Buzzfeed: families say male friends, family radicalized by misogynist, anti LGBT Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels, Fresh Fit podcast

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I’m a lifelong winner and nah the manosphere stuff is needed, a lot of you women are damaged, prostitutes, and predators now in this modern age.

Like a lot of women turn evil after getting dogged out enough, and more women getting dogged out than ever before right now.

I said this 5 years ago, we’re in the ugly phase

Like I respect it, women are one hundred percent better finessers than men, evolution made y’all that way. God warned us, but a lot of dudes don’t listen.

Gen Z is all the way with the shyts. They getting more info than ever on how to handle these women and seeking credible info online, the info that many elders of Gen X refuse to pass down. You gotta give game away for free to combat the SIMPING EPIDEMIC

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
nah sis this aint it. :francis: I was gonna respond to your earlier comment about the manosphere being detrimental but I now see that there's no point. (general)

I hope this kind of talk brings u some sort of joy. But talking down on black men in any general fashion is white supremacist behavior point blank period. I don't care what we've done.

Where is @Nicole0416_718_929_646212 to dogwalk this stripper bytch, yet again???

Black male bashing is a white supremacist activity and a distraction to this thread topic, in general.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
So basically they want them to go back to being simps and doormats. Gotcha.

Not gonna happen again. The Pandemic, the rise of Drill Music, and the internet age done radicalized Gen Z males to never be anything like a Drake. Basically, we about to reach the point of no return.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
We've had 2+ decades of corporate interest playing up lazy being demonized with women being treated like they can do no wrong.

You have a generation of boys & men who are expected to be men when it serves women's interests (e.g., being providers, protectors) but who are demonized if they have any expectations of women. You still need to be 6', 6-figures, 6-pack while women can be fat, alcoholic messes and still get coddled.

Seeing what happens when women run the dating market unchecked makes me understand why patriarchy is a thing. Having women in their early-to-mid-20s responsible for mate pairing is just a social disaster. I'm not sure how anyone can say otherwise.

Men (on the whole) need counterparts and having a huge chunk of women all thinking and acting like they deserve the top 5-10% of men just for having a vagina destabilizes all of society in a huge way. As does having the same women whore themselves out for those same men. 8 women having the same baby daddy is the extreme of what happens when women are allowed to run the market unfettered.

If you don't pull a good woman early (which is hard to do anyway) it's a wrap. You might have dating success or success w/ casual sex, but in terms of settling down with a woman with anything approaching a traditional past & skillset, it's basically over.

My boy almost got seriously involved with a woman who was a Sugar Baby (basically, an escort). Found out a few months in that ole girl had an account on a Sugar Baby site. He put me on game...advised getting an anonymous profile on Seeking Arrangement to screen who you're talking to. I've seen multiple women I've matched with on the dating apps on there. Brehs are about to wife literal whores out here.

It's bad, and I think society's not going to course-correct away from lazy feminism soon enough to not have women's accountability be a trojan horse for right-wing politics.

All this did was make Gen Z strive for advice to no to simp and stop conforming to society's expectations.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
But that is how modern journalism works. Take the most extreme elements of a group whether it's rainbow hair colored Fred Flintstone looking women talking about you're anti LGBTQ because you've voiced discomfort at pre-pubescent children being exposed to sexual content of any kind, or whether it's men justifying domestic violence. You take those elements, imply that represents the entire group and then wait for rebuttals that you can respond to with more examples of extremists. The goal is to use the extremists to represent the group. This is how you get clicks and advertising dollars now.

The article won't talk about how men end up in these spaces because of female caused trauma. They won't ask the men "what happened to you ?" Because that will complicate the narrative they're trying to sell.

When a man is cheated on, he seeks emotional relief and answers.

When a man is rejected time and time again, each time like clockwork being given vague, demonstrably false or no reasoning he seeks emotional relief and answers.

When a woman files for divorce from her husband without any attempts to resolve things with him, and destroys his finances and takes away his children. He seeks emotional relief and answers.

These men come to the manosphere seeking answers to what are age old questions at this point

"Why does the woman I'm talking to simultaneously complain about how boorish and frustrating her man is yet continues to stay with him?

"Why is it that I was told to be an active listener, empathetic and responsive to women's needs but a guy who is the total opposite is getting attention from women but I'm not?"

"Why do women say they want X features in a man but continue to choose men that don't have those features"

"Why did she cheat on me?"

"Why am I invisible to women and can't get any dates?"

"Why did she ghost me?"

When most women are confronted with these questions they literally can't empathize with the men in those scenarios. Women don't know what it's like to get railroaded in family court. Most women don't know what it's like to be told all their good qualities and still be confusingly rejected by a person who they thought had interest in them. Most women won't know the humiliation of their awkwardness being branded as "creepy". Most women won't know what it's like to listen to a man complain about a certain type of woman but then continuously choose her even when given the exact thing they're looking for. Most women won't have the experience of being told everything they know about the opposite sex from their parent of the same sex only to watch how all of what they were taught resulted in them just being humiliated, overlooked, and preyed upon.

They don't live the life men do, and they're fed content continuously that demonizes men whilst also setting unrealistic and contradictory standards for what men should look like, sound like, and live like. The manosphere responds to these questions in a way that seems to make sense to these men.

You ask "why was I cheated on?" The manosphere responds: your mannerisms were too meek, you weren't dominant enough and your girl ran into the arms of an alpha male. Here's how you can stop that

You ask "why can't I get dates? My female relatives and friends tell me I'm such a great guy and any woman would be lucky to be with me, so why don't any women want to?" The manosphere responds : you're too short, fat, and frankly you're ugly. They just don't want to tell you that, because you're a soft beta male and they want to spare your feelings. Here's what you need to do...

You ask "why did she ghost me?" The manosphere responds: a better looking, wealthier and frankly more interesting man showed up. These women are never satisfied with one man, they always need to trade up. You need to spin plates. What does that mean? I'll explain...

"Why did she divorce me?" You ask
"Because family court prioritizes women and children so there's a financial benefit to be earned by divorcing a man. Here's what you can do to avoid that next time" says the manosphere.

In each instance the manosphere accepts a man's anger which is coming from a place of hurt, tells him he's justified for that anger, offers him a reason, then prescribes him a solution. Men's minds don't work like women where we want to talk about our feelings on the subject and that's enough. Men don't complain to vent or just be heard, they complain looking for solutions. Women are utterly unprepared to support these men who've failed to meet relationship goals despite being raised in feminized spaces. They've got nothing for these men beyond platitudes or encouraging greater sympathy and understanding for women. Even if the conclusions that manosphere gurus come to women aren't based on reliable science or objective facts, it sounds logical and realistic enough that men hearing these explanations feel satisfied. Women don't even have rational sounding explanations to answer these questions so they're in Juelz mode when men ask and at best they're unhelpful and at worst, men feel like their experience is being invalidated and the woman he's seeking support from is gaslighting him

And how could they have answers? They've never lived men's experiences and they've been told that 90%of men are trash anyway so what dialogue is there even to be had? Articles like this are exploitative because they're not actually interested in improving the wellbeing of men. Their goal is to sell ads and subscriptions. The very real pain some of these interviewees are going through is just another slice of content. They're being exploited under the guise of some kind of activism.


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Agree with all this but its been 5 + decades.. People are just catching on because Social Media is too tempting of a trap for women not to broadcast their fukkery anymore. We have more men try to deny these things and keep other men disillusioned but while they are tryna pedestalize and simp distract, women go on social media and show for the world to see so there is no denying it because it is their voice and image direct.

Men will always get pushback from everyone because the majority are needed to be the mules of society. You need to fall for the illusions because you are needed to but flowers, gifts, worthless diamonds, over priced trinkets, bigger houses, more cars, trips, etc. You will even have men touting stupidity like married men make more money while omitting THEY HAVE TO because as a mule you are beaten to keep working while a dude who isnt or controls his household spending doesnt have to work as much of course big companies come up with these studies because they know attached men can be controlled by their purse strings.

The illusion must be kept up because everyone benefits from it. If a man is informed on whats really going on out here, he will move different and in his best interest. They want men with the simp chip to bend over backwards for everyone else, to set themselves on fire to keep everyone else warm. Will be interesting to see this play out, pendulum has just started to swing it seems.

IT ALREADY IS. Gen Z is already not tolerating that simping and catering shyt at all. That is why a lot of jobs and a lot of basic dating shyt is upside down in 2022 because they already are Red-Pill'd and refusing to be a puppet.


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
Sorry this is so long- I’ve been sitting here with my family for the evening and never closed the window. My uncle is making me sample some Hennessy White, so I’ve been sitting here typing lol

My fam is pretty traditional and I’m actually sitting here with them now for Sunday dinner (well, dinner is over and folks have splintered into different rooms to watch various NFL games)…

But I’ll definitely share my thoughts… main thing I will say is that you are ahead of the game because you come from a nice background.
Pay very close attention to the guys who are interested in you and their backgrounds. You have the opportunity to connect with young guys who come from similar families who were already taught what you were taught about relationship dynamics, family, etc.

1. Carry yourself like a lady at all times. That will open many doors and attract a lot of guys. Then you will be able to choose between suitors. This is when you separate the gentleman who come from a background like yours from the other guys who won’t understand traditional roles or try to convince you not to expect a traditional guy.

2. Be very observant of how a man treats not only you, but other people. Waitstaff at restaurants, strangers, family & friends. If he is selfish, cold, backstabbing, etc he WILL eventually turn those behaviors on you too. Some girls think it’s cute when someone is tough/mean to everyone else, but nice to them. Not the case.

Is he the kind of guy who leads? Does he help other people study? Take charge at work? Goal oriented? Does he accomplish those goals? Does he keep his commitments with you?

3. “Male Identified”— So, there is such a thing. If you are literally putting the thoughts, perspectives, needs of men AHEAD of yours/women’s at all times, to the detriment of your own sex: yes, you are male identified. These are the women who encourage men to play the field and run through women, as if those women don’t have feelings. These are the women who think other women “deserve it” when they are abused, r*ped, etc. These are the women who usually are not very attractive (lol) so they have no idea what it’s like to actually be desired by many men and understand the challenge of navigating that experience. They usually hate on the attractive girls.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with understanding the perspective of the opposite sex. If you are heterosexual (and SMART), you should want to understand and relate to the opposite sex. This is where having some game comes in. You can attract men all day everyday, but you can’t expect to keep a man (especially a quality dude) around if you can’t relate to him.

A smart woman understands that she needs to know how to relate to men, just like a smart man understands that he can’t be a complete hard-ass or weirdo in the presence of women and expect women with options to stick around for maltreatment.

Some of the women screaming “male identified” didn’t grow up in healthy environments so they don’t understand that men and women need to relate to each other, enjoy being around each other, and do things for each other.

The young girls in my family learn to cook/bake from scratch, have no issue making their father/grandfather’s favorite meal or dessert, etc. My generation is grown, so we have no issue taking ppl to doctor visits, visiting and helping to pack/store things, hosting family dinner, etc.
Some men hear that and get excited and think that’s where it stops.

No. See, we do these things because our family is an actual patriarchy.

-If you need help with rent or mortgage payments? Then men got it covered.
-Repairs in your house? The men will contact a contractor they know, or will schedule someone knew and be present for the Appt.
-Furniture delivery? Cable guy coming through? Coordinate with the men because as a lady, you aren’t supposed to be alone with a strange man.
-Family emergency? Someone is catching a flight next day to be there to figure it out.
-Your dad passed away? No prob- one of the uncles will move you into/out of your dorm every year until you graduate.

So when you encounter a young guy in college who reminds you of what I wrote above? Fukk yea that’s the kind of guy you go all out for. Everyone doesn’t deserve your love and nurturing. It’s special and shouldn’t be shared with many men.

While you’re young and cute you, this is the time to present yourself well, and truly observe who is approaching you.

4. Guard your reputation! So no sleeping around with a bunch of dudes. Don’t give anyone any ammunition. It’s better to be seen as a bit mysterious than too friendly and welcoming and open to everyone who shows interest. Think Lori Harvey without all the media attention. People knew she was pretty and came from a wealthy family, but that’s it. Lol Most people didn’t know what her voice sounded like. If she were just a random pretty girl in her city with a low profile, she would have every dude clamoring for her because no one would know her dating life. That’s how you want to move. Everyone doesn’t need to have access to you, your personal life, etc.

This was gospel. I was going to call you breh then noticed you name. Are you a woman? If so, you have no idea how strange it is to see a woman write so on point about all of this & spotlight the honorable, good side of masculinity.


Feb 16, 2017
Yeah IDK how you beat this

Young men/men literally are lost. Don't know how to function in the real world anymore
It's called expereience You know when boys made mistakes then reeled it in as they aged without it being some fake ass moral panic.

Ten Years from now No one will be talking about Andrew Tate Fresh n Fit or KS.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Where is @Nicole0416_718_929_646212 to dogwalk this stripper bytch, yet again???

Black male bashing is a white supremacist activity and a distraction to this thread topic, in general.
Don’t worry. Im going to get at her. Unfortunately work and personal responsibilities take precedence so it’s a matter of time for me but trust me- been noticed her phase over the past few days and that bytch will get addressed. I see this bytch is trying to get me back in my 2019 not giving a fuk about the fallout when shyt got real for those who were forced into not posting here anymore. No I have a few options in the mix for that disrespectful fake locs, five headed baldheaded hairline bbl smut bytch
Reject Butch looking bustdown babbler been mad at y’all for 4 years since @Brolich Scholar said that she was too ugly to fuk and wasn’t worth the price of a dyck down. Reduced her already reduced reputation to shyt. Been reserving intel on that bytch. Dumb whore snakes out the woodwork when new posters join to pop off and show out like; I guess they need an education into her history, she needs to be reminded of why she was shut the fuk up the last time she tried this shyt - the reprisal of 2019 continues. I guess the failed sexcort isn’t living as happily ever after as she evisioned. Isn’t she like 40 years old now?? Did she think we forgot??
bytching will be running to the mods again

:mjlol: :beli:
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2012
It's called expereience You know when boys made mistakes then reeled it in as they aged without it being some fake ass moral panic.

Ten Years from now No one will be talking about Andrew Tate Fresh n Fit or KS.
I don’t think so I think these folks are on to something that will continue to grow as the gap widens between those who can and those who can’t. The manosphere will be huge. Especially if a place like rumble can find some consistent funding and folks go there.

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
she lost it when a male poster (Brolic Scholar) who she had a crush on posted his non black girlfriend.

she tried to shit on his girlfriend and Brolic said my gf looks better than you. She got even more incensed and made a Thread with her picture and Brolic’s gf pic with a poll attached thinking the coli brehs would come to her aid and vote her as better looking over the non bw girlfriend.

:no: she got Crushed in the polls and hasn’t recovered since. Brolic Scholar got banned for running a victory lap after his gf won in a Thread SHE created.
Oh I want to see this fukkery. :whoo:

Lord Bison

Mar 21, 2017
IT ALREADY IS. Gen Z is already not tolerating that simping and catering shyt at all. That is why a lot of jobs and a lot of basic dating shyt is upside down in 2022 because they already are Red-Pill'd and refusing to be a puppet.

As an older millennial breh, this is quite surprising to see. I didn't think we would see the simping end this fast. But I'm proud of these young brehs for not putting up with the bullshyt.

We had to endure a whole decade of Keith Sweat and other 90s R&B simping to get down to the truth.

These gen-z brehs have amazed me how in tune to the games that women play at a very young age. I wish I knew what they know now at 15. Would have saved me a lot of pain lol


May 3, 2012


Extensive Enterprises
Aug 29, 2018
Elizabeth, NJ by way of East Orange
I'll just say this because I don't feel like writing a lot. I don't subscribe to much of what the manosphere says. They do tell truths, and some of what they say about women is true. What they've done is give many men the talks they should have had, when they were younger, on how to deal with women and to get a woman, and that being nice is not enough. Women should have listened when many of these dudes were looking for constructive advice and help.