Meal team sixThese pigs legit think they’re prepped for anything because they play Call of Duty
Meal team sixThese pigs legit think they’re prepped for anything because they play Call of Duty
These pigs legit think they’re prepped for anything because they play Call of Duty
gravy sealsMeal team six
I agree. But these are people that lost their lives.Do some research breh. They have been doing false flag ops for decades. There's a whole internet out there with information on them that Coli geniuses call conspiracy. That doesn't mean it's fake though or not reality. This may have been a real event, but all the holes in the story right now are raising more questions than answers when compared to other mass shootings. Police been lying for 48 hours about what really happened. In my reality, police lie every day so this is no different. Weather false flag or massive cover up, this whole incident stinks of lies and police protecting shytty police.
this is not true at all. There are definitely coconuts within our community, and whilIm in Colorado and alot of them are leaning right these days.
No offense but I don't understand why you expect other groups of non-black POC to think like Black folks. They never faced the same struggles FBA/ADOS faced in America, or even Africans or West Indians for that matter.
Yall gonna shocked in a couple years when you see the amount of Latinos and Asians that have left the left and turned Republican simply to spite black folk and to have closer proximity to whiteness.
Dont be disappointed when the response is different than what you expect.
Frankly I kind of gave up hope for a "mass awakening" from non-black poc a long time ago.
They wake up...then go back to sleep.
why wait for a key, they couldn't find a chain to hook to the door to pull the door off the hinges.If the door was barricaded like they keep stating.......why did they need to wait for a key?
The media is trying to get BOTH of these shootings out of the newscycle ASAP.This is bad because theyre kids yes and its 19 them, but the Buffalo Tops was equally as bad, if not worse..
The dude who shot up the elementary school was a loose cannon pyscho that was bound to snap regardless. He'd have walked into a gas station or police station and still let off shots. I doubt he had a manifesto professing his hatred and desire to exterminate elementary school kids.
The Tops shooting was worse because it had clear targets based on race, and was planned well in advance by someone who apparantly didnt display signs of madness.