Domingo Halliburton
Handmade in USA
I can tell already I'm going to lose all my coli cash on that. I'm going to go like triple short gold with all of it and lose half of it in a day.
Is the yen done? The best trade this year has been short yen/ any other currency.
What are the Aussies up to?
I'm whatless when it comes to foreign exchange and slightly with fixed income securities too. Whats the story behind Aus. and Canada.
And when you say short, do you mean to sell canadian to buy austraillian or vice versa.
Australia is heavily resource dependant with regards to China, which has been getting a lot of bad press and there is a lot of pessimism with regards to their ability to continue their voracious appetite for all things found in Australia.
That and the Australian central bank has decided not to raise or lower interest rates in the near future, giving investors more stability to accurately price the AUD...
As far as against the CAD, it's just the only one I see trending hard right now
Sell AUD, and Buy CAD.
Forex >>> Stocks ... it's actually much safer (in my view), allows for a much higher risk to return ratio, way more liquid, and overall you'd just bank a lot more :
yeah commodities have been getting killed.
As you said Australia depends a lot on china and they (china) might not hit their yearly goals, so I kind of like your short AUD call. I just don't know if I like it up against the loonie. Canada depends a lot on the miners as well. Ask @Sachs, Fifth Avenue
the second bernanke mentions tapering the (US) dollar index is going to murder everybody. short and medium term. the rest of the world sucks.
by the way I can't get enough of this:
What does a buy back mean? Does it make the share stronger??
If a company, especially one thats growing ala KKD is using its free cash to buy back shares it can only mean one thing...they have a lot of cash at their expense. Furthermore the share buyback plan creates a large wave of demand for the shares and drives the price up accordingly. Lastly, with these shares remaining in KKD's treasury, the float (shares available for purchase in the open market) will be decreased and the laws of supply/demand will drive the price higher as well.
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