Brehettes, would you date a guy that looks better than you?


Old Master
May 11, 2012
Real talk, that's why I kind of want to meet a fat dude. If we both got in shape together, I think we would be more loyal to each other. But getting in shape would need to be first priority. I don't want to end up on my 600lb life.
Feb 7, 2016
I have...and lawd i wont date a guy that fine ever again...too much drama lol

My guy
was a Kappa (don't judge he was/still is fine as hell lol) very attractive and he had a ton of fans bc being Greek was a big deal at my university...also he came from money so he was caked up lol anyway when he first approached me I was kinda shell shocked bc I was just a freshman and he was this popular Junior...I was leary at first at well bc Kappas were known man whores and players and I was just getting over a break up with my bf from back home (he decided to take a break while adjusting to college life smh).

I had a work study job at the activity center on campus and every time he'd come in he'd always talk to me for a few minutes...I'd brush it off bc I was thinking no way he's into me...that he was just being nice

I wanna say about 2 and a half 3 months into the semester he asked me our on a date...I said yes and the rest is history and here's where it got weird. Mostly because he was weird.

Despite his popularity and attractiveness Adam was borderline crazy. After we broke up I wondered how it never got out, but turns out that was bc I was the first girlfriend he'd ever had. Like ever. He was 21 and never had a gf. Huge flag. So mostly the girls he hooked up with were just that; hookups...another red flag. Anyways im digressing... like I said he was a strange bird and for a while I could deal with it bc he spoiled me, and it was kind of fun to date him at first.

Now for the weird stuff...for one he was into anime(sp) and while I'm not really keen on it I was OK with it until I realized just how deeply involved he was. He had hundreds of dvds, posters, was involved in countless fan groups and blogs about it...he was into it big time and had been to Japan for conventions and joke. I'd never met a black man so deeply involved in it. And of course since we were dating I had to at least watch it. We would spend entire weekends holed up in his apartment watching it all day long. It was horrible. And since I didn't have a car at the time...I had to wait for him to stop watching it for him to take me back to my dorm room...which he'd put off for hours, until I just forgot about it and read books or did homework. I only had one friend who had a car and most of the time she was boo'd up with her bf at another college about 30-40 minutes away so I was stuck.

Anime aside he was also incredibly insecure. He constantly checked up on me during the day and eventually started walking me to and from class on Mondays and Wednesdays bc he only had 1 class on those days and again at first I liked it bc I was an 18yo girl who thought it was cute lol. Well it stopped being cute when he started picking fights with just about any guy I spoke to. "Who's that nikka? How you know him? Why he always talking to you?" I can remember a time where he snatched my phone from me and ended up shattering the screen. He replaced it but of course he felt entitled to going through it bc he'd payed for it. The more I tried to get away the clingier he got. If I wanted to stay in my dorm for the weekend he'd beg me to stay with him, I could go on and on...Eventually we broke up but not before he threw out most of my clothes in the bayou we have running through our campus bc he "caught" my roommates brother in our room(he was waiting there while she was in class) and not only accused me of cheating with him but tried to fight him.

Moral of the story is this...the fine ones are always crazy :usure: I can tell y'all some crazy stuff about that boy lol smh
Feb 7, 2016
I didn't even realize that I was good looking until my sophomore year of high school really. In elementary school I had girls who would have crushes on me but I thought they might have just been acting friendly. In the 6th grade all the girls I was cool with in my homeroom class (which was almost all of them) had crushes on me and I had no clue until the last day of school. I was basically the class clown and never saw any signs, or maybe I thought they were just being friendly. Even after realizing all of these things I still didn't see myself as handsome.

I remember first day of school in my English class my sophomore year of high school. All the girls in the class staring at me, and the ones that sat next to me tried to flirt with me. We did some introduction thing where we said some things at the front of the class, and when I was done I said "uhh that's it" and all the girls start laughing and shyt. I was like :dwillhuh: thrown aback by it. I used to go to NYC from Jersey every week for church, and while on the train all these people would be staring at me. I was a freshman or sophomore in high school at the time. Took me a while to understand why, I always thought something was wrong with me like I was in the twilight zone or some shyt :dead:

By the time I hit my sophomore/junior year of high school I was no longer oblivious. I was on some pretty boy shyt one summer. Rocking s curls and I had mirrors on my room closets. So whenever I got up from my bed I'd see myself in the mirror and be like :takedat: "got damn I'm sexy". I'd get haircuts every month or 3 weeks. I was still crushing on chicks hard and didn't have the confidence to approach and talk to them though :francis:.

Last chick I dated modeled. Now unless she was all done up, she looked like a regular cute chick. Body was regular, didn't have a phat azz or til ol' bitties but she did have a little bubble butg :noah:

First day I saw her I was like :shaq:"lawd jesus this chick fine and I gotta talk to her!". Now she ain't know that I get a lot of female attention when I'm out and about, and more so when women see you with a cute chick. I can tell she felt annoyed and bothered by it even though all my attention was on her or elsewhere. I paid absolutely no attention to other women. We were on the campus bus one day and some chick sitting across from us was staring at me, smiling and twirling her hair. That shyt almost never happens when I'm by myself. :shaq2:

There were other instances where girls tried to "challenge" her and she actually took it as a challenge :whoa:. Started trying to make me jealous by mentioning her guy friends and even introduced me to a nikka clearly in the friendzone. I'm alright if a chick got guy friends, but this dude was clearly in the friend zone :snoop: That shyt just made me lose respect for her on some level, all that female attention I was getting wasn't my fault shoot.

She started acting funny, cancelling dates, saying she was too busy so I stopped giving her attention. She blew my shyt up and thought I was smashing other chicks. The face she made when we ran into each other on campus after about 2 weeks of not talking at around 6-7 when she asked me where I just came from :mjlol:. She asked me in a way assuming that I just came back from blowing some chick's back out and couldn't contemplate that I was messing with other chicks already (I wasn't tho). Oh and I remember her one time asking me if I've ever been to anyone's dorms, thinking I was smashing someone else... even though she never gave me any :rudy:
I can relate to the staring family moved up north (Rochester, MN) when I was 8 and in the beginning phase of cute lil kid turned funny looking...extremely skinny, cheap thick glasses, unruly hair and all that...

We lived in a pretty diverse community so between all the exotic Somalian and Ethiopian girls, pretty white girls, my gorgeous and built like a brick house big sister and tall, dark, and athletic big brother I was constantly overlooked by nearly every boy I had a crush on...however by the time we moved back down south to Memphis my ugly phase was starting to end and thanks to puberty my boobs were getting bigger by the second it seemed so I started getting some pair big t*ts, new girl status and a healthy dose of color struck boys and I was moving up lol

I don't think I actually really came into my looKS until 10th or 11th grade and by that time I was used to looks mostly bc of my chest meats lol I didn't really notice until I was in the food court at the mall with some friends and one of them mentioned how everyone was staring...