby mama won’t allow them to and the courts are completely on her side. And the main thing that scares men from marriage is getting railroaded in divorce court which also favors women heavily.

Are you serious? If I had to dig Johnny Cochran out of his grave and reanimated him to see my children I would. Bish could move to Antarctica and I'll be on a boat to come get them 6 months later. There is nothing a woman could do that could keep me from my children. Most men dont have that whatever-it-takes attitude to see their children and thus deadbeats aren't in their children's lives is by choice.

As for divorce court, most men in our community are clearly statistically okay being a baby daddy seeing as 70+% of children in our community are born out of wedlock. Most men in our community don't make enough money statisically (42k) to for a woman to get a judgement for divorce. That's a cop out that doesn't apply to most of our community

If you dont want a stable two parent home for your children just say that.
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Mar 11, 2022
Are you serious? If I had to dig Johnny Cochran out of his grave and reanimated him to see my children I would. Bish could move to Antarctica and I'll be on a boat to come get them 6 months later. There is nothing a woman could do that could keep me from my children. Most men dont have that whatever-it-takes attitude to see their children and thus deadbeats aren't in their children's lives is by choice.

As for divorce court, most men in our community are clearly statistically okay being a baby daddy seeing as 70+% of children in our community are born out of wedlock. Most men in our community don't make enough money statisically (42k) to for a woman to get a judgement for divorce. That's a cop out that doesn't apply to most of our community

If you dont want a stable two parent home for your children just say that.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Bruh, you fo real??
Manosphere Youtuber: Remember Guys! Brush your teeth, take showers and make sure you get a haircut at least every 2 weeks. Don't worry about women too much until you are financially secure. Don't date single mother's either.


Manosphere Youtuber: If you really wanted to thank me why don't you just donate :jbhmm:

Coli Breh: Here's 100$ G, It ain't much but Mcdonalds not paying me that well. Your video's inspired me to go back to School and I'm trying to get certified in- :gladbron:

Manosphere Youtuber: Hold on, I don't give extra game for free. Your going to have to book a private session with me, If you want to be a High Value Man :dame:

Coli Breh: Your rate's hella expensive. :mjcry: It's going to take me at least 2 weeks to save up but I know it'll be worth it.

Manosphere Youtuber: Sucker ass nikka :mjlol:


Mar 11, 2022
I guess you didn't think two steps past "go", huh?

Its not bad advice at all. She's not saying BE Lori Harvey. What she is saying is keep her private life as private as possible and don't wear every piece of your heart on your sleeve. Like Lori Harvey did in the beginning.
Just saw this. Thank you for understanding and explaining. I thought I was clear lol