You're one of them dikkriding dudes i mentioned earlier..u only see what u wanna see and convince yourself thats what others need to see or they dont know what they are talking bout
Lol@punk ass scary ass Walt being a Killer..u white boys kill me with this shyt..u want a hero this bad??
nikka aint even got whooped by whooped by old ass
Gus was a businessman,boss and a killer..
In reality..if he hated Walt that much..his formula wouldnt have meant much..Walt woulda been got..and he'd worry bout the formula later
To Gus,dealing with Jessie was a bigger liability and risk than dealing with Walt
And i never said they couldnt wait to get rid of Gus..
They must want Walt to play a much more central role in controlling the drug business in the next season or something..instead of just a top notch cook
Plus Walt is the main character of the has been 4 seasons already..u better believe Bryan Cranston has enough pull to decide which direction the show is taking now
Its going to be interesting to see what happens next season though
For some reason i wanted Walt to leave Gus and Jessie and set up short in another lab.
But that would have been unrealistic without bodies dropping..
At the end of the day its just a fukking show..some of you need to remember that
No offense homie but you don't know what you're talking about.
The show has been mapped out since day 1....since before day 1 actually. He was meant to go from a loser, to boss, and lose his humanity and soul in the process. That's literally the description Vince Gilligan used to shop the show around. "Turn a good man into Scarface".
So nah, this ain't something Bryan Cranston asked for. Gus had to go because there can't be two bosses, it's as simple as that.
Now as far as the "formula" can't worry about that shyt later. That 98 or 99% pure Walt was making insures they control the market. If they don't have a better product than their rivals, they have no control...if they are making an inferior product, what is the point of building an $8 mill lab?
And as far as "hands"....Walt is a 50 year old with cancer.

Besides, most gangsters ain't got back to the mafia. That's why people get shot the fukk up, or "goons" get sent out. You think Gus could fight? He had Mike, Victor, Tyrus, etc.