I watched this show when it first aired. Thought it was a great show. Went back and rewatched it a few months ago as a grown man that loves women and a good drink.
This show is a amazing! Goat. Im in my mid 30s. No kids, no wife. Dress fly, sleep around, help a lot of people. Run a gambling shack. I feel like a low budget Nucky.
Just the whole story of Gretchen Darmondy was so tragic. Jesus!
And watching Van Alden turn bad.
And i loved seeing how Blacks were making moves in thr 1920s. Not many depictions of us in those days. Could be a whole new classic series on Chalky and Narcisse.
And Gyp Rosetti was so Epic and raw. Goodness.
The written, acting and characters were so awesome. So underrated