BREAKING: Roe v Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court #BothSides

Jul 24, 2018
Scare tactics? They just did it.

We need to ban yall dummies. And its not because yall are conservatives but, because yall flat out deny facts and try to create false realities. Letting yall go unchallenged is why there's so many other dummies out there becoming radicalized and falling for your alt-right bullshyt. It's really demonic how yall get off on deceiving and manipulating people.
Nothing more than emotional drivel.
I swear thecoli has gone to shyt... Just believe everything the mainstream media says and call anything that goes against it 'conservative, 'alt-right' etc. Pathetic.
Btw, I'm not a conservative.


All Star
Aug 3, 2015
The End
Dems and republicans are having Breakfast right now laughing at you all losing your shyt. As they cash their checks and take their donations from lobbyists and big pharma.

y’all really be falling for these duopoly games in 2022 :mjlol:

Y’all really still don’t understand this is one party divided into two wings to divide the country and get richer and richer generationally.

y’all really think dems are this incompetent and that the people in charge of the country could be so incompetent and engage in such mindless self sabotage by accident :dead:

they’re all in on it. They’re all friends. While you all cry and point the finger. They go to the same country clubs, live in the same neighborhoods, enjoy the same wealth and their children go to the same schools.


Dems are either incompetent Or complicit and either way is bad but it’s definitely the latter because history will keep repeating itself

republicans in power, get everything done and pushed right. **vote blue no matter who** dems get power, rotating villain comes in and sabotages OUT OF NOWHERE, dems can’t get anything done, republicans get power, repeat

FOH :laff:
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Jul 24, 2018
Dems and republicans are having Breakfast right now laughing at you all losing your shyt. As they cash their checks and take their donations from lobbyists and big pharma.

y’all really be falling for these duopoly games in 2022 :mjlol:

Y’all really still don’t understand this is one party divided into two wings to divide the country and get richer and richer generationally.

y’all really think dems are this incompetent and that the people in charge of the country could be so incompetent and engage in such mindless self sabotage by accident :dead:

they’re all in on it. They’re all friends. While you all cry and point the finger. They go to the same country clubs, live in the same neighborhoods, enjoy the same wealth and their children go to the same schools.


Dems are either incompetent Or complicit and either way is bad but it’s definitely the latter because history will keep repeating itself
End thread. Well done, sir.


Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora is a big case and I can’t believe they did it but in practice I’m not sure how much this will change . It just hands it off to states and the states that have embraced abortion will continue to do so and the states that effectively outlawed abortion anyway (the plains and south ) will just make it official by closing the one or 2 they have.

Now you nikkas on here talking about Civil
Rights ,Brown v Board of Ed being stripped need to stop. Those will not be touched because those are literal grenades . That is the type of shyt the court or the Republican Party as a whole would want to deal with . That’s just pure fearmongering . You can talk about the significance of this move without just jumping out the window on some goofy shyt like that .

nikkas talking about bringing slavery back :laff:

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
If thats what it takes for black people to get out of this hellhole country,so be it. And thats what it will take. Weve gotten way too comfortable for too long.

So you're willing to let the country fall deeper into a right wing hellhole with the hopes it will persuade 42 million people to just pick up and leave?
Do you even realize how unrealistic and illogical that is?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
That sounds cool, but who is paying for this great black migration and where will we all go?

Thats what #BlackFreeAgency2028 is all about.
Black people will all vow to walk out on America on an undisclosed date,if our demands are not met. You might say thats not a threat,but a black walk out/blackout would cripple the worlds economy. So America would have first rights to meet our demands. We will either take the money,land,banks and stay. Or we will just take the money and run.

But you also give other countries the chance to make counter offers. All black people need to do is point out our economic power. We are the only reason this country is popular. Otherwise it would just be another Canada. Everything great about this country was born from black people. Black twitter is a billion dollar promotional tool and should be paid as such. We will promote whatever country lands us. And that country will become the next "America".

The offers will be astronomical,the lucky country will be recieving the entire nba and nfl basically.

Plan B is you have nearly a decade to prepare. So if no deals get made. You should have close to 100 grand to get you outta here and able to find our footing.


All Star
Aug 3, 2015
The End
So you're willing to let the country fall deeper into a right wing hellhole with the hopes it will persuade 42 million people to just pick up and leave?
Do you even realize how unrealistic and illogical that is?
Not as illogical as voting at a 90% clip for a particular party for 50+ years and not getting anything from it.


Jul 25, 2018
Crazy how the really shytty side actually gets shyt done for the people that vote them in and the regular shytty side is juelzing 80% of the time

That's because the people of the "shytty side" vote their asses off. Again and again. Everytime. Whether they completely like their moderate or extreme candidate or otherwise. Whether they get a policy platform that is explicitly and exclusively for white people or one that appears inclusive of others but is clearly working out an agenda. Seeing liberals eat shyt on election night and their power back in government will always take priority. Because unlike dusty do-nothing TLR niccas waiting for reparations checks, these folks know that THIS is what possible in the long term when you win elections.

Meanwhile we sit around with our entire thumbs up our asses, talking to our social media cliques not doing shyt except role-playing as militants and spitting all types of wokey woke childish anti-conformist bullshyt.

If we actually voted in 2016 instead of jumping on the "fukk Hillary" Vladimir Putin sanctioned bandwagon, not only would this not be happening we would have a bright blue Supreme Court that would be working to EXPAND civil rights measures and social justice causes rather than regressing them back to 19th century "states rights."

But hey, I live in a liberal state that won't let this or any ass backwards "conservative" shyt like this touch my quality of healthcare or any of my quality living. know...both sides the same right?

Coli is full of "proud to be an Americun; drape ourselves in the flag" dumbasses that insist we are so secretly conservative and so much better off under a conservative social and political culture. Cool. So here it is.

All the TLR black conservatives with your superior family and moral values, keep your ass in your dusty hillbilly bumblefukk state where you have little to no rights, white nationalists receive greater protection than black children, and you can join hand in hand with these hicks who politically owns you, owns your family and runs your life in solidarity of yalls equal hatred of liberalism, Democrats and immigrants.

And if you're one of those hashtag idiots who disses Democrats and liberals from the rooftops while living in the social and political luxury of NY, LA, Detroit, Chicago etc., ( cough cough @HarlemHottie @CHICAGO @Nicole0416_646NYC ) quit being a hypocrite and fukking move to one of your "conservative" destinations. Perhaps Trumpland Florida or Build-The-Wall Texas where you can be sued to high heaven by some Fox News obsessed cac mother if you so much as read Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry in a classroom. In five years you probably won't be able to even vote or receive a damn birth control prescription without all types of red tape in those states. :russ:

:russ:Cus...both sides the same.

Oh and good luck pushing your reparations movement with those yee haw cacs yall feel so aligned with.


But hey at least those gays and immigrants know they place huh!


We so conservative. Conservatives are awesome yall.


Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
And like clockwork thecoli corporate democrat party shills that believes everything the mainstream media says are clutching their pearls.

Also like clockwork, The Coli higher ups done tossed that nikka to the bushes like them Cacs did Marc Lamoist Hill and the rest of those treasonous kneegrows from the BNC :mjgrin:


Jul 25, 2018
I find it interesting how Alito specifically mentioned the black population in his opinion. This same judge has spent his career ruling in favor of cases that segregate us into slums and impede upon our civil rights but he's acting like he gives a damn about our numbers
. :stopitslime:

I said it the last time we had one of those dumbass, monthly "black people are actually more conservative" threads: conservative cacs use "family values" "church" and other shyt FOR THEIR OWN AGENDAS. Which is to subjugate and demonize blacks. It's a tradition that goes back to pre-civil war days where depicting black people as amoral, violent rapists and savages who could not handle the privilege of freedom, abolition as a threat to the order of an ideal antebellum South society, and slavery as a moral good towards inferior people incapable of any higher intellect or values to depict liberals as naive and belligerent people who want to destroy moral and family "tradition."

And seeing fools fall for this shyt was just disgraceful. Rallying around being "conservative" because they've been tricked by Fox News into believing going to church and valuing your familiy is a "conservative value."

That being an American who fights to expand and explore people's rights and make this country as inclusive of marginalized people as possible means you reject church, family, and values. Jesus people are so simple minded.


How motherfukkers here can pull so much otherworldly knowledge about the agenda of the Democrat party and "white liberals" out their ass but get duped into O'Reilly Factor, NRA cac bullshyt about "family" is amazing.


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
So you're willing to let the country fall deeper into a right wing hellhole with the hopes it will persuade 42 million people to just pick up and leave?
Do you even realize how unrealistic and illogical that is?

The more I look around Ive decided to become an escalationist. And I think it would be wise if you do the same.

Either things need to go so far to the right, that black people have the will to escspe the plantation once again.

Or I also promote full on assimilation if thats the choice. Wanting to be pro black while being a cog in white supremacy? No that wont be the move. If you want to be apart of this country I push for full assimilation. Meaning you drop black culture, stop bringing up or even seeing racism. No more race loyalty in relationships. No more conscienceness and knowledge of self. You no longer see color.

Because at the rate we are going. In another 20-30 years,black people in this country are going to be majority biracials and octaroons anyway. But all the half stepping with being pro black is just slowing it down. I say escalate it all,lets get it over with,so we can really find out whos who.

Escalationism is really just to help the chosen few. Those who would leave but still have too much hope in black people as a collective. Not undetstanding their people have been genetically modified and assimilated. Either way the escalation proccess goes,it will be revealed just how many "black people" are fully assimilated and gone in this country. This is what the chosen few need to see. It will be the closure neccessary to finally escape,and let the dead bury the dead.