The turning down the money thing is understandable tho. He is a prideful guy who is the definition of an underachiever. He is brilliant and is supposed to be THAT dude in his field of expertise. We saw how he thought buying his current home was nothing when they are gonna be moving on up. I don't think being ambitious = inherently evil. Not to mention the fact that he
feels cut out by his friend and I assume a girl he was once in love with? They didn't specify other than the fact that he and Gretchen had a history together.
As for the dinner table thing, I don't think he intentionally told Hank that. Again, pride and ego ... dude is desperately trying to take credit for everything he's done because he never got his due, someone of his intellect only being a high school teacher. Of course he has changed from how he was, but I don't think he intentionally said that shyt to stay in the game. I do think he enjoys reaping the awards and being "that dude" and yearns for power and respect, but not in a malicious way that takes precedent over everything. This is why this is so dope to me, everyone gets dark thoughts or inhibitions that they gotta control ... Walt is no different. Dude stay slippin up when drunk/medicated though

(the cell phone thing, hank at the dinner table, walt jr. after the fight with Jesse)
I am not sure if this is supposed to speak volumes about how I see things but I still don't see Walt as an evil guy. The only evil thing he's done was
lilly of the valley, and even then it seemed to be out of desperation. Plus if it was
"common", it means that the likelihood of him dying from it wasn't thaaat high. You saw how he was concerned and wanted to know the results when Jesse came through. He still took the risk and used others as
pawns but I dunno ... it doesn't seem like he is

about it. Plus all the other things like
The shooting of Gus' men, crazy 8 etc appeared to be out of defense and were hard to avoid given the circumstances.