Boardwalk Empire Season 3 (Premieres Sunday 9/16) Trailer

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
you have to be big time to talk shyt?? you don't get to be a boss by being timid and scared throughout the time of coming up the ranks.. this is how i see it......

gyp came from italy with his big family. started making noise for being a live wire and putting in that work. so the boss steps to him how he did lucky. you come work for me. now he's just an enforcer and given his spot to work out of. still paying up to the boss.

so when he went to nucky. that was probably for joe. get in on that, see what they are up to, get a steady order and i'll front the money. then that'll be your territory, bring me back 50k... keep 10k for yourself.. or something like that. basically he still a worker

so gyp goes down, kills people, insults people, takes over a town, and damn near starts a war. joe didn't tell him to do that.. he says as much at the meeting. and then says "i can't control you" saying you are a just a worker to do what i tell you. you can't even get that right so you gotta die

gyp being just a worker, someone who doesn't care, nor fear, or even like anybody not italian.... he brings this up "those people are starting up something without us (italians)" which joe still don't really care.. but gyp says he'll kill them all. well either he pulls it off, or he's killed in the process.. either way, joe wins cause he was gonna kill him anyway

i don't understand why people don't get this. this is all explained and talked about in simple words, looks and backstory.... or what most people call "the boring parts"
And what episode was this at breh? Trust me I'm good at reading in-between the lines but you're adding sh*t to the story that's all assumption and was never shown on the screen. and never in the history of mob life has a small peon, broke peon at that, has sat down with the big bosses. Is he even a capo or lieutenant in the family?

He walts into Atlantic City slappin' people up, even killed a dude, sat down with the heavy weights and completely sh*tted on all of them something vicious, held up a small town and lit the sheriff on fire, jacked Nuck's and Rothstein's shipment and merked damn near the whole crew... but back in NY he only has one suit and lives in a dirty shack with his mom and sisters, broke as f*ck, robs a catholic church for loose change to give to Joe, then we find out he's a expendable nobody?? :mindblown::mindblown:

-you can't be f*ckin' serious... that's bad writing. He's the lowest of the lowest. He's on the corners. He's Wallace and Nymond from The Wire status. He can't sit down with the big dogs you guys know this!

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
thats what im sayin, dude proilly has a crib and is hiding out at his moms. ill have to rewatch
lets hope so.. maybe some of you guys should write for the show. Terrance Winter thinks he's god.

-also back to what I was saying earlier.. if Gyp is Joe's "bottom b*tch", what is Joe up to? Gyp, as a broke nobody, is terrorizing some of the biggest players in the game(Rothstein, Nucky). I take it Joe, as the top dog, is extorting money from the president of the United States, JD Rocafeller types, and other heads of foreign countries.:ld:


said what he said
May 2, 2012
lets hope so.. maybe some of you guys should write for the show. Terrance Winter thinks he's god.

-also back to what I was saying earlier.. if Gyp is Joe's "bottom b*tch", what is Joe up to? Gyp, as a broke nobody, is terrorizing some of the biggest players in the game(Rothstein, Nucky). I take it Joe, as the top dog, is extorting money from the president of the United States, JD Rocafeller types, and other heads of foreign countries.:ld:
I know they want to make Nucky snitching be more ironic, like he didn't even have to...

Remus is gonna be all like "Nucky, You bytch! You don't fukk over Remus!!!" :leostare:
May 7, 2012
And what episode was this at breh? Trust me I'm good at reading in-between the lines but you're adding sh*t to the story that's all assumption and was never shown on the screen. and never in the history of mob life has a small peon, broke peon at that, has sat down with the big bosses. Is he even a capo or lieutenant in the family?

He walts into Atlantic City slappin' people up, even killed a dude, sat down with the heavy weights and completely sh*tted on all of them something vicious, held up a small town and lit the sheriff on fire, jacked Nuck's and Rothstein's shipment and merked damn near the whole crew... but back in NY he only has one suit and lives in a dirty shack with his mom and sisters, broke as f*ck, robs a catholic church for loose change to give to Joe, then we find out he's a expendable nobody?? :mindblown::mindblown:

-you can't be f*ckin' serious... that's bad writing. He's the lowest of the lowest. He's on the corners. He's Wallace and Nymond from The Wire status. He can't sit down with the big dogs you guys know this!

He's not a peon....he's Lucky (who was also at the meeting). He's not rich like Lucky, cuz he works for Joe....and we already established, Joe takes big pieces out his pie (which is why Lucky doesn't want to work for him).

I agree, tho, that when they first introduced him, they made it seem like he was a Boss...but now we know he isn't, and we knew this when AR stated he kicked up to Joe.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
He's not a peon....he's Lucky (who was also at the meeting). He's not rich like Lucky, cuz he works for Joe....and we already established, Joe takes big pieces out his pie (which is why Lucky doesn't want to work for him).

I agree, tho, that when they first introduced him, they made it seem like he was a Boss...but now we know he isn't, and we knew this when AR stated he kicked up to Joe.
But dude had no money though breh.. None! You have no dough but you talk big sh*t to dudes who pay $40,000 bucks(probably over a million dollars in todays standards) in hush money to politicians. You can't be mid-level anything if you're flat broke. and imo Joe can't be way bigger than AR or Nucky if he's trippin' off the little bit of heroine money Lucky and Lansky were making. and why send a low level, broke, psychopath to a major business meeting with big players. but it was kinda weird that Nuck and AR knew who Gyp was, I guess they thought he was a boss. How come you didn't get- when they saw Gyp arrive in Atlantic City- "you're a nobody, where's Joe at?" during the meeting. Its like a large corporation sending in a mail clerk for a merger meeting instead of the president or ceo. Ya'll can spin this all you want but I'm not buying it.
May 7, 2012
But dude had no money though breh.. None! You have no dough but you talk big sh*t to dudes who pay $40,000 bucks(probably over a million dollars in todays standards) in hush money to politicians. You can't be mid-level anything if you're flat broke. and imo Joe can't be way bigger than AR or Nucky if he's trippin' off the little bit of heroine money Lucky and Lansky were making. and why send a low level, broke, psychopath to a major business meeting with big players. but it was kinda weird that Nuck and AR knew who Gyp was, I guess they thought he was a boss. How come you didn't get- when they saw Gyp arrive in Atlantic City- "you're a nobody, where's Joe at?" during the meeting. Its like a large corporation sending in a mail clerk for a merger meeting instead of the president or ceo. Ya'll can spin this all you want but I'm not buying it.

Yes you can. Especially working for someone with his hands deep in your pockets (Joe) and if he mismanages his money or supports people back home. It's like Paulie from the Sopranos.

As far as why Joe sent Gyp: He likely didn't. Gyp did that (ironically through AR). Gyp kicks up to Joe. Just like the heroine venture you mention....Joe never sent Lucky/Meyer to any dealers or shyt like that. He just expects to be cut in, cuz he's Joe the Boss and this is his territory. Gyp, likely, got into bootleging, opened a few speakeasys and started kicking up to Joe. Once Joe got that taste, he expected that taste consistently, and if Gyp could no longer deliver, then he'd be replaced.

And Joe is tripping off that heroine for three reasons: 1) He's a greedy prick, 2) In his business it's important that EVERYONE kicks up to him, can't set a precedent of allowing someone not to kick up, 3) He's still annoyed that Lucky ain't running with him.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
Yes you can. Especially working for someone with his hands deep in your pockets (Joe) and if he mismanages his money or supports people back home. It's like Paulie from the Sopranos.

As far as why Joe sent Gyp: He likely didn't. Gyp did that (ironically through AR). Gyp kicks up to Joe. Just like the heroine venture you mention....Joe never sent Lucky/Meyer to any dealers or shyt like that. He just expects to be cut in, cuz he's Joe the Boss and this is his territory. Gyp, likely, got into bootleging, opened a few speakeasys and started kicking up to Joe. Once Joe got that taste, he expected that taste consistently, and if Gyp could no longer deliver, then he'd be replaced.

And Joe is tripping off that heroine for three reasons: 1) He's a greedy prick, 2) In his business it's important that EVERYONE kicks up to him, can't set a precedent of allowing someone not to kick up, 3) He's still annoyed that Lucky ain't running with him.

Man ya'll keep making up theses scenarios your head. Gyp probably had speakeasy huh :rudy: I'M GOING BY WHAT I SEE ON THE SCREEN!! You read into things that help move the storyline but you guys are supplying fantasy backgrounds to this show. The only way Gyp can attend a meeting like he did and curse everyone out-kill and rob them is he has to be a BOSS. If he has speakeasys like you say then where's his money?? Please stop making up background stories that don't exist and try to pass them on as fact

I think the writers wanted to make him a boss initially but changed their mind mid season. But it backfired cause the sh*t doesn't make any sense whatsoever


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Man ya'll keep making up theses scenarios your head. Gyp probably had speakeasy huh :rudy: I'M GOING BY WHAT I SEE ON THE SCREEN!! You read into things that help move the storyline but you guys are supplying fantasy backgrounds to this show. The only way Gyp can attend a meeting like he did and curse everyone out-kill and rob them is he has to be a BOSS. If he has speakeasys like you say then where's his money?? Please stop making up background stories that don't exist and try to pass them on as fact

I think the writers wanted to make him a boss initially but changed their mind mid season. But it backfired cause the sh*t doesn't make any sense whatsoever

lanksy is also in that meeting and hes literally a nobody still. those are the people nucky fukked with, i dont think they all had to be bosses, just people he could get booze off to. lansky/luciano were still gyp rossetti level
May 7, 2012
Man ya'll keep making up theses scenarios your head. Gyp probably had speakeasy huh :rudy: I'M GOING BY WHAT I SEE ON THE SCREEN!! You read into things that help move the storyline but you guys are supplying fantasy backgrounds to this show. The only way Gyp can attend a meeting like he did and curse everyone out-kill and rob them is he has to be a BOSS. If he has speakeasys like you say then where's his money?? Please stop making up background stories that don't exist and try to pass them on as fact

I think the writers wanted to make him a boss initially but changed their mind mid season. But it backfired cause the sh*t doesn't make any sense whatsoever

Of course we do, he's a SIDE CHARACTER. They don't have time to tell the intricacies of his life...nor would I want to hear about them...he'll be dead by the end of the season, for chrissakes.

He has a background, and if a logical one exist that makes his character make sense...what the fukk is your problem? He clearly wasn't buying that liquor for his personal use, why is it so hard for you to believe that he had speaks to supply? I agree that when they introduced him they made him look too much like a boss, but I think that was an error in execution....I don't think they ever intended on him being a boss and just changed their minds. A fictional boss during that time period when you're relying on real historical figures is tough to pull off...much easier to pull off a fictional mid-level guy.

And again, Lucky was at that meeting, and he's not a boss, why is it so hard for you to accept that Gyp was there as a mid-level guy?

As far as the money from Gyp's operation, if you know anything about business then you know there's can be a HUGE difference between revenue and profits. Gyp made a deal with AR and Lucky, and was likely depending on that when it didn't come through he had no coffers to float himself. Gangsters, especially mid-level guys, without coffers is very common in the underworld. Guys will make a tremendous amount of cash quickly, but if they're forced to stop working for a month, they're starving.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Gyp being a side character has nothing to do with anything. He's been the main antagonist this season, and the reason for half the problems on the show since he appeared. There should be some kinda explanation for how his character makes sense in the context of the story. You shouldn't have to make excuses for his actions, based on conjecture and guesses.

Why is this guy that lives with his mom, with basically zero clout or back-up, at the table insulting bosses and taking over a town with 5 guys? How is that even possible? The original excuse was "oh, he's Masseria's boy"....Masseria don't even like, respect, or endorse his actions.

What's funny is people swore Jimmy dying would ruin the show. I don't even think it's that. The writers just fell off.



All Star
May 1, 2012
Gyp is an overly ambitious guy who will get that guap by any means necessary and back then there was no internet, tv, they didn't even have portable cameras...the sameway we were fooled the characters could of been fooled as well ;If you got the balls you can pull off whatever...