BREAKING: Roe v Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court #BothSides

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Not as illogical as voting at a 90% clip for a particular party for 50+ years and not getting anything from it.

Black people voting for Democrats is completely logical considering the alternative. Blame the reactionary right for constantly obstructing any attempt to make peoples lives better.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
I said it the last time we had one of those dumbass, monthly "black people are actually more conservative" threads: conservative cacs use "family values" "church" and other shyt FOR THEIR OWN AGENDAS. Which is to subjugate and demonize blacks. It's a tradition that goes back to pre-civil war days where depicting black people as amoral, violent rapists and savages who could not handle the privilege of freedom, abolition as a threat to the order of an ideal antebellum South society, and slavery as a moral good towards inferior people incapable of any higher intellect or values to depict liberals as naive and belligerent people who want to destroy moral and family "tradition."

And seeing fools fall for this shyt was just disgraceful. Rallying around being "conservative" because they've been tricked by Fox News into believing going to church and valuing your familiy is a "conservative value."

That being an American who fights to expand and explore people's rights and make this country as inclusive of marginalized people as possible means you reject church, family, and values. Jesus people are so simple minded.


How motherfukkers here can pull so much otherworldly knowledge about the agenda of the Democrat party and "white liberals" out their ass but get duped into O'Reilly Factor, NRA cac bullshyt about "family" is amazing.


Everything you said is correct White Christian nationalism is dangerous and "states rights" has had a history of being detrimental to black people.

Abortion has also curtailed the black population that is absolutely true.

Having said that I don't think abortion should be illegal but let's have an honest conversation about abortion and it's real impact.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Spent her last years on Earth having to bounce back and forth from surgeries and work instead of relaxing in peace because she didn't want to retire. I know she regretted that decision every day her last few years. Now, I do think she's being used as a scapegoat somewhat. Republicans would've STILL tried to not accept Obama's pick if Ginsburg stepped down in basically saying what Mitch is saying today ("We're not confirming anyone else for Biden if Dems lose the Midterms") because IIRC, the Dems lost the midterms in 2014. Alot of anger should be directed towards the system and towards the Dems for playing so fukkin weak against the Republicans who have shown 1,000 times they don't GAF. There should be rules in place that prohibit stalling a sitting President for YEARS only to ram your picks through in two weeks when its your party, or some sort of investigative body overseeing discrepant voting behavior like that for potential bias and making Congressmen explain why they did certain things. I always personally thought it was crazy that lawyers, judges and doctors (and others) have licenses that they could lose if they did anything unethical but, Congress? Nah. I get that their politicians from rival parties but, for some things, I feel Congressmen should be forced to follow the rules on and confirming picks without trying to stall is one of them. I'll fault Ginsburg maybe 60 percent.

Dems had the majority in 2013 and 2014. They could have easily confirmed her replacement with out without republican help, as Reid had nuked the filibuster for judges already. Obama invited her to the White House, wined and dined her, and they had an entire operation to gently pressure her to leave. That's where a lot of that "Notorious RBG" stuff started. Feminists were all involved in the nonsense but never tried to convince her to leave. Instead Obama got some flack for "telling a women what to do."

And here we are.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
The more I look around Ive decided to become an escalationist. And I think it would be wise if you do the same.

Either things need to go so far to the right, that black people have the will to escspe the plantation once again.

Or I also promote full on assimilation if thats the choice. Wanting to be pro black while being a cog in white supremacy? No that wont be the move. If you want to be apart of this country I push for full assimilation. Meaning you drop black culture, stop bringing up or even seeing racism. No more race loyalty in relationships. No more conscienceness and knowledge of self. You no longer see color.

Because at the rate we are going. In another 20-30 years,black people in this country are going to be majority biracials and octaroons anyway. But all the half stepping with being pro black is just slowing it down. I say escalate it all,lets get it over with,so we can really find out whos who.

Escalationism is really just to help the chosen few. Those who would leave but still have too much hope in black people as a collective. Not undetstanding their people have been genetically modified and assimilated. Either way the escalation proccess goes,it will be revealed just how many "black people" are fully assimilated and gone in this country. This is what the chosen few need to see. It will be the closure neccessary to finally escape,and let the dead bury the dead.

I thought like this at one point but when you think it through it makes no sense. shyt will just get progressively worse and those who're at the top now will just consolidate their power and be even more powerful.

The vast majority of Black people aren't going to pick up and move when shyt hits the fan. We'll just be sitting ducks and completely helpless. There is no existing infrastructure in our community that'll allow us to weather the storm of what collapse entails. There is little to no community organizing. The family structure is done. The black church for the most part is done.


You Don't Have The Answers...
Nov 12, 2012
Elm City
The same people that was bytching about masks and say "my body my freeeedooom" wanna tell women what to do with their bodies and their freedom :francis:. They ban abortions even the ones that come from rape :martin:. They don't give a fukk about the kids once he or she is here tho:beli:, if they did they would grant a high number of maternity leave, the child tax credit would be permanent, there would be orphanage everywhere, adoption would be easy and affordable, and healthcare is free.

Black Mamba

Mar 11, 2022
Dems had the majority in 2013 and 2014. They could have easily confirmed her replacement with out without republican help, as Reid had nuked the filibuster for judges already. Obama invited her to the White House, wined and dined her, and they had an entire operation to gently pressure her to leave. That's where a lot of that "Notorious RBG" stuff started. Feminists were all involved in the nonsense but never tried to convince her to leave. Instead Obama got some flack for "telling a women what to do."

And here we are.
fukk these white feminists bytches ayo
Going hard for a racist lil bytch
Now look look stupid af now :mjlol:


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
Spent her last years on Earth having to bounce back and forth from surgeries and work instead of relaxing in peace because she didn't want to retire. I know she regretted that decision every day her last few years. Now, I do think she's being used as a scapegoat somewhat. Republicans would've STILL tried to not accept Obama's pick if Ginsburg stepped down in basically saying what Mitch is saying today ("We're not confirming anyone else for Biden if Dems lose the Midterms") because IIRC, the Dems lost the midterms in 2014. Alot of anger should be directed towards the system and towards the Dems for playing so fukkin weak against the Republicans who have shown 1,000 times they don't GAF. There should be rules in place that prohibit stalling a sitting President for YEARS only to ram your picks through in two weeks when its your party, or some sort of investigative body overseeing discrepant voting behavior like that for potential bias and making Congressmen explain why they did certain things. I always personally thought it was crazy that lawyers, judges and doctors (and others) have licenses that they could lose if they did anything unethical but, Congress? Nah. I get that their politicians from rival parties but, for some things, I feel Congressmen should be forced to follow the rules on and confirming picks without trying to stall is one of them. I'll fault Ginsburg maybe 60 percent.

Why would they have to follow the rules when they created said rules themselves?
Oct 6, 2015
They don't have to worry about Brown v. Board when they can just redistrict as they always do, and now with impunity from the SCOTUS as they continue to siphon funds from public schools. I mean, I'm not one to use the term because it just makes little sense in my word view but the Republicans are truly evil and the fact that we even have to argue with people about this pushes me towards simulation theory. I jest, a bit, but what the fukk is wrong with Americans? I'm not even talking about conservatives, I'm talking about the apolitical and the "both sides" idiots. Just insane, it's right in their fukking face every day and they don't see it. They are doomed.

The way how they are allowing the Republicans to run public education into the ground really is perplexing, and when their offspring are only able to get jobs at a Amazon warehouse, then they are going to be in an outrage
Oct 6, 2015
She should have stepped down from her position when Obama told her to, not wait years hoping for Trump to lose when she already saw what happened in 2016 and was now in a :flabbynsick: place where she couldn't do anything about it.

Her legacy is being replaced by someone that helped overturn a landmark case from five decades ago. How about that bullshyt? :scusthov:

Are y'all really going to act as if Obama ain't allow Mitch McConnell to bytch his ass out and prevent him his Scalia replacement? Obama is just as much to blame if not even greater to be honest. Today's tumultuous politics are at least revealing how weak that Obama legacy is. You see how Trump stated fukk that and rushed Amy Coney Barrett's ass into her Supreme Court seat
Oct 6, 2015
I still can't believe this.
Overturning Roe v Wade was always just political posturing to get the White Christian Conservative votes. It wasn't supposed to really happen.
The Republican Party really did lose its mind.

The fact that they have been saying that they will overturn it at every opportunity with you still not believing them is why they are where they are