SMH @ y'all messing around in them Chalice Dungeons and I'm still playing through the regular game itself.
Anyways, played some yesterday and a little today so far. Still haven't visited the Nightmares yet, though I did go through both levels of Lecture Hall, and met that spider dude. Gave me an updated Rune to boost stamina

. Found the key to the Upper Cathedral Ward, so I went there yesterday. Them brainsucker dudes, that steal your insight? Yeah, I don't like those guys. Not at all. And these ones that freeze you with that stupid arcane attack? Double fukk those guys. I started that area with 16, and they took all my shyt. SMH, atleast now that I have everything opened up, 3 of are easy backstab victims, and this area is a good farming spot. Them wolves in the area have dropped a few Blood Stone Chunks, which was a nice surprise.
Finally worked my way through to the Alien boss, then Ebrietas. Beat the Alien on my 2nd try. Woulda been on the first, but I got caught between the pillar and some of the mob, and that was that. Ebrietas took me a few times. That stupid ass charge attack she does even when you're up close was bullshyt. Finally got her though. I must say, beating the bosses in this game is such a satisfying experience.
I figure that the Nightmares are gonna lead to the end of the game? So I was gonna go back to Old Hunters DLC before all that, then was going through my shyt when I came across the Cainhurst Summons (forgot all about it), so I looked up how to use that, and you must have to get right up to the stone thing at Hemwick, because I've been back in that very area since beating the Witches, and never got the cutscene. Well, got it this time, wandered around a bit, died once, went back and killed the bloodlickers, then went into some building with some women crying, then appearing out of thin air. Cleared out the bottom level, got a new weapon, and it's about food time, so turned it off. Doubleheader on TNT tonight means if I do play again, it won't be til much later on.