Another time a chic did the "I'm going to put myself in a position for him to holla at me" shyt..
I see this chic that used to work with a few years ago at the club. She used to be on my nuts..wanted me to wife her up but I wanted no parts of her because she wasn't about shyt.
So I see this bytch standing in the middle of the dance floor about 10 feet away from me. At this point..the club is about to close so all of the lights are on and the dance floor is clear so its basically just me and her.
OBVIOUSLY this bytch saw me and planted herself behind me.
So I speak cordially...
Me: Hey Ashley, how have you been?
This broad turns around like...

Being all extra and instantly hoping on my nuts.
My boys notice this and give me the

"you better smash that" look
But I really don't want her so I play it cool.
Her friend comes up and co-signs "girl...he is so cute!"
And I'm standing there feeling myself
So we continue the conversation...
Me: Haven't seen you in forever, what have you been up to?
Broad instantly FLIPS the script on some plot twist shyt...
Ashley: I've been doing great. Hey whats your name again?
Me: Really?

So you gonna treat me like a fan now? ...Oh OK, I'll see you later
She starts pulling me by my arm so I couldn't walk away basically trying her hardest to make me get at her.
That went on for about 5mins...And even with her trying to play me, I finally gave in and got her number on some charity shyt
She texted me immediately after the club like "oh I remember your name now"
I basically tell her that shyt isn't cute and she needs to stop playing games.
We texted the next day..Broad tried to act like I approached her and was suppose to pursue so I stopped responding
And wouldn't you know..I work with her again at my part time job now. She's still low key on my nuts, trying to get me to bite. I act normal, but in my mind I'm on my George Bush shyt...