BREAKING: Donald Trump Announces Plan 2 Remove Clinton Era Criminal Justice Laws That Hurt Black Men


Nov 19, 2016
In contrast to the 2015 proposal, the elimination of the “stacking” provision and the reduction of mandatory minimums for nonviolent offenders would not apply retroactively — a concession by Democrats that greatly narrows the impact of the changes for the current prison population.


giving judges more latitude to sidestep mandatory minimum sentences and easing drug sentences that have incarcerated African-Americans at much higher rates than white offenders.

The bill, called the First Step Act, is more modest than the much-trumpeted set of changes that stalled in the Senate last term,

Y'all might want to wait until they release the actual bill. :Camfrancis:


May 20, 2013
Obama should’ve done this his first week in office if he was so concerned about his legacy. If Trump repeals Three Strikes and other Clinton crack laws then that says more about Obama than Trump. But y’all still worship him

Frankly I've never understand the Obama love-especially looking at the condition of the largest Dem cities. Look at San Fran,DAYUMMNN!



Aug 9, 2014
did he obstruct him for the LGBT and Latino Communities?

don't make me post receipts...there's a huge list of things he got done for both of those communities as well as his bailing out of wall street

you dudes gotta stop repeating these talking points you've been fed without doing your own research.

besides, why didn't anybody stop cash for clunkers - remember that? :russ:

^^^ this is you talking about Mitch McConnell like he was pro-Obama and trying to write history.


(this is from the actual white house archives, straight from the source)
FACT SHEET: Obama Administration Efforts that have Expanded Opportunities for the Hispanic Community

FACT SHEET: Obama Administration Efforts that have Expanded Opportunities for the Hispanic Community
Cinco de Mayo is a day to celebrate the important cultural contributions of our nation’s Mexican American – and Hispanic - community. Throughout his presidency, President Obama has worked to expand opportunities for all Americans, including the Hispanic community. He has brought our economy back from the brink by rebuilding America from the middle out; increased investments in education from cradle to career; made health care and a college education more affordable; and helped people across the country realize their dream of home ownership.

Expanding Job Opportunities and Pathways to the Middle Class

  • Under President Obama, 14.4 million private-sector jobs have been added over 73 consecutive months, including 2.7 million jobs over the last 12 months - the longest streak of private-sector job growth on record.
  • Hispanic unemployment rate has dropped from its peak of 13 percent in August 2009 to 5.6 percent in March 2016.
  • Since President Obama called for a minimum wage increase during his 2013 State of the Union, 18 states and the District of Columbia have increased their minimum wage. The President and the Department of Labor support legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage to $12/hour by 2020. According to the Economic Policy Institute, this bill would raise wages for millions of Hispanic workers.
  • Hispanic entrepreneurs started more than one million small businesses, growing the number of Hispanic-owned firms by 47 percent to more than 3.5 million companies. These businesses contributed more than $75 billion to the U.S. economy.
  • Through its two main loan programs, the U.S. Small Business Administration increased its lending to Hispanic entrepreneurs by nearly 21 percent in the past year, alone. For small-dollar loans (under $350,000), the Small Business Administration increased its lending to Hispanic entrepreneurs by 27 percent.
Increasing Access to Affordable, Quality Healthcare

  • Due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the uninsured rate among Hispanics adults dropped by 27 percent, corresponding to more than four million Hispanic adults gaining coverage.
  • Under ACA, 8.8 million Hispanics with private insurance now have access to expanded preventive services, including immunizations and certain cancer screenings with no co-pay or deductible.
  • ACA invested $11 billion in Community Health Centers, which increased access to health care by almost 35 percent to Hispanic patients who rely on these centers.
  • Teen birth rates fell nearly 50 percent among Hispanic teens, dropping the national teen birth rate to an all-time low.
Ensuring Our Youth Can Reach their Full Potential

  • President Obama invested an additional $4 billion in Head Start programs to provide quality early learning for more children across the country. Thirty-eight percent of Head Start recipients are Hispanic. President Obama has also expanded Early Head Start over the course of his time in office. Today, more than double the number of Hispanic infants and toddlers are in Early Head Start programs, compared to 2008.
  • More than 2.6 million Hispanic children, close to half of Latinos under the age of five, have benefited from Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge grants.
  • The Administration will release the first federal policy statement on better supporting dual language learners in high quality early childhood programs. The policy statement will highlight the evidence on the benefits of bilingualism and provide a set of state and local recommendations.
  • At 82 percent, our nation's overall high school graduation rate is at an all-time high, due in part to significant gains made by Hispanic students. Over the last decade, Hispanic students’ dropout rate was cut by more than half and graduation rates have risen to 76 percent.
  • The Obama Administration has invested more than $12 billion in research grants for Hispanic-serving colleges, scholarships, training programs, and other resources that will help Hispanic students enroll and succeed in college.
  • College enrollment for black and Hispanic students is up by more than a million students since 2008.
  • More Hispanic students are graduating college than ever before; now, 70,000 more students are completing a bachelor’s degree, annually. In the 2013- 2014 academic year, more than 200,000 Hispanic students completed their college degree.
  • Millions of young Americans can afford college due to historic investments, including increasing the maximum Pell grant award by more than $1,000 and creating the American Opportunity Tax Credit that is worth up to $10,000 over four years of college; keeping interest rates low on federal student loans; and helping borrowers manage debt after college with plans like Pay as You Earn (PAYE) that caps monthly loan payments at 10 percent of income.
  • The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) has been revamped and simplified, making it easier for students to apply for financial aid. Now more than six million families can electronically retrieve their income information from the IRS when completing their 2014-2015 FAFSA, an improvement on speed and accuracy. Students and families on average fill out the FAFSA in 20 minutes, one third of the time it took seven years ago.
  • President Obama launched the My Brother’s Keeper initiative to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and ensure that all young people can reach their full potential. Since 2014, nearly 250 communities in all 50 states have accepted the President’s My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge and the effort has leveraged more than $600 million in private sector support, philanthropic grants, and in-kind resources.
Making the Dream of Homeownership Within Reach

  • The Federal Housing Administration reduced the annual premiums for new borrowers by half of a percentage point, making homeownership more affordable for responsible Hispanic families. More than half of Hispanic first-time homebuyers use an FHA insured loan.
  • In the past year, the Administration worked on behalf of Hispanic individuals and families to ensure equal access to housing opportunities, securing more than $200 million that benefitted 1,800 individuals in alleged housing discrimination against members of the community.
  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development launched “ConnectHome,” a program providing nearly 275,000 low-income households – and nearly 200,000 children – with at-home Internet access and opportunities to build a brighter future.
Taking Action to Fix our Broken Immigration System

  • President Obama remains deeply committed to commonsense, comprehensive immigration reform. In November 2014, he took steps within his authority to fix our broken immigration system. The deferred action policies he announced would provide greater opportunities for immigrants who came to our Nation as children and parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who have lived here for years. The Administration continues to defend these policies in court in order to be able to implement them.
  • Since 2012, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy has allowed more than 700,000 young Dreamers to go to school and work legally. The vast majority of DACA recipients are Hispanic.
  • The actions announced by the President also include steps to modernize our legal immigration system to support high-skilled workers, entrepreneurs, students, and families.
  • President Obama established the White House Task Force on New Americans to support the integration of immigrants and refugees into our communities, including linguistic, civic, and economic integration. More than 50 cities and counties have joined the Building Welcoming Communities Campaign to create welcoming environments in local communities.
  • The President launched the “Stand Stronger” Citizenship Awareness Campaign, which aims to promote the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of citizenship among the 8.8 million lawful permanent residents potentially eligible to become U.S. citizens. More than 3 million of these eligible individuals are Hispanic.
Strengthening our Relationship with Latin America

  • President Obama’s trip to Cuba marked a historic milestone in the normalization process between the United States and Cuba. The Administration has worked with the Cubans to ease travel restrictions, facilitate commerce, enhance people to people engagement, expand business and commercial ties, and continue the call and support for human rights and civil society in Cuba.
  • The President has prioritized support to Central America in an effort to see an economically integrated Central America that is fully democratic, provides economic opportunities to its people, enjoys more accountable, transparent, and effective public institutions, and ensures a safe environment for its citizens.


I'm not moving goal posts. I said specifically that the original intention of bills were heavily changed wihen they were passed.

YOu posted ACA - that's pretty much sums up my argument. From the start of what ACA was until the final bill was passed several key items were removed or softened due to republicans refusing to pass it. And to my piont, Mitch Mcconnell didn't even vote yes for the ACA and has voted against ACA and for repealing it for several years.

Sen. Mitch McConnell votes on Obamacare

here's the actual vote registry

S 3590: Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

You're absolutely wrong, and I would go one by one through your list but the fact that you listed ACA as some sort of Mitch McConnell accomplishment shows that you're trolling. Everyone who dapped you @Easy-E @LiveFromLondon @HarlemHottie

need to be put on the "agent" list and watched very carefully.


Aug 9, 2014

And cuz none of this largely helps nikkas

Appreciate the info tho

it's not info - Im fairly certain the majority of thesae items weren't pushed through by Mitch McConnell. THe fact he is listing Obama's accomplishments and somehow trying to connect them to Mitch McConnell is frightening. MOreso because people are thanking him and dapping him like he's right. He's totally "fox news"ing you guys.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
^^^ this is you talking about Mitch McConnell like he was pro-Oba


I asked a question, a simple yes or a no to what I posted would suffice.

did mitch mconnell or anybody "BLOCK" that huge list of things I posted.

if you can't or refuse to answer then say that :coffee:


Aug 9, 2014

I asked a question, a simple yes or a no to what I posted would suffice.

did mitch mconnell or anybody "BLOCK" that huge list of things I posted.

if you can't or refuse to answer then say that :coffee:

I answered it, he voted NO continuoulsy on ACA and even now still is trying to repeal it, which is one of the more prominent items you listed. That devalues your entire argument and you should be required to defend that point first before I engage you on the other items that I'm sure Mitch had NOTHING to do with. You fukked up because for some reason you thougth because ACA passed that somehow Mitch must have voted for it, not realizing who controlled the Senate - now you're trying to play defense because you look stupid.


May 1, 2012
Idk what trump’s ulterior motive is with this but for dudes in here talking about saving cacs...more cacs are using opioids, not selling them so how would this benefit them if the dealers aren’t getting penalized as harshly...?

I don’t understand the logic here :patrice:

One person said it then like lemmings y’all ran with it when that narrative don’t really make much sense.

I’m thinking it’s just a fiscal thing because housing dudes in federal prisons on long sentences isn’t cheap.
Telling on yourself. Whites sell drugs st the exact same rates as blacks do.
As you can see in this thread

All Democrats do is complain, good or bad

They spent 40 yrs ignoring real shyt so they feel embarrassed that a piece of work like trump would cosign and push this bill
Shut up bruh. You’re sounding more and more like one of these Fox News c00n.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
I answered it, he voted NO on ACA, which is one of the more prominent items you listed. That devalues your entire argument and you should be required to defend that point first before I engage you on the other items that I'm sure Mitch had NOTHING to do with.

why wasn't ANY of that blocked? because THIS was your initial argument:
breh he obstructed on several items and generally played up with Fox to destroy anything Obama tried to do.

those talking points ain't aging well are they



Aug 9, 2014
why wasn't ANY of that blocked? because THIS was your initial argument:


your SAT scores must have been hella low. What you're posting makes no sense.

You specifically said Mitch did not try to block anything Obama did, you almost heralded the man as if he Joe Biden, right by Obama's side. You listed ACA as one of the accomplishments that he didn't try to block.

I showed you the voting registry showing he not only voted no (not to mention republicans continued to change key passages in the ACA) but he continued to vote to try to repeal ACA. I don't know what your definition of "block", "obstruction", or "destroy" is but all of the above sounds like they fit the definition to a T

You're not putting me on defense, you need to defend your position on ACA and Mitch McConnells obstruction and continuous attempt to destroy otherwise this conversation is done. I can easily herb you on the other items but it's fruitless if you're not going to admit you're wrong or defend your position on the most prominent legislation you posted.