I get what you are saying, and I agree to a certain extent, but I also feel like a woman or really anyone for that matter shouldn't cut their standards short when it comes to dating. A person shouldn't settle for any ole thing out of fear of being lonely. If a person has a certain set standards, whatever they may be, they should stick with it and date around until they find their perfect match.I'm just saying women are gonna have to temper their expectations on the amount of money a Man earns right now. It's good that you're being realistic but this situation is kind of unprecedented. So holding his salary or even job status against someone right now just seems overly harsh. I think his previous work history and character should outweigh any financial shortcomings until things recover.
P.S. This isn't an attack on you personally. But I think women in general need to temper their expectations. Especially black women right now because black men have it especially bad right now.
And yeah I know with damn near everyone in America being jobless right now it's kind of hard finding someone that is gainfully employed. But no one really should entertain the thought of dating right now to be honest.