20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
nikkas learn this information and be staring at women like pac was staring at Q in the elevator on juice. The point of learning this information isn’t to learn to hate all women and look at them as trash, it’s just to critically thinkMy little cousin became radicalized
Got hooked on Tom Leykis, Kevin Samuels, Andrew Tate, Tariq Nasheed, and is a Both Sides Trump Supporter Republican. And we’re black. It’s sad to see. Has never had a girlfriend. It’s like talking to a brick wall. I peeped what he was doing when he started saying things IRL that only these online gurus would sayHe doesn’t want to listen to me after I got with him for being disrespectful to some of the female relatives in our family. He don’t understand that even if half of what Kevin Samuels or Andrew Tate was saying was true, when you stew on this stuff, it makes you bitter and hateful. That’s why this stuff is dangerous for young men (21 and younger) because they don’t have the maturity to not let something radicalize them.
Don’t let a woman my worth you to death
You are just as valuable
p*ssy is not a bargaining chip
It reminds me of when we were in nero and the professor was like you learned a lot of intricate stuff, but don’t forget major themes and understanding, it’s like cats forget it’s the real world after learning this stuff and be ready to just vomit on mofos all these stats and information
I say all that to say someone has to pick up the torch and create a bridge to actually utilizing all the info KS and the Gawd Patrice dropped