Brehs, how would it feel knowing you are going to hell


Feb 24, 2013
Hell exists? :heh:

When you die you become food for maggots and vultures. You become rich top soil, regardless of whether or not you were a dictator or a priest. Focus on doing right by other people and enjoying life while you can still breathe. Because after death that's it.
May 15, 2012
The problem with many is they do not understand not comprehend the fine lines of that which is FAITH.

You have people in here saying "there is absolutely no man on this earth that has ever spoke to 'God'"--
Lets speak concrete here, WHO THE fukk are you to say something like that? What knowledge do you have, what experience you have of the entirety of humanity and its existence to say with absolute authority such a thing?

You say Christians simply blindly believe something because they are tols it. Then, we sit here and hear you debate and speak on sciences theory and the likes and you declare it as absolute fact.

Have YOU proven these theories?

Have YOU observed these 'truths' shoved down your throats since elementary school?

You cannot testify of anything but of what has been backed by society.


History has demonstrated to you time and time again what was percieved as 99% true has been later declared extremely false.

going back to @BelowTheMasonDixon who proclaimed what he did. Is not that very proclamation AND what is taught in sciences not the very meaning of faith?

None of which we are taught in universities institutions or even churches are 100% verifiable.

In the visions of the night are you not sooo soo sure that its real? It is not until you awake do you realize the contrary. But then again you do vice versa in this plane of 'reality'. Begs the question IS THIS plane even utter reality.

In all, you do not know shyt. You choose who to call credible you choose whom to believe. That is FAITH.

The difference is you were presented with one, science. That same science is a rhetoric heavy in logos, which is widely accepted by modern society. This same science is steeped deep in complex rhetoric so much so that you find it more believable.

You can absolutely prove nothing.

It's progenitors can absolutely prove nothing.

The Bible proves nothing.

All of the above simply present arguments.

None can absolutely say anything.

But one cared more about proving it to you therefore bringing a more 'believable' argument.

But how did you make that jump from most likely to 'it is'?


Understand that. Understand that whether you believe in Jesus Christ, or you believe in the theories of modern science. It is because you believe. You are putting faith that the Bible isn't a lie. You are putting faith that an extra drop of element was not erroneously dropped into the test tube corrupting the entire experiment.

You are putting faith in a higher power you cannot conceive. Or you are putting faith in human error was never a factor in the theories of modern science.

Humble your tongue and know that if anything is, it is of FAITH.

Atheists and all who stand against a 'God' are so arrogant they end up showing their sheer stupidity.

Stand behind whom you will, because whom you will to stand behind, know that you are performing a leap of faith in their perfection.

Last edited:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
The problem with many is they do not understand not comprehend the fine lines of that which is FAITH.

You have people in here saying "there is absolutely no man on this earth that has ever spoke to 'God'"--
Lets speak concrete here, WHO THE fukk are you to say something like that? What knowledge do you have, what experience you have of the entirety of humanity and its existence to say with absolute authority such a thing?

e very meaning of faith?

My bad, nobody SANE has actually spoke to God.

you can believe all that burning bush bullshyt you want. In reality shyt like that don't happen.

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
Satan tried to deceive and convince Jesus by using the word v. him. People need to remember, Satan was an angel of God to start but wanted to be a god himself and got booted. Remember, you can't enslave without knowledge of the chosen people. It is mentioned by God that we need not to spend more attention to what the devils are doing and being proactive for ourselves. Being proactive is just protesting. Being proactive isn't being violence. Being pro-active is help all to get to a common human goal for the BETTERMENT of all people. That tends to be where the evil dwellers and we differ.

where is that in the bible tho? if I recall correctly, Satan's fall from grace was told in Paradise Lost.

as for the topic, nobody knows. we don't know, our pastors don't know, NOBODY knows. I'm a Christian and I definitely believe. but I'm also intelligent enough to realize people use religion as a means of population control so I find the truth in the texts and infer what I can. God lives within me. I don't trust man​


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
The problem with many is they do not understand not comprehend the fine lines of that which is FAITH.

You have people in here saying "there is absolutely no man on this earth that has ever spoke to 'God'"--
Lets speak concrete here, WHO THE fukk are you to say something like that? What knowledge do you have, what experience you have of the entirety of humanity and its existence to say with absolute authority such a thing?

You say Christians simply blindly believe something because they are tols it. Then, we sit here and hear you debate and speak on sciences theory and the likes and you declare it as absolute fact.

Have YOU proven these theories?

Have YOU observed these 'truths' shoved down your throats since elementary school?

You cannot testify of anything but of what has been backed by society.


History has demonstrated to you time and time again what was percieved as 99% true has been later declared extremely false.

going back to @BelowTheMasonDixon who proclaimed what he did. Is not that very proclamation AND what is taught in sciences not the very meaning of faith?

None of which we are taught in universities institutions or even churches are 100% verifiable.

In the visions of the night are you not sooo soo sure that its real? It is not until you awake do you realize the contrary. But then again you do vice versa in this plane of 'reality'. Begs the question IS THIS plane even utter reality.

In all, you do not know shyt. You choose who to call credible you choose whom to believe. That is FAITH.

The difference is you were presented with one, science. That same science is a rhetoric heavy in logos, which is widely accepted by modern society. This same science is steeped deep in complex rhetoric so much so that you find it more believable.

You can absolutely prove nothing.

It's progenitors can absolutely prove nothing.

The Bible proves nothing.

All of the above simply present arguments.

None can absolutely say anything.

But one cared more about proving it to you therefore bringing a more 'believable' argument.

But how did you make that jump from most likely to 'it is'?


Understand that. Understand that whether you believe in Jesus Christ, or you believe in the theories of modern science. It is because you believe. You are putting faith that the Bible isn't a lie. You are putting faith that an extra drop of element was not erroneously dropped into the test tube corrupting the entire experiment.

You are putting faith in a higher power you cannot conceive. Or you are putting faith in human error was never a factor in the theories of modern science.

Humble your tongue and know that if anything is, it is of FAITH.

Atheists and all who stand against a 'God' are so arrogant they end up showing their sheer stupidity.

Stand behind whom you will, because whom you will to stand behind, know that you are performing a leap of faith in their perfection.


Stop bullshytting breh. :troll:

How are atheists in any way more arrogant or prone to blind trust than Christians?

You are right that very little if anything can be said with 100% certainty. Maybe there is a god that created this world with little evidence to support his existence and is in line with what one out of the thousands of ancient contradictory texts regarding deities says (the one you prefer no doubt).

Or it could be what the Muslims say or the Buddhists or the Hindus.

We keep going down this line of thought and all truth is subjective and nothing can be known. You're going down this road to necessitate faith, but you're really showing how purposeless it all seems to be. You're destroying belief, not just in the countless spirits and creator myths, but also progress of any kind, scientific or otherwise. It's an abyss. If there is any truth to be found, part of the obstacle is the selfish clouding the path with their preferences and presumptions.

So who am I more likely to believe? Who is more in line with truth? People who admit they don't know but do the best with what they have? Or the man screaming his personal god is true and above question?

An atheist who questions and challenges other's perception of God seems far more virtuous than someone who puts faith in a god that created a world where immense suffering was feasible and even brutally punishes inferior life forms that don't adhere to his will.


Jun 22, 2012
when you worship anything you are open to worshiping a falsehood or an image/icon of some kind. Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven is within you" so the opposite also must be so. good and evil are really perceptions and reflections of what we think and feel about a condition or situation. life is nothing but a giant mirror staring back at you. i don't beleive one "goes to hell." i think the essence of life is a continuing transformation of our thoughts and actions. when we die, we leave our bodies, but we are not our bodies, we are the spark behind the eyes. that spark has to go doesn't just dissapear. if that were so, then how could one explain dreams. how could one explain how our consciousness is manipulated when a person gets high or drunk? if we were only destined to be a slave of the physical then none of this would exist. the heaven or hell that we experience is in how we envision the world we inherit. The bible also says the people with no vision shall perish. whatever you see is the heaven or the hell. the world gave you words and definitions but the creator gave you vision so that you can determine what is truly good and bad. you can be in the world but not of the world. that means when you leave the world that you experience through your body, you were never that physical body or the definitions that restrict it. if you believe or have faith, all the teachers said that the kingdom is within you. it is everlasting so that means it doesn't end. i think many people are building a hell described in revelations for themselves when they leave their body based on their own beliefs, not the law of the book.

people say the bible is here to test us and i think that about all books. there is the law that is written and then there is the truth that plays out in our daily lives. we make things happen with our thoughts words and actions. we can say something to someone and it will make them feel great. we can say something to someone and it will scar them forever and make them feel pain everyday. is that not heaven or hell? or does it have to be something drastic like fire and screaming. do houses and forests not burn here, do people not scream in pain and agony all over the world? is it the devil or what we do to each other and what we do to ourselves?
you are in a for a rude a wakening


Jun 22, 2012
I've come to peace with me going to hell since I don't believe in god, but I feel that if I am a good person that if there is a god and an afterlife that I should be ok
no salvation without Jesus....Your goodness alone is not what gets you into heaven, Belief in Jesus as the son of God is the ticket


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
no salvation without Jesus....Your goodness alone is not what gets you into heaven, Belief in Jesus as the son of God is the ticket

No I'm sorry. It's belief in Vishnu that is the ticket. Unless you die on Thursday in which case belief in Odin is the only way to dodge the horrors of hell.


May 5, 2012
no salvation without Jesus....Your goodness alone is not what gets you into heaven, Belief in Jesus as the son of God is the ticket

Thats what the bible says yes, but I can only hope that if there is a god he/she knows how good of a person I have been.....I only think that because there is still conflict between people that say the bible was written by god, and the ones that don't...again I have made my peace with going to hell (if there is one) and if the bible is written by god, and if there is a god :manny:


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
I wish humanity would get a divine revelation. I imagine it would bytchslap billions and make us all look rather foolish.