I love this show. I love this show because it has a personal touch for me. They filmed part of season 2 ON MY BLOCK and down the street at the Masonic Temple here on Lafayette Ave and Clermont in Clinton Hill Brooklyn. I remember getting my mail and I saw Steve as Nucky in full costume and he gave me a hand shake. I said I loved the show. He said thanks and ran off to shoot the scene where he comes out of the his office in season 2. The history, rich. Me and my pop love Mafia lore. So its always fun to discuss it because my pops lived in the times of Lucky and Meyer and the 5 families. In fact his union at his job is run by the MOB and they knew my pops and respected him. Never bothered him. Anyways a couple of points:
1) The good DR claptize scene was great. Him running his mouth, didn't see two strange looking white boys just run up broad day with no remorse or care who saw them, and just BLAMMIFIED his ass on the street. I liked how he tried to defy death and stand up then stumbled then these CACs shot him in the head. Mr Jeffery Wright lives around the corner from me. I see him in the summer a lot. Again he knows me and my pops from just being around the way, we all go to same drug store. Cool dude. Always says hello to me. Class act. His acting on this show, SUPERB!! Clap for him.
2) I went

when after Eli and Nucky embraced for the last time, Eli going through the bag of money like

then Nucky hit him with one last

with the shaving kit. Always looking out for his little brother.
3) Poor Gillian.

and Nuck didn't even know how to make sense of it all.
5) Luciano and the Commission. Get down or lay down
6) Nucky's story. Now I know its been lightly touched upon but you can see the underlaying theme even in the flashbacks. Nuck was always always about FAMILY and trying to better himself for his family. And Jimmy was the only thing he had that was close to a son. Especially we see how his relationship with Gillian started with him giving a shyt and then giving her up to Commodore to better his position. Jimmy was going to be his lasting redemption for her AND for him not having kids of his own and leaving a legacy. Mabel was a good wife. Its sad she died. I feel for him. But her smarts and regal attitude is probably what he saw in Margret. Her and mabel have some of same qualities. With that said, he wasn't going to go off into the sunset. He was the last of the old guard that needed to be swept away so cats like Lucky, Meyer, the 5 families of New York to usher in the modern era of the Mafia. Whether it would have been tommy or Bugsy, Nucky was gonna go. He tried though. But it was one loose end he never had peace with. It was jimmy. Killing Jimmy sat with Nucky. Him having his family torn from him again and again with Mabel and his son dying, then Jimmy going off to war and coming back being changed and turn traitor, to having Margret and her kids and pretending to have this perfect family and then Margret leaving.
But Tommy wasn't trying to hear that bullshyt though. I told Nucky he was gonna get got. On his Facebook page I told him some of the goons were gonna hit the turnpike then the Garden State and ring his bells. Smack that silly ass top hat CLEAN OFF. He did it for his pops and for Harrow, for his moms. I was rooting for him. Then I remembered, he shot Jimmy. So its been fukk Nucky ever since. So