Brehettes Be Honest - Only respond if you have watched "The Perfect Guy"


Nov 16, 2015
Seems like he'd be a boring companion, (Golf?) Other than that, I don't know. Can't see much wrong there.
Jun 6, 2015
Seems like he'd be a boring companion, (Golf?) Other than that, I don't know. Can't see much wrong there.

This is exactly why most Women end up with their cats or complaining about broke Men. :stopitslime:

There are certain things that come with the territory of being a successful Black Man - Your Chris Brown dream guy does not exist and you will have to put up with some differences in hobbies he has evolved to have to survive in a world dominated by CACs.

If you can't appreciate that factor then you must then understand you are limiting your options and contributing to successful Black Men dating outside of their race. I know many of yall do not care about that until he is on the TV and then you say with your girl Shoquana "That nikka a sell out" but you rejected him 5 years ago because he played golf and seemed "boring".:wow:

Or am I just interpreting your intentions the wrong way? Be honest. :russ:


Nov 16, 2015
This is exactly why most Women end up with their cats or complaining about broke Men. :stopitslime:

There are certain things that come with the territory of being a successful Black Man - Your Chris Brown dream guy does not exist and you will have to put up with some differences in hobbies he has evolved to have to survive in a world dominated by CACs.

If you can't appreciate that factor then you must then understand you are limiting your options and contributing to successful Black Men dating outside of their race. I know many of yall do not care about that until he is on the TV and then you say with your girl Shoquana "That nikka a sell out" but you rejected him 5 years ago because he played golf and seemed "boring".:wow:

Or am I just interpreting your intentions the wrong way? Be honest. :russ:

Way wrong lol. I personally don't care about how much money a guy has in his pocket. I make my own money. I pay for myself on dates, I don't mind paying for a guy on a date etc. etc. Golf just seems boring to me, I could be judging a book by its cover though. Either way, I'm not impressed by a dude with a large bank account and a house abroad lol. If I end up with cats it's my decision, not a last resort lol. You like what you like though lol. If a successful black man wants to date outside of his race, then he's free to do so.
Jun 6, 2015
If a successful black man wants to date outside of his race, then he's free to do so.

OK but the majority of BW in America do not feel this way. They need to have ownership over all Black American Men and "1st dibs" or in some cases the opportunity to reject him over and over again.

So in some cases they know they are not attracted to the Man nor would be interested in him even with money but are mad that he is happy and with a Woman who values him. That's the thing that annoys me the most.

The problem with the Man in question represented by Morris is that he is only attracted to American BW. So this is why he is single, because IRL Black Women are not checking for Men like this.


Nov 16, 2015
OK but the majority of BW in America do not feel this way. They need to have ownership over all Black American Men and "1st dibs" or in some cases the opportunity to reject him over and over again.

So in some cases they know they are not attracted to the Man nor would be interested in him even with money but are mad that he is happy and with a Woman who values him. That's the thing that annoys me the most.

The problem with the Man in question represented by Morris is that he is only attracted to American BW. So this is why he is single, because IRL Black Women are not checking for Men like this.

Lol that's not realistic then. What woman, a black woman specifically, wouldn't want to date a guy like this? Come on now lol. Black women ARE checking for men like this. I'm a black woman, and conversations I have with my friends who are black women about their ideal guy always come down to someone just like the guy in this post lol. I don't understand why black men look at a group of black women who date outside of their race and blanket the entire population of black women with that "they aren't checking for black men" idea.

You go outside and stop the first 15 black women you see, ask them if they'd be interested in a guy like that and I bet they'll all say yes lol.

At the end of the day, that black man is his own person he can date who he chooses. Just as a black woman can date who she chooses. People may have their disagreements but it's none of their business, nor their place to dictate who someone else chooses to love.
Jun 6, 2015
Lol that's not realistic then. What woman, a black woman specifically, wouldn't want to date a guy like this? Come on now lol. Black women ARE checking for men like this. I'm a black woman, and conversations I have with my friends who are black women about their ideal guy always come down to someone just like the guy in this post lol. I don't understand why black men look at a group of black women who date outside of their race and blanket the entire population of black women with that "they aren't checking for black men" idea.

You go outside and stop the first 15 black women you see, ask them if they'd be interested in a guy like that and I bet they'll all say yes lol.

So let me introduce you to a simplified version of the concept of what the slave master has imprinted in most Black Women subconsciously through the media:

- A Brother who likes Golf = Square
- A White Man that likes Golf = Successful

- A Brother who drinks Wine = Gay
- A White Man who drinks Wine = Elegant

NOW - On the surface they may say "Yass girl" and all this other B.S. it's just lip service. In the back of their mind these assumptions listed above still persevere. In reality they would not be attracted to day-to-day life with that Man. They want the "Real Thing". So they say, if I'm gonna be with a dude that likes golf, horseback riding and mountain climbing I might as well get me a damn White Man. Word for Word. Do you know how many Brothers in ATL (the Black Capital) date only White Women because no Black Woman wants to go hiking with them? :wow:

There is a lot of brainwashing in media but also hidden gems which blatantly show you the agenda. Look at the latest episode of Black Ink Chicago on VH1. This is the only reason I watch mainstream media is to keep up with the brainwashing trends. About 30 min into the episode if you see the girl who is called Charmaine she gets a date off Soul Swype and it is a Black Man with morals who most Women in Chiraq would look at as effeminate or gay. Long story short she ended up hooking up with a dude she met from the shop as one of the artist's clients. The nikka was entertaining and had "swag" and provided enough comic relief to get her coochie tingling. This is a problem because Black Women are seeing this and saying "Alright, I can fukk up and brag about fukking a baby momma's man and shyt, act a got damn fool on a cruise boat with my employer (she did all this just in one episode) but everything can turn out OK - I can still get mine"

Now maybe you don't watch shyt like this or know anyone that do (or that will admit it) but best believe it's at least 50% of the Black population, otherwise the show would not have reached a 4th season AND opened up in a new city (it was originally started in NYC).

Eventually as you observe your friends you will start seeing this IRL. I wish I was over-exaggerating. This is hardly the case. I've experienced it growing up and nothing really has changed.


Nov 16, 2015
So let me introduce you to a simplified version of the concept of what the slave master has imprinted in most Black Women subconsciously through the media:

- A Brother who likes Golf = Square
- A White Man that likes Golf = Successful

- A Brother who drinks Wine = Gay
- A White Man who drinks Wine = Elegant

NOW - On the surface they may say "Yass girl" and all this other B.S. it's just lip service. In the back of their mind these assumptions listed above still persevere. In reality they would not be attracted to day-to-day life with that Man. They want the "Real Thing". So they say, if I'm gonna be with a dude that likes golf, horseback riding and mountain climbing I might as well get me a damn White Man. Word for Word. Do you know how many Brothers in ATL (the Black Capital) date only White Women because no Black Woman wants to go hiking with them? :wow:

There is a lot of brainwashing in media but also hidden gems which blatantly show you the agenda. Look at the latest episode of Black Ink Chicago on VH1. This is the only reason I watch mainstream media is to keep up with the brainwashing trends. About 30 min into the episode if you see the girl who is called Charmaine she gets a date off Soul Swype and it is a Black Man with morals who most Women in Chiraq would look at as effeminate or gay. Long story short she ended up hooking up with a dude she met from the shop as one of the artist's clients. The nikka was entertaining and had "swag" and provided enough comic relief to get her coochie tingling. This is a problem because Black Women are seeing this and saying "Alright, I can fukk up and brag about fukking a baby momma's man and shyt, act a got damn fool on a cruise boat with my employer (she did all this just in one episode) but everything can turn out OK - I can still get mine"

Now maybe you don't watch shyt like this or know anyone that do (or that will admit it) but best believe it's at least 50% of the Black population, otherwise the show would not have reached a 4th season AND opened up in a new city (it was originally started in NYC).

Eventually as you observe your friends you will start seeing this IRL. I wish I was over-exaggerating. This is hardly the case. I've experienced it growing up and nothing really has changed.

You seem to be generalizing black women as a whole. I get what you're saying, but not everyone thinks this way. People are entitled to like whatever/whoever they want. Society definitely plays a role in it too. You have to take into consideration the amount of men who contribute to the idea that black men who play golf are deemed "squares" by society. I personally don't think black men that play golf are squares, I just think the sport is boring, regardless the race. I don't think black men who drink wine are gay either lol. What you eat/drink don't make you Sh*t lol. Those guys date only white women may do it for a plethora of reasons. It could be some deep rooted self hate, or it could just be their personal preference. You can't blame women for that lol

As far as Charmaine, I saw that episode, most of it, but you can't fault someone for who they like, and who they turn down. Just because someone has it all going for themselves doesn't mean you automatically HAVE to be attracted to them. Men tend to feel entitled because they have degrees, and make a good amount of money, that's corny to me. I've turned down the guy who had it all going for himself to deal with the guy still figuring his path in life out because you can't fake attraction.

Would you rather someone be with you for who you are, or for your accolades?

That's why I personally don't care about where someone works, how much money they make, whether they went to a prestigious college or not. Those aren't personality traits imo. I'll always take the guy I vibe with over the guy who has his own crib, makes 100k a year, drives a Benz and has a timeshare any day.
Jun 6, 2015
Would you rather someone be with you for who you are, or for your accolades?

That's why I personally don't care about where someone works, how much money they make, whether they went to a prestigious college or not. Those aren't personality traits imo. I'll always take the guy I vibe with over the guy who has his own crib, makes 100k a year, drives a Benz and has a timeshare any day.

OK so you are the exception to the rule because at bare minimum 50% of Black Women (NOT ALL) filter out men first based on:

1) Swag
2) Appearance (bytches asking for "Flash" like we in the got damn 70's :lolbron:)
3) Income
4) Supply of Dro/Loud/Lean
5) Ability to keep her entertained (not having interesting hobbies or good character)
If you don't meet those Attraction and all that other shyt comes dead last...If we talking math and order of operations you are on PEMDAS and a lot of Women are on SADMEP.:ld:

The majority of Black Men who are successful are not prioritizing items 1,4 and 5 which usually immediately disqualifies them from the dating pool. :mjpls:


Nov 16, 2015
LMFAO! I've dated guys with no swag what so ever, Don't care about anyone's income because I make my own money, and Lean? Lol yeah, nahh I'm good. 5 is important though, because if your character sucks then why would anyone want to entertain your existence? lol

I don't agree with the last part though. I don't see how that disqualifies anyone from the dating pool. Maybe disqualifies them from a specific type of person, but not the dating pool as a whole