The only way to compare both shows, is to ask "do they both succeed at what they attempt?". And the answer is yes, they both nail what they're going for, IMO equally well. So at the very least I consider them equal. I kinda hated season 5 of "The Wire", so if "BB" nails this season, I'd have to give the edge to it.
I found a few eps of "The Wire" boring. Hell, I thought most of season 3 was boring. The politician story line was
Lastly, I can't really give a point either way to "The Wire" for killing off characters. It's not as if they killed off McNulty, or Bunk, or Lester, or Daniels, or Avon, or Marlo.
I mean....I could name more people that didn't die from "The Wire" than did, and the people that didn't die would be more than the entire cast of "BB". "BB" would've had to kill 90% of the cast to compete at that rate.