Walt didn't go there to kill Mike. If he did he would've shot him after he refused to give the names and walked away with the bag. He had the gun because Mike has threatened him several times and if he really wanted to kill Walt this would be the last chance he'd get.
Walt went there on some "I'll save the day" shyt. He wanted props from Mike the whole ep....he even said "you aren't gonna say thanks?" at the beginning of the ep.
So he offered to go get the bag so Mike would be indebted to him....maybe finally say "thanks Walt, you're the man". This is obvious because after Mike won't give the names, Walt doesn't shoot him....he lets him walk away, then yells "your welcome!". He was waiting for a "thank you" that never happened.
After that Mike sons Walt, then Walt kills him. Not only did Mike not say thank you, he shyt on him, so Walt acted impulsively and killed him.
Which is why Walt showed regret, it didn't have to escalate into all that.
at people thinking Walt went there with the intention of killing him. If that was the case he never would've said he was sorry.
Walt went there on some "I'll save the day" shyt. He wanted props from Mike the whole ep....he even said "you aren't gonna say thanks?" at the beginning of the ep.
So he offered to go get the bag so Mike would be indebted to him....maybe finally say "thanks Walt, you're the man". This is obvious because after Mike won't give the names, Walt doesn't shoot him....he lets him walk away, then yells "your welcome!". He was waiting for a "thank you" that never happened.
After that Mike sons Walt, then Walt kills him. Not only did Mike not say thank you, he shyt on him, so Walt acted impulsively and killed him.
Which is why Walt showed regret, it didn't have to escalate into all that.
