Buzzfeed: families say male friends, family radicalized by misogynist, anti LGBT Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels, Fresh Fit podcast

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
I'll just say this because I don't feel like writing a lot. I don't subscribe to much of what the manosphere says. They do tell truths, and some of what they say about women is true. What they've done is give many men the talks they should have had, when they were younger, on how to deal with women and to get a woman, and that being nice is not enough. Women should have listened when many of these dudes were looking for constructive advice and help.
There's a gap that these guys are filling. Kids aren't growing up seeing their fathers regularly, they aren't growing up spending time around mentors who can teach them how to process their emotions or articulate their needs. A woman can't teach a boy how to be a man. They don't like hearing it, but it's the truth. What we see now with our last few crop of men is the result of kids growing up without healthy male role models, and are frustrated by the simp tactics their mothers and female teachers passed onto them. They created the exact kind of needy, pleasing men that they're disgusted by. I think the manosphere has a LOT of problems, but it's all these guys have. It's the only place where they can get actionable advice.


Mar 11, 2022
This was gospel. I was going to call you breh then noticed you name. Are you a woman? If so, you have no idea how strange it is to see a woman write so on point about all of this & spotlight the honorable, good side of masculinity.
Yep; I’m a woman.

Thank you 😊
And I have no problem doing so, because I have experienced it. And that’s the tough thing about what many in our community are experiencing…

You can’t speak highly of men and love men and understand men if you haven’t truly been loved and nurtured by men. Like your dad, grandpa, uncles, etc. I am grown and it some ways probably still come off naive and younger than I am because I exist in this western world with the protection of Black men who conquered the system and ensured we’d never have to struggle.

I can’t speak badly about brehs because the brehs who aren’t on their shyt don’t step to me, because from a young age I was taught was is and isn’t acceptable 🤷🏾‍♀️

All men know when they have encountered a woman who wasn’t raised to have standards, and a lot of men will take advantage of that until they encounter the woman they want to actually commit to. <— That’s the trick many girls don’t learn because, unfortunately, many don’t have a dad a around to teach them the game. You don’t have to be the prettiest (although it definitely helps), and you don’t have to have the best body (although, again, it definitely helps). You do need to be a quality chick who knows how to relate to a quality dude. And at that point it’s not about finding “the one”; it’s really a game of numbers, compatibility and shared values.

And then some will still cheat with those other women after they are married anyway (but that’s another story for another day lol).

But the point is it’s hard to see this side of masculinity if you haven’t experienced it.

I watch my little cousin with her dad (there are more men than women in my family) and it’s a joy to see how close they are. He’s an amazing man and I know she will run to him for guidance before anyone else, which will include dating one day. But she’s surrounded by uncles, grandpas, older cousins, etc. She has lots of healthy male relationships which will serve as reference points when she’s making friends and dating.

Having good fathers/paternal figures is CRUCIAL, because it’s a man’s world. I know how good it can be, and how absolutely evil and dismal it can be BECAUSE I have men in my life who protect me and keep it 💯 about men, men’s desires, men’s duties and how bad the world is WITHOUT good men.

That’s why I kind of laugh and don’t get phased by much of this stuff. DEFINITELY some ain’t shyt dudes out here. Definitely. But you can say the same for women. If you have the right people guiding you, you will probably spot out who is trash and move around without getting hurt.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
big cookies. Small cookies. All cookies. Cookie cookie. I Cookie Monster.

You really Hate when you see Black Men of Gen Z not simping and tricking any longer.... :sas2:

Those days of "my p*ssy controls everything of value" is now over. Only old dudes will tolerate that old paradigm BS.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
:russ: This shyt is funny because we get a DIRECT EXACT example of what @Scustin Bieburr (just wanted to quote because it really deserve its own thread it was well written) just stated earlier in same exact thread. If a man gets put in a position and is trying to get better understanding, for all its warts and misgivings those men spaces seem to be the only ones available that even try to give some type of solutions, have seen some videos on youtube even mention the same when they do take downs of "manosphere" content that they have no alternative to point men to.

Not calling you out @CarmelBarbie as I have full understanding that you cant relate or empathize and laugh at end at the plight of whatever a man might be going thru, just pointing it out for other brothers who might be reading thru this thread and tryna have simps shame them back on a plantation but the cracks of illusion are starting to show.

Nah, Kevin Samuels done ripped the simping paradigm to shreds.

The Manosphere is here to stay, because no longer are women and simp dudes have the power to shame men that want to truly understand and participate successfuly in this dysfunctional environment of superficial values and images.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
You really Hate when you see Black Men of Gen Z not simping and tricking any longer.... :sas2:

Those days of "my p*ssy controls everything of value" is now over. Only old dudes will tolerate that old paradigm BS.
Huh? Lol. Now how did you draw that conclusion from Cookie Monster wanting cookies?

Why would I care about Gen Z not simping or tricking lol? It has no impact on my life Breh lol that affects Gen z girls. I do have a son but I’m not concerned about any of this being an issue for him either when he gets of age.

I’ll let you in on something though, majority of the time I’m trolling and just saying shyt to trigger y’all and get under your skin, because I know how much this topic means to y’all. I mean look how long this thread is. :dead:Y’all just can talk about this shyt forever man… and I just be done. I start getting annoyed tbh. I truly wish y’all well though on everything.
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Feb 25, 2013
Which I agree with that a men shouldn't be chasing women and focus on building which some manosphere nikkaz are good for encouraging. Where it gets toxic is when you here them fresh and fit nikkas say they don't date black chicks or don't fukk with single moms and shyt. As a man you can have your views and shyt but when you express them openly to the public and it's a different perspective then your going to get criticism. At the end of the day it's where do you stand as a man. Some of these nikkaz outchea are warping the template there's away to be masucline without saying much. You got nikkaz with no pot to piss in talking like they on some high value man shyt.

This is weird can straight men stop dikk-policing other men. Who gives a fukk what someone’s preference is. If nikkas got nothing going on and view themselves as high-value man whatever(that’s their fukking problem).

I don’t understand why we can’t leave people with their crazy expectations/preference if it’s not harming anyone else.


President, (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
If youre a man with Mentors or in-community role models you probably don't have a desire to go on to YouTube to find unvetted guys such as KS and Tate who's purpose is to entertain and generate revenue rather than educating and giving customized advice with context to an individual.

KS was a man with a show talking to mostly women about what High Value Men want with an audience of mostly men that will statisically never be high value.

Andrew Tate is a brute who believes that masculinity only comes one way, and any real elevation of women should be resisted and met with violence. No sane man would want their daughter dating a man like him.

What kind of man is taking a YouTuber's advice over their own Father, Mentor, or Community Role model. Especially those two.

Fathers raise your sons and they won't have a desire to take these guys seriously and emulate them.


I'm seeing alot of "BW are at fault" rhetoric in here.

At the end of the day if men are the Kings of our community we have to share some responsibility in why our communities are in disarray. Why are so many of our children being raised in one parent homes? Why are most of our children born out of wedlock? Why do many of us with children have children by multiple women without marriage? If youre a leader and partially responsible for that child you have to bare some responsibility.

If youre a man in our community blaming women as the primary reason for the state of our community you probably don't deserve the submissive woman you're probably desiring and you're no different than the women you complain about.
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Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
Huh? Lol. Now how did you draw that conclusion from Cookie Monster wanting cookies?

Why would I care about Gen Z not simping or tricking lol? It has no impact on my life Breh lol that affects Gen z girls. I do have a son but I’m not concerned about any of this being an issue for him either when he gets of age.

I’ll let you in on something though, majority of the time I’m trolling and just saying shyt to trigger y’all and get under your skin, because I know how much this topic means to y’all. I mean look how long this thread is. :dead:Y’all just can talk about this shyt forever man… and I just be done. I start getting annoyed tbh. I truly wish y’all well though on everything.

Genuine questions for you as someone raising a son right now...
  • Can you say more about why you're not concerned about this for him?
  • Assuming he's heterosexual, what advice would you give him for how to attract and how to choose women?