Field Marshall Bradley
Most of them will be in poverty. Will you take care of them financially?
Based on what? And give me an example of what type of poverty they will be in?
Most of them will be in poverty. Will you take care of them financially?
Brehettes will probably choose to use sex toys and refrain from sex (as many already are doing) or they’ll continue fukking and they will either have an illegal abortion or cross state lines to get an abortion if birth control/condoms fail or if they’re having reckless sex. And the ones who date with purpose will continue doing that as they always have. The only big change is that people will find ways to get it done illegally.Wedding ring / Dating with purposeSex Toy
Nah Republicans are going to win cause of stuff like ^^. Dems better stop all this p*ssyfooting around and start going for the jugular
Here we go. Bro just admit you’re a racist and call it again bro. You probably the first one licking the white mans boot. If you father loves you so much call him and tell him you’re a loser, maybe he’ll set you straight
fukking Amish people country that’s what it isYou can still get an abortion. Just go to a state that its legal in. Just like weed. But America is hell bent on being a(n even more) degenerate country
How grand of you you’ll be taking cafe of all them kids from unwanted Pregnancies with shyt parents. You’ll get your nation alright if you really tryYou wouldn't be here today if this 'type of woman' didn't reproduce. Everybody who keep saying this, you realize that bp been through some dire shyt and woulda been aborting yall ancestors left and right if the opportunity were available... right?
Ftr, I come at this not from a moral standpoint. In fact, nothing I say is morality based, morals are personal. But I was trained as a historian and reaching reproductive replacement levels is the absolute minimum in nation- building.
Breh put zero thought into that these people really think these are potential kids that would've been born into good situations with parents that actually want themUh no. That's why abortion is needed. You really expect careless people to properly raise child? Most whom are broke and will be on welfare?
It's 2022. And why did that shytty article fail to mention:
The bill never made it to the full Senate, and when it came back up the following year, Mr. Biden voted against it.
You literally post like a boomer on Facebook. You should have to take a cognitive test every 6 months or lose your internet privileges. You never get the point that “libruuuuls” wouldn’t have to defend or fight for anything if the folks that you are so quick to agree with on made up culture war issues weren’t doing any and everything in their power to keep everybody but the 1% down. Guess what? You might have this illusion that you are doing good now, and you have a financial “plan” to be good in the future, but I promise you, if you have kids, they’re life is not gonna be great, your retirement years, not gonna be great, anything you “think” is under your control right now, anything that is planned out, you think it’s gonna be 1 way, but it’s another way. I know you are too proud to believe me, but unfortunately, I’m right.Liberals.
When shyts getting real they're still. Silence is agreement.
I guess, I think it’s weird that a racist has to back the eugenics movement to get women to take birth control I don’t care if the average white person back then was racist, and Mlk co-signing doesn’t make it better neither, it’s the same thing as white women being racist because they want to vote
You're rambling to a phantom on Facebook. I don't know what you're talking about so save your automated response. Dems went to far left and imploded the party. Now we get to play the empire strikes back. If only they'd given reparations. Everything would be different. Instead, fighting for Nazis.You literally post like a boomer on Facebook. You should have to take a cognitive test every 6 months or lose your internet privileges. You never get the point that “libruuuuls” wouldn’t have to defend or fight for anything if the folks that you are so quick to agree with on made up culture war issues weren’t doing any and everything in their power to keep everybody but the 1% down. Guess what? You might have this illusion that you are doing good now, and you have a financial “plan” to be good in the future, but I promise you, if you have kids, they’re life is not gonna be great, your retirement years, not gonna be great, anything you “think” is under your control right now, anything that is planned out, you think it’s gonna be 1 way, but it’s another way. I know you are too proud to believe me, but unfortunately, I’m right.
Abortion isn't killing a child, for starters. But ending a pregnancy has been the right of every Coli poster for the entirety of our lives. How did you get brainwashed into believing pregnant people being forced into carrying a zygote or fetus, viable or not, to term is moral??
Yes, and when other types of birth control fail, OR when a fetus is not viable for life, it's better for society to allow people to stop a pregnancy if they so choose.
Choosing to have sex isn't the same thing as choosing to become pregnant. Also, you are aware that birth control sometimes doesn't work, right?
In a perfect world everyone would make the best choices and not do things that could result in unwanted outcomes. But we don't live in a perfect world. People are human, and flawed, and make mistakes. Ending access to safe abortions isn't going to solve that. It's just going to result in a lot more unnecessarily unsafe ones, and a lot more children in an already dysfunctional foster care and adoption system.