Also GUS is being nominated for an EMMY this year....he certainly deserves it....hell the whole CAST does.......these guys (cranston, paul, bauer) etc. gave a "clinic" as far as GOOD ACTING was definitly a sight to see
in the midst of these bad reality shows and cookie cutter big budget 3d movies....
here's an article on GUS and his nomination for his role in the episode entitled "HERMANOS" which is up for an Emmy , i feel "BOX CUTTER" was his shining moment but either way ..ole boy did the damn thang:
Breaking Bad': Emmy Watch: Giancarlo Esposito on 'Hermanos' | Inside TV |
Between now and June 28, the deadline for Emmy voters to return nomination ballots, is running a series called Emmy Watch, featuring highlight clips and interviews with actors, producers, and writers whom EW TV critic Ken Tucker has on his wish list for the nominations announcement on July 19.
He was calm. He was cool. He was always collecting information on his surroundings. Gustavo “Gus” Fring — the pleasant fast-food restaurant owner and upstanding community member who moonlighted as a merciless drug kingpin on AMC’s Breaking Bad — proved to be one of TV’s most intriguing and fearsome villains in recent years. And the actor who played Gus, Giancarlo Esposito, treated viewers to a reign of tranquil terror that [SPOILER ALERT] lasted from the end of season 2 to the conclusion of season 4, when rising meth lord Walter White (Bryan Cranston) felled him with an explosion. But in season 4′s eighth episode, “Hermanos,” we were shown a new (make that old) side of Gus: a somewhat innocent soul who watched in horror as his dear partner, Max (James Martinez), was gunned down in front of — and on — him, the splattered blood staining him forever.
Revisit that long, tense scene below and then read our interview with Esposito, in which he discusses the challenges of pulling off that scene, his unlikely inspiration for Gus, and his next role.