BREAKING: Florida Textbooks are removing race from why Rosa Parks was arrested or references to racism in "black codes" during jim crow


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Can you point me to a time in history where any ethnic group, especially those that have histories of oppression (jews, native american, black disapora, lower castes in indian society, muslims during the yugoslav war, tutsis, on and on and on...) have had either life remain the same or gotten better for them when society, as a whole, one which you live in too, decided to deny their grievances and even more rewrite their history as if their oppression never existed?
Surely there is an example somewhere in history where this at most wasn't part of a larger campaign of increased oppression. I can't think of one. Maybe you can.

Also, as someone else said, denying history isn't just about black children. You guys are still playing checkers while others are playing chess. Ron DeSantis and the like aren't thinking about themselves or even their children who no doubt were at the VERY LEAST know this history exists. What they want is it to be removed from the public consciouness to the point that their kid's kids will not even hear the original narrative. This also makes it easier for them to setup alternative narratives to fill in the gaps so when they truth as we know it today is exposed to them, it will cause such dissonance they won't even believe the truth when you present it to them. Right now, when we hear that they have proposed teaching that slaves were treated well and it was more like a guest living arrangement, we laugh. They know you laugh and they still push it. Because, what they are focused on is that you laugh now, but even as generations progress, its not long a joke but the new fact. This is the true goal.

Fam, a WHITE GIRL is one of the teens suing DeSantis. That girl learned the truth and decided even Ron DeSantis was wrong.


Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
Is this your insightful comment?
I'm speaking to the people that are afraid to claim their history (and a lot of them are on here), because White people told them we weren't the Moors, Ancient Egyptians, and other lies. If they can't even tell the truth about slavery and Rosa Parks, why trust them with anything else regarding history? That was the point that flew over your head.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Can you point me to a time in history where any ethnic group, especially those that have histories of oppression (jews, native american, black disapora, lower castes in indian society, muslims during the yugoslav war, tutsis, on and on and on...) have had either life remain the same or gotten better for them when society, as a whole, one which you live in too, decided to deny their grievances and even more rewrite their history as if their oppression never existed?
Surely there is an example somewhere in history where this at least wasn't part of a larger campaign of increased oppression. I can't think of one. Maybe you can. I can think of plenty of examples where it was part of a larger campaign of oppression though, but none on the opposite end.

Also, as someone else said, denying history isn't just about black children. You guys are still playing checkers while others are playing chess. Ron DeSantis and the like aren't thinking about themselves or even their children who no doubt were at the VERY LEAST know this history exists. What they want is it to be removed from the public consciousness to the point that their kid's kids will not even hear the original narrative. This also makes it easier for them to setup alternative narratives to fill in the gaps so when the truth as we know it today is exposed to them, it will cause such dissonance they won't even believe the truth when you present it to them. Right now, when we hear that they have proposed teaching that slaves were treated well and it was more like a guest living arrangement, we laugh. They know you laugh and they probably laugh that they are pushing it themselves behind closed doors, yet they still push it. Because what they are focused on is that you laugh now, but as generations progress, its no longer a joke but the new fact. This is the true goal.
The better question you need to ask yourself is what oppressed group that you mentioned ie the Jews, native Americans, Tutsis and on and on WANT the same people that oppressed them to educate their children on their own oppression. Do Jewish people send their children to nazi schools and complain that nazis don’t teach accurate holocaust history?

Black history is not going to be taught in schools in which the curriculum is controlled and designed by white people. White Americans are an oppression class, not our equals. We are the only people on the planet that don’t actually see our oppressors for what they are despite having the longest sustained system of inequality.


Feb 12, 2015
People talking about parents teaching kids at home are always missing the point and power of a free and appropriate public education.

Once again, parents can not replace quality, systematic, explicit instruction. And public education means whites are learning and perpetuating the same harmful lies and those children grow up to codify those hateful lies.

People thought I was exaggerating or unserious when I said 99.9% or our current world issues START and end with education.

We could do the same thing they are doing and mobilize in politics to elect black superintendents and public schools.
But the last decade we’ve been attacked with a propaganda machine that spews “both sides”, “your vote don’t matter” rhetoric and encourages apathy and hopelessness in our community as these a-holes actively work to take away human rights.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
People talking about parents teaching kids at home are always missing the point and power of a free and appropriate public education.

Once again, parents can not replace quality, systematic, explicit instruction. And public education means whites are learning and perpetuating the same harmful lies and those children grow up to codify those hateful lies.

People thought I was exaggerating or unserious when I said 99.9% or our current world issues START and end with education.

We could do the same thing they are doing and mobilize in politics to elect black superintendents and public schools.
But the last decade we’ve been attacked with a propaganda machine that spews “both sides”, “your vote don’t matter” rhetoric and encourages apathy and hopelessness in our community as these a-holes actively work to take away human rights.
You are the one missing the point. White people in America will never allow a black child to have a accurate education when it comes to race.

You’re being contradictory with your post as well. You keep emphasizing how important education is but when people suggest that we take part in educating our own children you disagree. White children don’t just learn white supremacy in schools, they learn it at home. In fact, most of the racism they learn is at home right at the dinner table.

You can not vote your way out of oppression. :snoop:Why is that so hard to understand? Out of the all of the examples in human history there has never been a single example of a group of people voting themselves out of a systematically tyrannical government. If you could simply “vote” for a new “black” curriculum it would have been done by now.

Voting has been used by black people for the last 60 years as an excuse to not do the work that you’re supposed to be doing on your own. You want to vote for a black superintendent for something that you can do yourself. You by books off Amazon, and you read them with your child together. It’s just that simple.


Feb 12, 2015
You are the one missing the point. White people in America will never allow a black child to have a accurate education when it comes to race.

You’re being contradictory with your post as well. You keep emphasizing how important education is but when people suggest that we take part in educating our own children you disagree. White children don’t just learn white supremacy in schools, they learn it at home. In fact, most of the racism they learn is at home right at the dinner table.

You can not vote your way out of oppression. :snoop:Why is that so hard to understand? Out of the all of the examples in human history there has never been a single example of a group of people voting themselves out of a systematically tyrannical government. If you could simply “vote” for a new “black” curriculum it would have been done by now.

Voting has been used by black people for the last 60 years as an excuse to not do the work that you’re supposed to be doing on your own. You want to vote for a black superintendent for something that you can do yourself. You by books off Amazon, and you read them with your child together. It’s just that simple.
Home and school are two separate spaces that get conflated when it comes to education. I’m not saying that kids shouldn’t be learning at home.

I’m saying that a free and public education is something we as tax payers pay into and have a right to demand a curriculum that is accessible and inclusive for all.

The privatization of education at home isn’t even what’s at stake here.
The power of public education as a mechanism for social change and a major driver of the collective consciousness of our country is what’s on the line. Public education is a huge social change mechanism and as such, dismissing concerns about our public education system being co-opted by racist regimes is more than cause for concern. And the solution isn’t just to do what you do in your own personal homes. It’s never been that simple or they wouldn’t be making moves in education to dismantle it in these ways.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
You are the one missing the point. White people in America will never allow a black child to have a accurate education when it comes to race.

You’re being contradictory with your post as well. You keep emphasizing how important education is but when people suggest that we take part in educating our own children you disagree. White children don’t just learn white supremacy in schools, they learn it at home. In fact, most of the racism they learn is at home right at the dinner table.

You can not vote your way out of oppression. :snoop:Why is that so hard to understand? Out of the all of the examples in human history there has never been a single example of a group of people voting themselves out of a systematically tyrannical government. If you could simply “vote” for a new “black” curriculum it would have been done by now.

Voting has been used by black people for the last 60 years as an excuse to not do the work that you’re supposed to be doing on your own. You want to vote for a black superintendent for something that you can do yourself. You by books off Amazon, and you read them with your child together. It’s just that simple.

@Booksnrain is not being contradictory at all, you're failing to recognize that the school system is one of the top social institutions in our society.

So much so that it's actually disruptive to what children are taught at home.

And as @Booksnrain mentioned most parents are NOT equipped to teach history at home. But honestly that's inconsequential to what the purpose of removing black history from the classroom is. This is solely for the long term purpose of indoctrination since the republican party has a growing youth problem


that guy

Jan 25, 2014
@Booksnrain is not being contradictory at all, you're failing to recognize that the school system is one of the top social institutions in our society.

So much so that it's actually disruptive to what children are taught at home.

And as @Booksnrain mentioned most parents are NOT equipped to teach history at home. But honestly that's inconsequential to what the purpose of removing black history from the classroom is. This is solely for the long term purpose of indoctrination since the republican party has a growing youth problem

We’re not talking about a socialization we’re talking about academic education. You’re intervening into a discussion and aren’t even using the correct terminology.

How are black parents not equipped to teach history at home? You literally buy a black history book and read to your child. :gucci: