Brennan Clay: Demarco Murray been banging out my Wife (update: arrested for beating his PAWG)


Jul 5, 2012
Some of Yall have serious problems. Like serious complex issues and generalizations. Black women this, white women that. Why don't you guys just admit directly that you've been scorned by certain women or read too much sports TMZ. I don't know adults with common sense who talk like half of you in here, its certainly not how adults talk about women. Type of shyt I worried about when I was 17, just spend your life dealing with people who have integrity on a individual basis

we ain't all start off on sohh....i'm sure a bunch of teens are postin and getting they start now.

I first posted on sohh when i was 15 cause i was researching the jay-z and nas beef...... and i'm in my late 20's now


Hallowed Be Thy Game
Jan 9, 2014
White groupie hoes are not any better to get married to better all the time, some of them are just as scandalous as a black ghetto chick. So the same reason why she fukked some next NFL nikka on you is the same reason she cheated,she love the black dikk.


Apr 30, 2014
Dude just checked the twitter like....


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
See I think this is where the problem lies also, demographically and geographical. You said you grew up in Minnesota, New York and Oklahoma are as different as Texas and Atlanta. Even on a city or county level there's widely different micro-macro social ecological systems in place. While me walking down a busy street in Soho with a Caucasian female may create virtually no disquiet, I know there's places in Alabama where a group of white men might pay me a visit later that evening over it. For this reason not many white or black families are willing to take that risk in some places, which limits exposure and opportunities in interracial dating. These are cultural affects, influenced by nationality, ethnicity background, heritage.

Now, character traits are universal, a hoe is gonna be hoe whether she's from Beijing, Sydney, Cameroon or Kingston. Whether she's from the Early Bronze Age, or a millennial. Most of the time, black Americans come from a vastly different background than most white Americans. White people do hold different sexual values. So "Cindy" may sleep with "Marcus", but "Chad" may be into "cuckolding". He may not value his wife the way "Marcus" would. "Cindy" may have been raised in a strict household and get to college and be featured on "Girls Gone Wild". "Marcus" may have grew up in a black church and searching for someone to "bring home to mama". Just like black American women treat men differently than Afro-Caribbean women. There's different values. Caribbean women take pride in femininity, when black American women through generational influence view their sexuality and femininity through two different scopes. She will strip to pay for college, maintain a rotation of sugar daddies and Instagram tricks, then push her Mercedes to a club with her girls and believe she's an accomplished "independent woman". Some authentic black American independent women will hold a PhD in Anthropology or American History and will look a black man right in his eye and tell him "You went to Howard? That's nice but I don't date thugs", and bop down the street with Williamsburg 37 year old skateboarding white guy that sells weed. Not saying this doesn't happen universally, but white women know their "worth", although it's convoluted she's less likely to EXCLUSIVELY be in a relationship with a black man, or sleep with him for money (see Backpage: NO BLACK MEN).

With that said, if a white woman understands the psychology of interracial dating and white privilege, regardless of her class and she cheats on a black man, she's in a different category than a run of the mill black American woman. Women are complicated, but if this woman can follow PR protocol through one illegitimate child, and marriage as I stated before she didn't care. She's making next level career moves Brennan couldn't even decode. She told the world "look into my eyes". It's about self-actualization for him, dudes like him and Charles Barkley see themselves as "exceptions" and unconditionally "accepted" opposed to "aware" and "respected" they don't see themselves as part of the autonomous black community. She knows what she was doing. And let's not pretend like my man wasn't out here doing his thing either. He just didn't know her game was more equipped than his, he wanted a trophy she knew deep down inside she couldn't be that, but she knew she wanted a boss. That's why he went public with it, to shame her for wanting a boss, because he's crying out for help in a reality him and Charles Barkley think is "real". She knew the deal, "I'll be YOUR white girl"...



Slaimon Khan Shah

Nov 8, 2012
Denver, Colorado, United States of America
we ain't all start off on sohh....i'm sure a bunch of teens are postin and getting they start now.

I first posted on sohh when i was 15 cause i was researching the jay-z and nas beef...... and i'm in my late 20's now
May Allah guide you to Islam. I started young too! This place can be a trap spot. Be careful how you spend/waste your time on hear!

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
you can get screwed regardless, but 70% of black men /white women marriages fail.

even seal got screwed
I heard a similar statistic before and I found this on Wikipedia:
According to the adjusted models predicting divorce as of the 10th year of marriage, interracial marriages that are the most vulnerable involve White females and non-White males relative to White/White couples.[9] White wife/Black husband marriages are twice as likely to divorce by the 10th year of marriage compared to White/White couples, while White wife/Asian husband marriages are 59% more likely to end in divorce compared to White/White unions.[9] Conversely, White men/non-White women couples show either very little or no differences in divorce rates.[9] Asian wife/White husband marriages show only 4% greater likelihood of divorce by the 10th year of marriage than White/White couples.[9] In the case of Black wife/White husband marriages, divorce by the 10th year of marriage is 44% less likely than among White/White unions.[9] Intermarriages that did not cross a racial barrier, which was the case for White/Hispanic White couples, showed statistically similar likelihoods of divorcing as White/White marriages.[9]


Home Run Hitter
Feb 28, 2013
THAT'S the bytch this nikka is up in arms about? :what:That gotta be one of the most basic white bytches I ever seen. She don't even qualify enough to be a IG hoe. He just needs to charge that shyt to the game and upgrade to a badder bytch which won't be hard AT ALL.
Oct 15, 2014
I don't think black women cheat less. They do cheat as many know, but I think the likelihood is lower when the dude is a rich and successful black man since that is a black female ideal (and finding a rich black man like that is very hard). Beckies just don't like or aspire to nikkas as much so they're less appreciative and so goes up the cheating likelihood with black men (with rich white dudes, beckies are less likely to cheat since that man likely reaches or is at the white female ideal). Beckies mainly aspire to tall white brehs. All that aside, there's a lot of misinformation spread about celebrity relationships:

1. A poster already spread misinformation about Shaq and his wife, saying that the latter ended the marriage. A little research proved that claim to be false. Shaq admitted to cheating and dooming his own marriage.

2. New reports say Nicole Murphy caught Strahan cheating, not the other way around. On what basis do you allege ? There are no reporters I can find attesting to such. The entire debacle which led to the divorce surrounded Strahan's alleged infedility. So Strahan was to blame.

The list goes on. :manny:

The inherent entitlement of beckies, ingrained in their mind by cultural, social, and economical white supremacy since the last 400 years, in general knows no limits, no frontiers. They really believe that they are princesses and everyone should cater to them, and satisfy their capricious behaviour at any given moment.

Even if they are married to rich tall famous white brehs, at some point they will still be dissatisfied and will look elsewhere. Women dont like exclusive monogamy, at some point they will get bored. They will stick around for the perks( massive, intense social validation by just being married to rich/famous white dudes, massive jealousy/envy from other bytches, and evidently lots of $$$$$) but they will strike out very deviously with divorce proceedings when they notice that their husband has maxed out his earning potential, and accordingly calculate in their minds how much money they will receive by divorcing them.

WW are the queens of divorce rape, white men, even the rich and famous ones are the most victimized, since they marry them the most.

Black men are victimized the least since we dont marry these beckies in high numbers.

The vast majority of modern WW are generally not worthy of marriage and longtermn committment. No cooking skills, no nurturing skills, cant treat their men like kings, require drama and fun at all time, and ARE very selfish, self-centered.

And they age the worst, their heavy partying, drinking, drugs in their late teens/early 20s period, only significantly accelerate their natural inclination to age quickly and poorly.

North America, developed Asia, heavily westernized South America and Europe are absolutely not the places to consider scouting for potential wives, if you really desire to have a wife.

Africa, the carribean islands, southeast asia and some middle eastern countries are your best options. Since I prefer black women, its an easy choice for me.
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Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
The inherent entitlement of beckies, ingrained in their mind by cultural, social, and economical white supremacy since the last 400 years, in general knows no limits, no frontiers. They really believe that they are princesses and everyone should cater to them, and satisfy their capricious behaviour at any given moment.

Even if they are married to rich tall famous white brehs, at some point they will still be dissatisfied and will look elsewhere. Women dont like exclusive monogamy, at some point they will get bored. They will stick around for the perks( massive, intense social validation by just being married to rich/famous white dudes, massive jealousy/envy from other bytches, and evidently lots of $$$$$) but they will strike out very deviously with divorce proceedings when they notice that their husband has maxed out his earning potential, and accordingly calculate in their minds how much money they will receive by divorcing them.

WW are the queens of divorce rape, white men, even the rich and famous ones are the most victimized, since they marry them the most.

Black men are victimized the least since we dont marry these beckies in high numbers.

The vast majority of modern WW are generally not worthy of marriage and longtermn committment. No cooking skills, no nurturing skills, cant treat their men like kings, require drama and fun at all time, and ARE very selfish, self-centered.

And they age the worst, their heavy partying, drinking, drugs in their late teens/early 20s period, only significantly accelerate their natural inclination to age quickly and poorly.

North America, developed Asia, heavily westernized South America and Europe are absolutely not the places if you want to have a wife.

Africa, the carribean, southeast asia and some middle eastern countries are your best options. Since I prefer black women, its an easy choice for me.

So are you moving to the Carribean?:stopitslime: