Breaking: Unsealed Documents show trump and epstein rape 13 yr old girl together in court case!!!...:wow::sick:

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
I'm shocked how many people aren't acknowledging that Epstein was obviously a Mossad agent and his role was to set up people in power to engage in behavior they can later use as leverage. I've seen people mention this, but not enough. If you doubt it, then you may have heard Noam Chomsky was involved with Epstein. People are focused on the fact he may have engaged in the sexual aspect of this. But what is telling to me is that supposedly after Noam Chomsky made some serious critique of the Israeli state, Epstein somehow made a meeting happen between Chomsky and Ehud Barak, the former Israeli prime minister, in order to "educate" Chomsky on what was perceived as his incorrect criticism of the state. Why is this guy acting as an agent of a state, if he was simply a pimp. He was definitely more than that.

Either he was a Mossad agent acting solely on behalf of Israel in order for Israel to have some leverage in the US or US intelligence agencies used Israel as a proxy to do this to Americans in order to avoid possible legal issues in doing it themselves.

Also, I think Trump had Epstein killed or he was killed by Mossad due to getting caught up and no longer being useful. Trump obviously had a motive given what is in OP.
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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
How did this dude ever become president

What else were they going to do when you think about it. Bring up the Trump and Epstein connection. When Hillarys husband was also connected to Epstein,along with countless other republicans and democrats#Bothsides?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I'm shocked how many people aren't acknowledging that Epstein was obvious a Mossad agent and his role was to set up people in power to engage in behavior they can latter use as leverage. I've seen people mention this, but not enough. If you doubt it, then you may have heard Noam Chomsky was involved with Epstein. People are focused on the fact he may have engaged in the sexual aspect of this. But what is telling to me is that supposedly after Noam Chomsky made some serious critique of the Israeli state, Epstein somehow made a meeting happen between Chomsky and Ehud Barak, the former Israeli prime minister, in order to "educate" Chomsky on what was perceived as his incorrect criticism of the state.

Either he was a Mossad agent acting solely on behalf of Israel in order for Israel to have some leverage in the US or US intelligence agencies used Israel as a proxy to do this to Americans in order to avoid possible legal issues in doing it themselves.

Also, I think Trump had Epstein killed or he was killed by Mossad due to getting caught up and no longer being useful.

Hard to say. But saying what your saying romanticizes the whole thing. And sort of lets him off the hook,by acting like he was on some sort of spy mission. Better to assume he was just another sick puppy,which is a common part of the Europeans nature. Setting people up was probably just a perk. And something he realized he could use as leverage to get himself out of bad situations.


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
Trump has the complexion that grants protection. They will line up their negro front line and they will be out here getting Trump out of this little jam.

Black folks are only eager to hold straight black men accountable. Although we could argue age of consent and when is a girl capable of making choices sexually, fact is R Kelly didn't force anyone to do shyt and he is the face of rape and molestation in the country and got more time than murderers for a crime some guys have gotten just probation for. All this speaks to the core fabric of America and how the media plays a role in criminal justice.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Hard to say. But saying what your saying romanticizes the whole thing. And sort of lets him off the hook,by acting like he was on some sort of spy mission. Better to assume he was just another sick puppy,which is a common part of the Europeans nature. Setting people up was probably just a perk. And something he realized he could use as leverage to get himself out of bad situations.
Spy agencies routinely use criminals to do some dirty work because they sometimes have nothing to lose reputationaly and spycraft itself requires doing illegal shyt all the time. Who else is better to use for doing that than a straight up criminal?

So he can both be a straight sicko and also be used by Israel as a way to set people up in exchange for letting him operate with impunity until he was outed. Our own spy agencies were helping sell Americans crack. So, I don't think it romanticizes it. These are the sick things that happen when countries want to maintain power advantages. They knew this dude was raping underage girls. But if you can get him to get powerful individuals to engage in the behavior with him, then it may be worth it from their perspective to look the other way. This doesn't stop him from being a sick puppy as well. They aren't mutually exclusive.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Facts don't matter. These are the same people who will say you are MAGA if you didn't get the vaccine when Trump was the one that fast-tracked the vaccine with operation warp speed and was even on tv saying you should get vaccinated. You post that proof and they say, "Well, that's just a social media meme."

It's sad, but people really believe these politicians aren't bought out and are here to help them out. They are all corporate puppets who are there to make the real elite who are business and banking titans, even more wealthy and powerful. They are just put out here to give us a political show to make us think they are in conflict with each other, while 'both sides' vote for things to make our rights disappear. Look at how friendly Michelle Obama and George Bush become as soon as Bush leaves office.
Agree with his bushing. Though mods should have left his posts up, this guy is absolutely full of shyt

These clowns really think they slick, they'll drop one passive ass "damn thats crazy" sentence of "condemnation" on Republicans as a perquisite to the multiple walls of text on tHe lIbERuLs. 🙄 Let them tell it they're being balanced and hating both sides equally he's angrily spamming 6 entire posts of "b b but what about the democrats" to his one vauge sentence acknowledging the actual topic of this thread. As if nobody can see the clear difference in energy being displayed. My nikka went off the whataboutism deep end, reacting like a true red hat cac. Somehow we went from testimony for Trump's rape accuser to Michelle obama in record time

Shoutout to all the morons like kev who default to pretending anybody who sees & calls out their bullshyt as some democrat worshippers just trying to defame them. If we had more black people taking serious action with politics & didn't have so many unserious uncle toms carrying water for Republicans, the shyttier career politician Democrats could be getting primaried in favor of people who actually give a fukk.

Instead these wannabe MAGAts always seem to be active spewing their drivel when its most beneficial for Republicans and nobody else. You're not fooling anyone.

Fani Willis fan

Man What
Jan 27, 2016
Another one caught up in it.
What is your great revelation? that black people have no semblance of influence over the presidential elections? ok
I doubt you even care what goes on in your local municipal government. We all watching the same movie here..


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
The underlying issue here is that the right likes to pretend they're the righteous ones who want to "drain the swamp". They got minor attracted people and closet fakkits just the same

You think he and @ORDER_66 domt know that ?

These fools were pushing Hunter Biden conspiracy a few months ago