Britney Griner Appears In Court Facing 10 Years In Russian Prison For Cannabis Possession

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Bro they not thinking logically. They think she had NO weed anywhere on her and they just planted it on there from the flight to the baggage claim… and then nobody from her to her lawyer to her wife to her friends to her supporters to the us govt, not a single person has said the words….

“She’s innocent”

Not a single one

It's because people let emotion override logic. They think it's fukked up for her to be facing what she's facing over weed (which I agree with, of course) but fail to place the personal responsibility on her for her actions, and therefore have to come up with stuff like "It was planted!", "It's because she's black!" etc. etc.

If anything positive can come out of this, hopefully it prevents just one hardheaded person from trying to bring drugs into countries that have harsh penalties.


Oct 10, 2017
I don’t wanna say it but If trump was in office she’d be back at home rolling blunts and eating p*ssy by now

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
That's how a court of law works lol, not an individual's right to have an opinion on a case. It's like if someone is caught on video murdering 3 people and you say that people are supposed to say "innocent until proven guilty, right? Right??". No, they still get their day in court but I'm going to go ahead and think they're guilty. In this case, I haven't seen anything to suggest there is some nefarious scheme by Russia to lock up an American celebrity for 10 years for absolutely no reason. If that's proven to be the case in court, then so be it. Until then, as is my right, I'm going to have my opinion on it.

Because when facing potentially 10 years in a Russian jail, of course she's going to say yup I did it.

Griner has been going to Russia for years without incident. Unless some hard evidence comes out to say that she didn't, then I have no reason to believe that she wasn't indeed caught with it there. I know, as what happens every time an American is detained abroad, people will go the "they're just trying to set up an American! And a black American at that!!" route, but sometimes people just do dumb things and have to suffer the repercussions for them. I find that to be the simpler explanation more than some grand Russian scheme to set up an American celebrity for...reasons.

The legal burden of proof is on the prosecution, which is why I had to remind you that people are innocent until PROVEN guilty, right? Right???!!!!!!???? Quote it as many times as you need to, so that you can get what the fukk it means. You don't understand how the system of law works. Just because someone is arrested doesn't mean they're guilty. You haven't seen any evidence proving she committed a crime. Having your day in court is meaningless if the public allows the court to carry out injustice. The cops that beat up Rodney King had their day in court. They got off scot free. Your assumption of her guilt without any proof is completely backwards and suspect.
And then you guys keep comparing what she allegedly did to way more serious crimes caught on 4k. Talk about juelzing.

By the way, Russia has a history of locking Americans up on bogus charges. American freed after 2 years in a Russian jail on dubious drug charges, still in limbo in Moscow

Yet, you have complete faith in Russia, assumption of her guilt without proof, and a complete misunderstanding of who the burden of proof falls on.

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
Bro they not thinking logically. They think she had NO weed anywhere on her and they just planted it on there from the flight to the baggage claim… and then nobody from her to her lawyer to her wife to her friends to her supporters to the us govt, not a single person has said the words….

“She’s innocent”

Not a single one

Russia has a history of locking Americans up on bogus charges American freed after 2 years in a Russian jail on dubious drug charges, still in limbo in Moscow

Plus the US said she has been illegally detained. U.S. now considers Griner 'wrongfully detained'

It would be illogical to assume guilt without proof. The burden of proof is on Russia.

Why would she be speaking at all when she's got a lawyer? You don't have to say "I'm innocent" to be innocent. You guys are bending over backwards at this point to say she's guilty.


May 1, 2012

It’s why I don’t feel sorry for her. Each time I went overseas I always understood that I am on their home court. I did not fukk around.

When I was in the navy a breh we knew got locked up in Turkey ( partially my fault :unsure: ). That shyt was nothing fukking nice at all.

when you don't travel and know better, you learn the hard way. These other countries don't fukkin play.

Like 90% of the world treats weed like you moving heroin and coke. And you black AND you American?


I do hope they get her out of there, but let this be a lesson too. You can't get away with the shyt you can in America in other spots. It wouldn't even shock me if this wasn't the first time she packed it with her, but they didn't care before.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
You know putin poisoned his presential opponet and his daughter rather publically :comeon:. You think he cares about laws and protocol. He said lock her up and she got locked.
So she left NYC with no weed, landed in Russia, they planted the weed on her and put the bags back, she gets the bags and there’s weed in there…..

And nobody ever mentions this from her side? Not once? That’s never brought up as apart of the reason to let her out. You know, because she’s completely innocent


Let me tell you a more likely story. She does this all the time. Like brehs in this thread. And she definitely feel safe being a celeb, they probably never get bags checked and she ain’t been getting them checked. You think she ain’t in Russian clubs smoking and it’s not known. Of course

But it’s still illegal. So Putin says search her shyt, I bet she holding. And she was.

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
They have dogs in the airport at baggage claim too.

But that’s beyond the point. You are trying to say the fact that y’all are getting away with something illegal means you’re allowed to do it. You’re not. And if caught, you’ll face charges. You even said so yourself.

This is like me saying “I murdered 3 people and nobody ever caught me so it’s all good fam!! You can murder and not even worry about them bullshyt charges”

Nah. And the charges are higher IF YOU TRAFFIC OVER STATE LINES… which is why I said if he got caught AT HIS HOME STATE.

Y’all want the govt to get involved more but they know she’s guilty of international smuggling of marijuana as she was caught smuggling it from the US to Russia. It’s not really a hard argument to make. It’s clear as day
Dogs are for explosives not drugs