i swear if Teddy takes up anymore airtime next season ill fukk the actor up
is there supposed to be any likeable females on this show though ?they are all triflin and mostly blame what they became what they are because they are mixed up with these sort of men which would leave most people who watch it like
Jimmy's wife....undercover dyke and a cheat, Jimmy's mom she's been fukked up in the head since a teenager and especially Margaret especially isnt supposed to be likable.
she got her come up and din't think she'd change, but she did..she didn't like that so tried to be a good Samaritan only for her to go and have an affair and then use the double standard shyt when she found out Nucky was having one too.. her brother said she was a bad seed etc.
so far, Van Alden's european wife is probably the most liked female on the show.
the fact that she got the least screen time and is ride or die and is probably why.
Whatever man and it's just bad character writing on their part. My argument is that a female character can still be hated but still enjoyable to watch to men and women alike. For example Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones. bytch to the core with qualities in a female most coli nikkas would balk at but she is entertaining to watch and many look forward to what she will do next. I know I do and that's female a I'm pretty sure I'd never want to meet.
Why the fukk can't Margaret be like that?Margaret Schroeder is just boring and hate worthy = Bad TV. Dudes shouldn't have to feel like skipping her parts. We just don't care about her.
I'm not asking for hard body or ride or die females all the time I'm just saying keep these broads enjoyable for BOTH sexes that watch the show no matter what goddamn...
Why can't Margaret be like a dragon lady from a science fiction fantasy show?
Because b!tches like that don't exist in real life...
This is why I used the term "nerds" earlier... I realize it's human nature to love "shiny things"...But can we please have just a couple of hours of art a week that isn't dumbed down or over sensationalized?
If its Harrow, that would be some biitch shiit for real, they can't do that 2 seasons in a row. If its Gillian they are taking the easy way out. Purnsley being around would make Chalky death not as significant. I don't know, but I have a feeling I won't be happy.
btw, Nucky's crew was in the house (all dead), the warehouse (Eli's son), and the butler. All the rest Gyp killed a few episodes ago.
What I wanna know is, how they have Bugsy doing that dramatic shootout one day and pretend he don't exist for the rest of the season??
Has my dude even had another scene since the shootout??
I don't disagree with what you're saying. you got a link to the ratings thing though?Vince Gilligan the gawd said something like, it doesn't matter if your characters aren't likeable. Are they interesting? That's all that matters.
Margret is not interesting. Nucky for most of the season ain't been interesting. This is a massive problem considered these two anchor the rest of the cast.
As far as all that other shyt....here's the problem. Their target demographic ain't females....it never was. So even if you could argue, "they wrote that Margret shyt for females", they failed because they lost viewers in the process. This season ain't been as well received critically, as 1 or 2 either.
This board is like the twilight zone though. A handful of people still want to act like nothing is wrong, and everyone is "hating" on this season. Or not smart enough to understand it, which is
Meanwhile the show's ratings have dropped since the second ep this season, to the lowest in the series history. We're hating though.
The type of shyt people are dismissing as hating, is what HBO pays attention to. They don't care about fan boys, they got you regardless.
Uh....breh. Cersei ain't the dragon lady. She's the queen. And there's nothing "fantasy" or unrealistic about her. She's just a ruthless bytch. The real world is full of broads like her. Just because the world around her is fantasy doesn't mean her character isn't realistic.
Have you even seen "Game of Thrones"?
I think Harrow either dies or rides off into the sunset with Tommy and his chick...I can't see him joining Nucky's crew. Even if he does die, I don't see why that would be the "sacrifice" since he's not in Nucky's crew. Ditto Gillian.
I think Chalky Eli or Eli's son are the most likely. Eli's son would be a cop out since we haven't really got attached to him.
I don't have the numbers on hand for "Mad Men", "SOA", or "Breaking Bad", but female viewers have never out numbered males on "Boardwalk". Their core audience is 18-49 year old males.
And ratings have been down this season from 1 and 2. So I dunno who they're writing Nucky simping or Margret hoeing around for. They're losing viewers catering to whatever fanbase they think wants to see that.