Didn't have anywhere else to check out except the Lecture Hall so I went after avoiding it all this time. It's not really intimidating at all honestly, it's just dark.

The students that show up looking like flan in a cap and gown die in 1-2 hits and that's the extent of the threat in the area. There's a room where there's like 10 of them and they seem to give up a good amount of echoes (went in with 669, left with 14k) so I might use this place to farm later on. I get to the door at the end of the hall and open it without even reading the text....I ended up in the Nightmare Frontier.

Right off the bat, it's a nice change in scenery with the fields, but I don't get too much time to enjoy it because apparently there's a sinister bell ringing woman somewhere summoning actual players to invade my game.

I only fought 2 of them. Got my ass whooped in the first fight, and took the second invader down with ease and got all my echoes back from the first fight. Only netted 30-something thou total.

At this point I'm debating on switching to offline because I really want to just explore the place, but I eventually find where the bell woman was hiding and take her out from the back.

There's also 2 NPC hunters in the area but they're hardly worth mentioning at my current power.

Now I can actually explore this new area.

These new beast like things with mouths that look like infected p*ssy only look intimidating but actually go down in 3 swipes for me. Same goes for those squid looking things that thrive in the poisonous water (which is the only kind of water this area has to offer apparently

). I pick up various cold blood stones and runes scattered about and end up in this field with these giant looking dudes that like to throw rocks. And I'ma tell you right now, these rocks do more damage than they ought to. Almost 2/3rds of my health bar? Even getting hit by the debris? Word?

Luckily they're so slow, it's easy kill them or get behind them for a visceral. It's about 3 more of these dudes in the area as well, so I try to creep up behind one while I see the other one standing on a cliff that's about an entire valley away. There's no way he can throw that rock far enough to reach me, right?
From Software:
Now I have to constantly be on the run because apparently these are rocks with heat seeking missiles inside of them. :fohch: Getting past all of that, I find the first shortcut that's a falling statue placed closer towards the lamp. Now, what happens next is something where I can show you better than I can tell you.
I had to use a Bold Hunter's Mark just to get out of there.
Redid everything for the echoes and peace of mind and made sure not to end up in that spot again.

At this point, I think I'm going to make some progress now at least, so on the upper path where I was supposed to go, there's this branching left path that even has little glowing dots (shining coins probably) to light the way to an item that's sitting on top of a dead corpse. This must be a really important item if From Software decided to light a pathway towards it! Whatever could it be?

Is it a powerful rune?

Perhaps a weapon?

A quality bloodstone?

An outfit with a higher defense stat than the one I've been wearing since the start of the game?

The curiousity is killing me!

Let me see what this item is that has been placed ever so careful in front of me-
From Software:
Instead, let's have this spider creature push the player off a cliff down into the poisonous water caverns lurking below the entire area with more squid monsters, where you move as if trying to walk in quicksand with you get slowly poisoned every step of the way, thereby forcing the player to roll around by mashing circle and spend the stamina they need to fight said squids efficiently!
I guess I should consider myself lucky that they didn't factor in fall damage for this.

Again, the squid enemies go down in 2-3 hits but trying to manuver in that water is an absolute pain in the ass. At this point, my blood pressure is building like Beanie Sigel in 2000 eating the greasiest of cheesesteaks.

I roll around like a godamn idiot towards the way out only to be greeted by EVEN MORE squid monsters, and some more of those giants that throw Stinger missiles disguised as boulders.

I make my way back up to where the item was, and it turns out all it was was a Coldblood flower required for some chalice ritual. :fohch: Right about now, I'm just ready to turn this bytch off and get something to eat but I keep on going. End up in some caverns where another giant was perched for an easy visceral and some squid creatures that actually thrive on land for once. The way this area was set up though, there was no way to go but down into more of the poison water, so I fall down, killing some squid monsters and figure I'm gonna have to roll my way through all this to move forward. So I'm killing some squids, keeping an eye on the poison meter but guess what brehs? :whiteparadise:

I get my souls back, use another Hunter's Mark, level up some, and cut the PS4 right the fukk off.
I grabbed something to eat, took a little break, and dive right back into it because I didn't come this godamn far for nothing.

Since this other water area is the only place left to go, I pretty much roll like hell avoiding damn near everything just to get past this bullshyt and try to find another shortcut that's close to a boss area that leads back to the lamp. Further up down here, I find a pathway leading up to the giant that killed me and savored every bit of the visceral I killed him with.

I go back down thinking things will be easier, only to find what looks like a new cave with,
ANOTHER rock throwing giant in front of it. Short work is made of this motherfukker and I'm just ready for it all to be over. Well guess what nikka? It aint.

This is another cavern with poisonous water so I get to rolling as usual (this is so fukking dumb), but in here, other than your average squids, there's something else lurking in these waters.

Something that sounds like singing infact.

I use an antidote and blood vial I didn't even need to go see what it was. Brehs....it's some new type of enemy that looks like Mother Brain from Metroid.

I didn't even get a chance to take it all in because it shuffles towards you at light speed, and to me that only means one thing, this is one of those bullshyt enemies that can kill you in one or two blows.

I swing my axe like crazy and it actually goes down in 3 hits, but my frenzy meeter is activated and it's moving faster than it ever has before...even after the thing died. :qpwtf: Frenzy maxed out and took most of my life bar with it.

Mashing triangle like a madman, I go towards the exit of this cave...only to find another one of those brain enemies lurking outside.

I don't even bother going for a visceral and just kill the thing....and once again it almost killed me.

Right now I'm just trying to get the fukk up outta here and see 2 paths branching left and right. Towards the left is what looks like a boss arena and I run back like a bytch because I aint about this Bloodborne life no more today .

Right path had an elevator of sorts that led to the beginning of the map with the lamp. I tucked my tail between my legs and went right back to the Hunter's Dream with the doll. At least she won't hurt me.