Evil b*stard
And like a boss, he recognized dude just needed to be taught a quick lesson, but otherwise he was useful and just made a mistake because he was from out of town

Chalky with the judge of character skills is

And like a boss, he recognized dude just needed to be taught a quick lesson, but otherwise he was useful and just made a mistake because he was from out of town
Chalky with the judge of character skills is![]()
What does that have to do with what I said
They are the leads, OK, they also have the least compelling storylines. They are just plot glue. Most of next season's big stories are gonna be in NYC (Chalky, AR) or Chicago (Capone), aint shyt goin on on the Boardwalk, the Boardwalk Empire is Rome status.
I hated the Billie Kent and Margaret storylines too but they serve a purpose.You gotta be retarded or something son. Or work on the show. I've never seen someone make so many excuses in my life.
First off, I never said shyt about Walter White. Nuck does outsmart people. He outsmarted Rothstein for fukk's sake. He outsmarted all his enemies in season 2 as well.
But let's act like that's completely out of character and he's never done it before.
Lastly, I said they could've completely removed the Billie Kent story line, and had the beef with Gyp escalate earlier. Then over the course of the season he rebuilds his power, and the last 2 eps are more or less the same. Billie Kent served no purpose at all. Neither did Margret this entire season.
Now I'm sure you'll somehow misconstrue what I just said, so I'm going to explain it in detail. "Outsmart" doesn't mean "violence". It means pulls chess moves like he did with Rothstein and the distillery. That's why I watch the show. That's what he's always done.
the actor who played Owen must've read the script for season 3 like![]()
I just hope we get more Capone and Chalky next year. And i hope they continue to give Harrow a good amount of screen time.
I get the feeling they're gonna have Horrow ride off into the sunset. Now that he found a good family to raise the little boy.
I really hope I'm wrong tho.
Also smh at that botched Gaston means hit job. Dude was charging Nucky and the AG 40 gs a piece to off that fat fukk and he fell for the old pillow under the sheets routinemade it sound like he was real resourceful but he tiptoes into dudes bedroom with the pistol doesnr check the bathroom and almost gets himself killed
he got lucky we need him back next season for comic relief
According to history, the guy Gaston was suppose to merk might have actually killed himself. They suspect Gaston because he was the first one to report his death. The writers took liberty with that and made it into a botched hit. But gaston true strength is how he is able to swindle powerful people out of lots of money. 80 grand and the bum does the job for him![]()
Dude around the 30s they'd be shining shoes with their tongues.Unless u want more scenes like the pointless episode where chalky's daughter's bf gets his face slashed chalky's airtime was fine.They saved him for the crescendoat them only using Chalky and Dunn Purnsley for like 10 minutes the entire season 3.