it wasn’t trolling in either case...granted I could’ve came across I’m not going to preach fake “concern” for you...but I’ve seen this before especially in crypto where folks missed the train on pumps/run-ups, or they were in on it and failed to take profit and so they become mentally stuck to their investment (instead of potentially looking at other opportunities bcuz they felt this was “it” and they didn’t want to miss it again) to the point of falling susceptible to false narratives/catalysts that can be easily disproven...idk if that’s the case with you and whether folks want to stick with it or not is not my business...BUT it’s not helpful to anyone when false information that can be quickly disproven is posted in response to someone asking “why do you think stock X will rise?” is at stake here and folks are definitely in their right to question you, me or anyone else (as has been the case often in this thread)’s not personal...I’ve even seen folks in here who were initially skeptical about someone’s position or trading philosophy have change of hearts after a healthy exchange
Ok fair enough. And thank you for that sincere explanation.
Let me clear the air. My main reason for posting all this is because I wanted to challenge that exact notion, to dismiss the situation as just hype that ended and the people who are invested as just fomoing idiots. Because there are people working very hard to make that false perception.
I wanted to share DD I stayed up nights on and acknowledge the history making market wide black swan event we're all being a part of.
I can understand why you would assume I'm one of those who are victims of hype like you say. My problem was when I posted DD people were talking shyt and backbiting. This thread can be quite cliquish. skepticism and/or debate would be expected and appreciated, I got little of that and instead got snide comments based on a perception people made just from looking at the ticker.

I dont like having my intelligence insulted. i pop off on cacs irl over that. so yes I was gonna be an a$$hole when it becomes apparent I was right but it is really about the conversation.
Im no pro stock trader fundamentally, I did forex for a couple years back in 2014. But I'm decent at assessing a situation. Seeing all these coalescing factors in the market, media and internet is why I went in. Im not here to flex, I really just want to share what I learned in this ongoing situation that is making me money rn.