BREAKING: School shooting in Uvalde, Texas. 21 dead including shooter. (RIP to the victims)

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
I'd like to know the average age of the parents of mass shooters. It's 2022, these folks are not in church like that. Church membership is low.

Religion provides structure and expectations for moral behavior. Atheists are not Incentivized to teach morals to the godless. Atheism is selfishness. They get their shyt from tv, the internet, their family and friends. This means if they are surrounded by people with bad spirits they will monkey see monkey do. They will go with their feelings, and create chaos.

There are 24 million mentally ill Americans and millions of them are raising children. This boy stayed with his grandma so you know his parents were to busy or stupid to raise him.

I propose Incentivized parenting classes through churches, and some government subsidized therapy, incentivized. Pay these idiots to get help with tried and true programs. Parents under 25 should be incentivized to take parenting classes. The only issue with that is overreach with staff using the position to act as social workers and fukk up otherwise good families that are struggling financially.

and good old racism of course.

Church and state should not intertwine. An administration might be able to get away with that if funds were proportionally distributed to all Faiths fairly but that would be a bureaucratic nightmare that would potentially even further bogged down in the courts.

Again, I'm not suggesting that your premises of these people being atheist or without some sort of moral code to be necessarily untrue, but I'd wager you could also say that these people had few hobbies or also didnt participate in sports etc. I'd much rather the government mandate sports participation or some sort of community participation for kids rather than to dip their toes into any religious pressure. At least with sports/exercise it could be presented as a holistic measure that promotes better physical health as well. Many private schools already do this where they have kids have a sport or activity for every season


May 1, 2012
Yeah, atheists are the problem, I wish we could all just go back to living in the South in 1850 when everyone HAD to be religious or else. White people were really some compassionate, life-affirming folk back then.

Strange that you think the "subversion of church" was the issue yet Bible Belt states have the most gun deaths in the country.

Also strange that Jesus literally tells us to put away the sword, for all who live by the sword will die by the sword, yet you're simultaneously promoting more religion and more guns as the solution.

It's profoundly weird that I'm more religious than you, care more about following my faith than you, yet can see through these bullshyt right-wing narratives while you freely regurgitate them while not even caring about doing the actual shyt. You don't actually want to be religious, you just want to virtue-signal for religious right-wingers who aren't even here.
You're so extra and emotional. Maybe this isn't a good time for you to be talking about these tough subjects. You sound mentally weak.

What religion and faith do you follow. Do you follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!?

I'd be stunned to hear it.

Your understanding of scripture is poor based on the quotes you use.
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May 1, 2012
Church and state should not intertwine. An administration might be able to get away with that if funds were proportionally distributed to all Faiths fairly but that would be a bureaucratic nightmare that would potentially even further bogged down in the courts.

Again, I'm not suggesting that your premises of these people being atheist or without some sort of moral code to be necessarily untrue, but I'd wager you could also say that these people had few hobbies or also didnt participate in sports etc. I'd much rather the government mandate sports participation or some sort of community participation for kids rather than to dip their toes into any religious pressure. At least with sports/exercise it could be presented as a holistic measure that promotes better physical health as well. Many private schools already do this where they have kids have a sport or activity for every season
I agree it could be a beauricratic nightmare.

Community outreach programs do work.


Ultimately, these kids have to go home and that's often where the beast is waiting in the form of their deranged parents, lack of parenting, and a lack of a strong male role model.

Where is he getting his code and way of life from? Tv, internet, the deranged.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Cops waiting for "tactical teams" instead of following the fakkit into the school. What world is this? You are a cop and you're gonna wait for a team to show up while children are being slaughtered.. :dahell: :scust:
Cops aint waiting for a tactical team when it's a man of a darker Hue though....

They just going in and shooting.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
I agree it could be a beauricratic nightmare.

Community outreach programs do work.


Ultimately, these kids have to go home and that's often where the beast is waiting in the form of their deranged parents, lack of parenting, and a lack of a strong male role model.

Where is he getting his code and way of life from? Tv, internet, the deranged.

Home is indeed where the heart is and some people should not be parents because they are unqualified

High schools having heavily regulated dorms might be an option, but the right wouldnt let that fly because of the vast amount of spending that would require in the form of construction and staff compensation. There would also be an issue of consent, capacity to house the amounts necessary and oftentimes the simple lack of land that would be needed.

This is a very complex issue and it's a hard sell to Americans to just tell them they arent good enough to be parents. Further, in order for that to be passable, there would have to be some sort of quantifiable metric as well as a level of intrusion into family affairs that would be seen as encroachment. You know this would not be acceptable with how many are railing against school curriculums not jiving with their own personal beliefs.

In one way or another you are hinting towards the need for the government to be the nanny state that conservatives often demonize. The only alternative to that amenable to the right wing would be to privatize the school system but that would also be a bureaucratic and logistical nightmare that would leave many children and families even further behind than they currently are.

One thing that may be possible is to straight up ban anyone under the age of 18 to use the internet at all outside of an educational facility or library that is heavily censored but I'm not sure how that would be enforced either outside of giving codes out to adults used to access any internet connection that is tied to some sort of identification and there we are again at limiting rights that wouldnt garner a majority in the senate


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
Country is pure trash... and where's the cops to "protect" these children? mufuccas hiding in the bushes but want more funding.

Police don't wanna police. They just wanna ride around and bully people because they were fags growing up

amerikkka has the pussiest and most out of shape cops in the world no doubt