i own more ETH than BTC but this criticism is wack and feels like it's written by someone who knows nothing about crypto. there is 0% chance that a majority of miners agree to raise the supply. the 21 million limit is the most important driver of its value. and how is buying RIOT better than directly investing in BTC? their value is directly derived from mining bitcoin, and the only way they can make money is through buying incredibly large quantities of hardware that will be obsolete within a year. there are other risks too... what are these companies gonna do if proof-of-work mining becomes obsolete and we move to proof of stake like ETH is? worse is that any company can get into the bitcoin mining game easily, it's not like any of the technology is proprietary. these mining companies gonna have a lot of competition in the future, and it's not clear that they are the ones who'll survive. long-term, i'd rather bet on BTC itself, which at this point is a proven store of value, than any individual company.
of course things can change for MARA/Riot but as of right now look at the returns they are giving you... BTC anyone getting in now may have missed real action or will be waiting it out. i can see you getting a better return on ETH. MARA was up what 40% today? when BTC moves MARA and riot are through the roof.