Breaking Bad


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
You're one of them dikkriding dudes i mentioned earlier..u only see what u wanna see and convince yourself thats what others need to see or they dont know what they are talking bout

Lol@punk ass scary ass Walt being a Killer..u white boys kill me with this shyt..u want a hero this bad??
nikka aint even got whooped by whooped by old ass

Gus was a businessman,boss and a killer..

In reality..if he hated Walt that much..his formula wouldnt have meant much..Walt woulda been got..and he'd worry bout the formula later

To Gus,dealing with Jessie was a bigger liability and risk than dealing with Walt

And i never said they couldnt wait to get rid of Gus..
They must want Walt to play a much more central role in controlling the drug business in the next season or something..instead of just a top notch cook

Plus Walt is the main character of the has been 4 seasons already..u better believe Bryan Cranston has enough pull to decide which direction the show is taking now

Its going to be interesting to see what happens next season though

For some reason i wanted Walt to leave Gus and Jessie and set up short in another lab.
But that would have been unrealistic without bodies dropping..

At the end of the day its just a fukking show..some of you need to remember that

No offense homie but you don't know what you're talking about.

The show has been mapped out since day 1....since before day 1 actually. He was meant to go from a loser, to boss, and lose his humanity and soul in the process. That's literally the description Vince Gilligan used to shop the show around. "Turn a good man into Scarface".

So nah, this ain't something Bryan Cranston asked for. Gus had to go because there can't be two bosses, it's as simple as that.

Now as far as the "formula" can't worry about that shyt later. That 98 or 99% pure Walt was making insures they control the market. If they don't have a better product than their rivals, they have no control...if they are making an inferior product, what is the point of building an $8 mill lab?

And as far as "hands"....Walt is a 50 year old with cancer. :wtf: at you acting like he's supposed to be Mayweather or some shyt.

Besides, most gangsters ain't got back to the mafia. That's why people get shot the fukk up, or "goons" get sent out. You think Gus could fight? He had Mike, Victor, Tyrus, etc.



I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
:rudy: where is the lack of Loyalty though? again :what: :rudy:

1. Hitting a lick when your getting dikked by somebody who doesnt give a fukk about you is lil diffrent than loyalty breh. went from getting like 35k a pound to cooking 200 pounds a week for like 125k by a nikka who would kill you in a heartbeat :rudy:

Walt looked Jesse's ass dead in his face and damn near begged him not to steal from Gus because it'd put them BOTH in danger and Jesse's dumb ass went ahead and did it anyway.

2. Jesses hoe blackmailed walt for bullshytting with his money. again whats un-loyal about saying fukk you give me my bread.

And why did Walt keep the money from Jesse? He kept his money because Jesse had become a junkie and Walt wanted him to go to rehab. Walt knew if Jesse had that much money he'd just end up ODing on heroin like his junkie bytch.

3.Again so walt blackmailed jesse into cooking with him on some "dont cook Im turning you in :merchant:" and you salty because he got a rv still for less money :beli: thats unloyal what did he owe walt?

You mean the RV that was stolen and that Hank was then able to trace back to Walt and Jesse?

4. Not really, he basically told walt fukk your hoe ass brother in law I wont kill him but Im going to keep cooking your formula (which walt was on some hoe shyt about around that time ) if you try to stop me then Im taking you down with me a lil difference seeing how they werent partners at that time. I guess he owed walt to be loyal after walt basically said fukk him :rudy:

Walt Keep Jesse's dumb ass out of jail at that time. If not for Walt, Hank would have busted Jesse with that RV.

5. I dont know if your serious with this or not but i'll entertain it. So you telling me that when jesse found out his boy got killed by gus crew and tried to get walt to help he didnt hit jesse with the :yeshrug: just go to work. I really dont know why walt showed up there it really was just some tv shyt he was very much against it. But on the "teaming up" you serious breh? didnt jesse shoot gail in the head for walter because he wanted to play hitman when jesse was going to do it himself? lets not even get into the jesse asking for walts help in mexico and walt hitting him with the dont end up in this :trash:

Walt showed up because he didn't want Jesse killed. If Walt doesn't show up Jesse would have been killed either on that corner or later when Gus' people caught up to him. Walt had value to Gus' so he couldn't be killed right away and along with Saul they hid Jesse.

Like I said in my original post BOTH of them dudes are disloyal. Walt has saved Jesse's ass way more times than Jesse has saved Walt though.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I gotta address #2 at least. First off, Walt technically didn't even have to give Jesse any of that money, since he almost fukked the deal up because he was high.

And whether or not Walt owed Jesse money is can't go around blackmailing people, especially drug threatening to go to the cops, over your money. If you want to get technical Jesse's dumb ass shouldn't have told her about anything in the first place.



May 26, 2012
San Diego
Both of them have done some unethical, shady, disgraceful bullshyt, (as far as drug game etiquette, not to mention regular life) but Jessie is, imo, the way worse offender. I wanted him to go when he got strung out, literally and figuratively, with Jane...didn't even have the nerve to do it himself, but had his bytch, lowlife that she was, try to blackmail the dude who helped me make a 100k. Then when he told Walt, straight out, if the cops gets me, I'm giving you up. I would have given someone the greenlight on Jesse after Season 2, the dude is a mess. Everyone forgets that, cuz Gus kind of helped him get his shyt together in S4. He's impulsive, immature, vindictive, short sighted, drug user/addict, weak, etc etc.


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Walt looked Jesse's ass dead in his face and damn near begged him not to steal from Gus because it'd put them BOTH in danger and Jesse's dumb ass went ahead and did it anyway.

Yeah he did but really what does that matter at that point. jesse had just got his ass beat had walt disown him from the business he helped him get. $1mill(a month)/800(200 a week) pounds=$1250 a POUND! so you telling me jesses supposed to owe some loyalty to that fukked deal LOL went from getting 35k to splitting $1250 this is street shyt not work

And why did Walt keep the money from Jesse? He kept his money because Jesse had become a junkie and Walt wanted him to go to rehab. Walt knew if Jesse had that much money he'd just end up ODing on heroin like his junkie bytch.

Again what is loyal about that? what is he his dad? his caretaker? again this is illegal money who gives a fukk what somebody does with theirs. Thats like a cornball way to look at loyalty imo. See how gus/mike handled his money when that fiend robbed jesse, thats how it would be nobody keeping your allowance money, nobody gives a fukk.

You mean the RV that was stolen and that Hank was then able to trace back to Walt and Jesse?

Im not getting your point here are you saying he wouldnt have found the rv had he brought it legally?

Walt Keep Jesse's dumb ass out of jail at that time. If not for Walt, Hank would have busted Jesse with that RV.

whats loyal about walt knowing his finger prints were alll in the rv and knowing he was going to get caught? you surely dont think he would have done all that if he could have got away.

Walt showed up because he didn't want Jesse killed. If Walt doesn't show up Jesse would have been killed either on that corner or later when Gus' people caught up to him. Walt had value to Gus' so he couldn't be killed right away and along with Saul they hid Jesse.

:what: so now we just know jesse would have been killed what kind of bullshyt logic is that? like i said before that was just made for tv moment to have people like:wow: nobody was expecting that and it really served no purpose for walt to show and pull that stunt. I feel like your just trying to make a point out of nothing to show walts loyalty to be honest. .

Like I said in my original post BOTH of them dudes are disloyal. Walt has saved Jesse's ass way more times than Jesse has saved Walt though.

Not really I dont see any comparison it walt and jesse loyalty. Jesse delievered gus, shot tuco, shot gayle, helped him sale meth, lied to hank about meth and tuco so walt could play his lost in the desert role. all for a man who blackmailed you into working with him? seems like a lot. Compared to a dude who basically killed two dealers just because he felt like it I guess. and shot two lackys after he killed gus. Sorry Im not buying the saved jesse from hank angle that was strictly for himself.....honestly i dont even care 7/15/12 :lawd:


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
I gotta address #2 at least. First off, Walt technically didn't even have to give Jesse any of that money, since he almost fukked the deal up because he was high. :stop: breh try that shyt on ANY level and see if your not pushing roses. "you was sleep so you dont get your cut" lol cmon breh. And its not like it was going to not sale slower pace, but it would have sold and made more money in the long run

And whether or not Walt owed Jesse money is can't go around blackmailing people, especially drug threatening to go to the cops, over your money. If you want to get technical Jesse's dumb ass shouldn't have told her about anything in the first place.

:upsetfavre: like i said and the show did. blackmail aint about going to the cops with "hey he owes me drug money" blackmail is about "hey i got proof a teacher is cooking a life sentence worth of meth or else". Technically speaking he told her and she called and had walt bring the money is less than a day without any problems dont see how that was dumb move considering he got all the money.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Jesse would've died if Walt hadn't showed up. Vince Gilligan said that himself, which is why Walt showed up. He knew Jesse would do something stupid as soon as he found out Tomas died.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012

I dunno if you don't remember the eps or what, but Walt picked up $1.2 million from Gus. In one deal. So nah, they would never, in a million years, be able to move that much product on their own. That was the whole reason they went to Tuco in the first place, Jesse was out all night selling and only made like $1200 or some bullshyt amount.

Had Walt not been able to make it in time, they'd be out $1.2 mill. So when Jesse came up to the school like "where's my cut?" I was like :childplease:

And however you want to word it, Jesse's girl was gonna snitch and Jesse was sitting there being quiet like a bytch during the whole thing. And yeah, they got the money....and Walt let her die. So I don't really see how they won in that scenario.



HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012

I dunno if you don't remember the eps or what, but Walt picked up $1.2 million from Gus. In one deal. So nah, they would never, in a million years, be able to move that much product on their own. That was the whole reason they went to Tuco in the first place, Jesse was out all night selling and only made like $1200 or some bullshyt amount.

Had Walt not been able to make it in time, they'd be out $1.2 mill. So when Jesse came up to the school like "where's my cut?" I was like :childplease:

And however you want to word it, Jesse's girl was gonna snitch and Jesse was sitting there being quiet like a bytch during the whole thing. And yeah, they got the money....and Walt let her die. So I don't really see how they won in that scenario.



if yall mofos really paid attention to the show like my man Hexagram did...

yall would realize Walt's primary difficulty was Distribution..... and Muscle

he had the product ...but not didn't have neither the channels nor the manpower to move it.....

this was the reason why he had to basically "offer his services" to cats like crazy ass Tuco and Gustavo....

only thing is he being a naive novice to this whole drug smuggling culture business realizes soon enough that HE just like any manufactor or "worker" is EXPENDEBLE to the "bosses".

and this takes WALT on a journey to prevent this from ever happening....

from season to season based on the fact in MY HONEST OPINION...

He (walt) felt like FUKK IT ....i'm beating CANCER based on my own passion to live and live my life by my own terms...

i'll be damn if i let myself get taking out by some "meth dealing kingpins" regardless how much damn power they possess, so he's going out guns blazing :bustback:

this is the entertainment value of the show that although to many might seem "OVER THE TOP" and FANTASY LIKE it also serves as a useful lesson that IT'S NEVER OVER UNTIL YOU SAY IT'S OVER.......

it's kinda of inspirational from a fictional dramatic standpoint....


All Star
May 7, 2012
Yeah he did but really what does that matter at that point. jesse had just got his ass beat had walt disown him from the business he helped him get. $1mill(a month)/800(200 a week) pounds=$1250 a POUND! so you telling me jesses supposed to owe some loyalty to that fukked deal LOL went from getting 35k to splitting $1250 this is street shyt not work
It's different when you're supplying all the equipment and ingredients compared to their deal with gus.
With this arrangement all they had to do was cook without worrying about distributing, getting ingredients, finding a safe house etc so obviously they're gonna get paid less.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
It's different when you're supplying all the equipment and ingredients compared to their deal with gus.
With this arrangement all they had to do was cook without worrying about distributing, getting ingredients, finding a safe house etc so obviously they're gonna get paid less.

That doesn't even come into the equation because he expected to die in a year, 18 months tops, and needed $700,000. In the bullshyt RV, they were making too much meth to sell hand-to-hand. Walt was like "I gave you two pounds of meth and you only sold $1200 worth? FOH". :beli:

Which again, is why they approached Tuco.

They actually got paid more working for Gus. He put them on a whole 'nother level. $1.2 mill off top, $3 mill total, and I think he re-upped it to $15 mill for Walt, open-ended. But like Marlo said "I wasn't made to play the son"....Walt always wanted to be the boss.


Ku$h Parker

I'm Nothin Correctable
May 1, 2012
Prime Minister of The Inland Empire
I gotta address #2 at least. First off, Walt technically didn't even have to give Jesse any of that money, since he almost fukked the deal up because he was high.

And whether or not Walt owed Jesse money is can't go around blackmailing people, especially drug threatening to go to the cops, over your money. If you want to get technical Jesse's dumb ass shouldn't have told her about anything in the first place.


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HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
Both of them have done some unethical, shady, disgraceful bullshyt, (as far as drug game etiquette, not to mention regular life) but Jessie is, imo, the way worse offender. I wanted him to go when he got strung out, literally and figuratively, with Jane...didn't even have the nerve to do it himself, but had his bytch, lowlife that she was, try to blackmail the dude who helped me make a 100k. Then when he told Walt, straight out, if the cops gets me, I'm giving you up. I would have given someone the greenlight on Jesse after Season 2, the dude is a mess. Everyone forgets that, cuz Gus kind of helped him get his shyt together in S4. He's impulsive, immature, vindictive, short sighted, drug user/addict, weak, etc etc.

i agree wholeheartedly ...i don't think you can find one person in this thread who doesn't see Jesse as nothing more than a herion addicted fukk up...who should have been BODIED from the jump :bustback:

But after watching all 4 seasons, I UNDERSTAND WALT'S RESISTANCE TO HAVE JESSE murked.......

You have to understand WALT'S relationship with JESSE goes WAY FARTHER THAN JUST THE "METH GAME"......JESSE was his student!!!....and most GOOD TEACHERS such as WALT take a "PARENTING" role when it comes to thier students, they not only want to see them prosper academically but they ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THIER GENERAL WELL BEING in all aspects of life....

WALT just couldn't see himself WACKING JESSE, he couldn't live with would be like "sacrificing" his own son...... :deadrose:

Also consider that inspite of Jesse being immersed in the drug culture long before Walt decided to cook up Meth.....HE FEELS A GREAT LOAD OF RESPONSIBILITY to the young boy Jesse.....

that's why he insists that JESSE stays CLOSE to him......

to me in my opinion.....THAT IS A "BOSS" MOVE........:myman:

a true BOSS has to be able to take the sacrifices along with the good and the bad that his crew endures, because he is SOLELY responsible for them within this business that he created...

so that means along with DISCIPLINE and RETRIBUTION thier also must be a signficant amount of EMPOWERMENT and TRUST that goes along with a BOSS having a solid relationship :shake: with his workers.......

Ku$h Parker

I'm Nothin Correctable
May 1, 2012
Prime Minister of The Inland Empire
i agree wholeheartedly ...i don't think you can find one person in this thread who doesn't see Jesse as nothing more than a herion addicted fukk up...who should have been BODIED from the jump :bustback:

But after watching all 4 seasons, I UNDERSTAND WALT'S RESISTANCE TO HAVE JESSE murked.......

You have to understand WALT'S relationship with JESSE goes WAY FARTHER THAN JUST THE "METH GAME"......JESSE was his student!!!....and most GOOD TEACHERS such as WALT take a "PARENTING" role when it comes to thier students, they not only want to see them prosper academically but they ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THIER GENERAL WELL BEING in all aspects of life....

WALT just couldn't see himself WACKING JESSE, he couldn't live with would be like "sacrificing" his own son...... :deadrose:

Also consider that inspite of Jesse being immersed in the drug culture long before Walt decided to cook up Meth.....HE FEELS A GREAT LOAD OF RESPONSIBILITY to the young boy Jesse.....

that's why he insists that JESSE stays CLOSE to him......

to me in my opinion.....THAT IS A "BOSS" MOVE........:myman:

a true BOSS has to be able to take the sacrifices along with the good and the bad that his crew endures, because he is SOLELY responsible for them within this business that he created...

so that means along with DISCIPLINE and RETRIBUTION thier also must be a signficant amount of EMPOWERMENT and TRUST that goes along with a BOSS having a solid relationship :shake: with his workers.......


Plus when Hank was Interrogating Jesses Mom while Jessie & Walt were holed up wit Tuco she said Walt was one of the few teachers that CARED for Jesse while he was still in School:hug:


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
It's different when you're supplying all the equipment and ingredients compared to their deal with gus.
With this arrangement all they had to do was cook without worrying about distributing, getting ingredients, finding a safe house etc so obviously they're gonna get paid less.
Getting paid less is one thing, getting raped is another. I dont really see the logic of walt accepting that deal when he just sold like 30 pounds for 1.2 million

I dunno if you don't remember the eps or what, but Walt picked up $1.2 million from Gus. In one deal. So nah, they would never, in a million years, be able to move that much product on their own. That was the whole reason they went to Tuco in the first place, Jesse was out all night selling and only made like $1200 or some bullshyt amount.

Had Walt not been able to make it in time, they'd be out $1.2 mill. So when Jesse came up to the school like "where's my cut?" I was like :childplease:

And however you want to word it, Jesse's girl was gonna snitch and Jesse was sitting there being quiet like a bytch during the whole thing. And yeah, they got the money....and Walt let her die. So I don't really see how they won in that scenario.

Yeah she was going to snitch and Walt was going to snitch on jesse in the first episode, Walt told Saul to call the dea, I have no idea why ya'll give walt so many passes. Jesse was being quite like a bytch but... walt brought the money like a good boy and got the door slammed in his face and told to kick rocks.

I also dont see the logic in the 1200 dollar scenario that was at two different points in the show. Really they were making money had a operation going thats why Jesse was keeping all the drugs with him and at the same time, paying Walt, they were making decent money at that time. They didnt even want to deal with gus is was just proposed by Saul AFTER badger got locked up Fat boy got killed it had nothing to do with lack of money coming in at that time. So I dont see how you can say jesse didnt deserve a cut when he had already sold so many pounds at that point if my memory is correct when they first cooked that big batch they had like 42 or so pounds they only sold gus like 30 or so....they got greedy at it cost them, but thats the show its always a fukked scenario over greed or power.

Really all I was really trying to say is I font get the Jesse hate and loyalty comments I read. This is a dude that could have snitched out Walt in the first season. Paid Walt his 4k when basically they had got away with murderand Walt was done in season one. killed for Gus, helped Mike or so he thought they were being robbed .stood up to Gus when he basically told him he was going to kill Walt. Not mention set Gus up in the end