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Finished reading Solaris a couple of days ago. I was surprised I was able to get the 3 month promo for Kindle Unlimited again after using back in December. Now I'm trying to figure out what to read next
What's the booktuber's name?Currently Reading the Prince of Nothing Trilogy (which is the first part of series). Halfway through book 3.
Lots of SA, and some of it
Individual fights are good.
I can picture the battles.
The politicking is delicious.
Kinda grim dark/nihilist, not a lot of characters to root for - but everyone's motivations/thought process is basically understandable....
And given that it's kind of a retelling of The Crusades - the main characters are on the side of this book's version of the Christians, and the "enemy", who is not that evil imo, are the Muslims.
It's mostly about Bakker's philosophy on free will/determinism. (along with spell casters, demons, a holy war, barbarian from the steppe, courtly politics)
As I get older, books that delve into how people think, what they believe, etc - understanding what's going on in someone's head >>>>>>>>>> finding the holy sword to kill the evil demon lord etc.
At the same time, since it's epic fantasy, damn near feel like I need notes to read the thing. End up finishing a chapter, and then looking up the summary and commentary and realize - damn I'm not paying that close attention. (Happened to me a lot with Game of Thrones/ASOIAF),,,,
On a side note, I was watching a fairly popular booktuber, and I know she likes Brandon Anderson. (who I have not cared to rock with after those first few Mistborn books, along with whoever writes Locke Lamora and a few other "darlings" that can't be critiqued)
Back to Sanderson.
She let slip that she has to eat her food in a certain way (has to be flipped over), always been a fussy eater, problem child as a kid....and I'm not a doctor or anything - but she sounds like she gotta "touch" of the spectrum. And I notice that a lot in SF&F/Comic/Manga/Anime, but especially among Brandon Sanderson fans.
What's the booktuber's name?
I think this is the video where I put it together for her.
Outside of this video a lot of spectrum people love Sanderson. But I also think there's some generational stuff going on in his fanbase.
Her love for ol boy makes a lot of sense when she talks about her childhood, in my nonprofessional opinion
3rd Law Triology is a wild rideNever crossed my mind that she would be on the spectrum, but I also haven't watched a lot of her videos. Mike from Mike's Book Reviews like the Cosmere stuff too and he is in his mid 40s and seems well adjusted.
All the ones I watch seem to really like Brandon Sanderson and Joe Abercrombie. I haven't read yet but I recently bought Mistborn, The Way of Kings, and the Third Law Trilogy
Do y'all rock with Merphy Napier?
I prefer Tori's reviews
I rocks with Preston and Book Born
I like Petrik Leo as well
This tag team/threesome is good about the writer's side of it, which most booktubers don't really do, imo
I still haven't found someone that I think is really great though.
Omg this is his story! I have to read that book:City of Death by Ephraim Mattos
Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene (waits for dudes to shyt on him)