What I seem to get is women that just stare at me,we make eye contact and they just don't break eye contact until you say something,ive seen about as long as 10 seconds

....I must admit that shyt is sexy when its the right chick

...Then you get chicks who will just be more upfront and say you cute or whatever.
I seem to get approached the most when females just see me out and just being sociable with strangers and cracking jokes....I think when they see you interacting with strangers it must make them feel more comfortable to do the same...I don't know if they become attracted by people reacting to you or if you just seem more approachable based on that....not sure why females have a fear of rejection since I doubt many of them have never directly approached anybody

....For women though maybe just even us not getting the signs they throw out there is a rejection in they eyes

..Nawl we just don't see every little retarded thing as a sign...as I get older I see more so I catch more.
But I once had a chick basically say "You couldnt tell by the way I never talked to you and went out of my way to not look at you,that I liked you

?"....like I was crazy for not seeing that shyt...No I couldnt tell becuz plenty of women do that shyt cuz they really don't want to be talked to

...that's why I always say you might miss out not approaching the "mean looking" chicks...sometimes that's just a front cuz they don't wanna look thirsty,so they look away or mean mug cuz many women cant hide the fact they attracted to you...a smile,or blush or giggle gon just come out when you stare back at em