I mean if you know this then you’re Michael Burry. Bet against the market. You’re letting uncertainty dictate what you do. Again you may be right. I’d prefer to continue buying companies I like as they fall. If I lose I’ll have to live with it but doing nothing doesn’t sit right with me. Either I bet with or against the market and I prefer to bet with it.It’s a bad risk to take if you haven’t studied bubbles. Yes, it’s impossible to detect the exact bottom. But historically speaking, it’s wise to wait for indexes to fall by 40-50% before re-entering in a major way.
Cause big money, the people that have the power/capital to make things move are still pushing everything down, trying to force people out of their positions. One day this will end, and lots of people will have been scared away and taken advantage of![]()
You think Tesla will fall due to everything else crashing, or you hating on Tesla as a company? Elon can be a weirdo, it still doesn’t stop what’s been created at Tesla and the talented people they have working for them.
I mean if you know this then you’re Michael Burry. Bet against the market. You’re letting uncertainty dictate what you do. Again you may be right. I’d prefer to continue buying companies I like as they fall. If I lose I’ll have to live with it but doing nothing doesn’t sit right with me. Either I bet with or against the market and I prefer to bet with it.
Tesla is wildly overvalued and Elon is wildly erratic with questionable character. Not a good combination.
That distribution phaseThat's the game.. they buy your positions at the low. They pump them up. Then you buy in. Then they beat you down Lol
One day we will be able to have an honest conversation about Musk and Tesla.
Until that day comes, I'll be keeping my money far away from anything dude does![]()
If you're saying the market still has further to fall that's guaranteed money betting against it. I have companies like Facebook, Disney, Google, and others I plan to hold for years to decades and I can lower my cost basis on them right now. I'm doing that and if they fall further then I lower it more.In some cases it’s best to do nothing and wait.