Bloodborne is AWESOME


winter is coming
Jun 3, 2012
Updates :lupe:

Decided to grind for Twin Blood Stone Shards for a bit by killing the kidnappers in the Hypogean Gaol. Got my axe to +6 now and used the 33 other regular blood shards to level up everything else I had. Went into the forest after that because I don't have too many other places to go and I'm expecting the same old riflemen I saw before with the wolves that have a bone through their heads. Now that I got 15 insight, this Sideshow Bob looking motherfukker pops up out of the ground out of nowhere :francis:. I can kill him quick 2 handed but I swear he can slash you 5 fukking times before he lets up :pacspit:. I make my way through the forest even more slowly now and I finally reach the Hemlock Chapel Lane lamp :blessed:, but not 15 feet below are a group of mad women circling around a pile of whatever the fukk with torches :skip:. Naturally, I go down there to introduce myself on some "hello ladies :shaq:" but these hoes ain't playin breh :huhldup:. None of em killed me but they damn sure had me using some blood vials before I wanted to. These heffas got hatchets, cattle prods, rakes, mallets, and some of em like to stand on perches and toss molotovs :martin:. I see I'm not going to escape these fukk ass crows neither just slithering in the grass and I can't even see them because it's night time :why:. And oh yeah, Sideshow Bob makes some guest appearances too :beli:. Only other human enemy I see are those gigantic Quasimoto looking dudes with bricks in their hands but still nothing a parry or a 2 handed heavy strike can't handle. I make my way to this stable full of dead horses and the surprises keep coming :martin:. Broads playing possum in hay, wolves laying low under the ladder, and a Sideshow Bob lurking up top. Your boy done levelled up though (literally) and I make short work of them :whew:. Now I'm on a rooftop overlooking the ocean and I gotta shimmy across to get to land and of course, some old witch with a mallet is waiting around the corner with a Quasimoto and a molotov throwing heffa :beli:. I kill all of them and make my way down a staircase to be greeted by some motherfukker in a wheelchair with a shotgun :why:. If that aint enough, just outside is some new variation of Quasimoto looking dudes with a blade instead of a brick :mindblown:. They hit harder but they can still fall prey to a well timed parry :whew:. Now I see a lever to open a gate I couldn't get past before that opens up a shortcut to the lamp :obama:. Normally I'd go right back to the Hunter's Dream, especially sitting on 30k souls, but something just told me to keep going forward :lupe:. I mean, I've killed everything up to this point with little difficulty right? What's a little further up :sas1:? Motherfukker I'll tell you what's up there, a pack of SIX fukkING WOLVES THAT GANG UP ON YOU LIKE FRESH KIBBLES N BITS IN A KENNEL :damn:. Not even gon lie, I was ready to die right then and there :sadbron: but by some miracle (and bad camera angles), I killed them all with my 2 handed axe :wow:. I cashed in those souls and levelled up right after that, needless to say :francis:. Now I go up this hill to the left and find 4 more women and a bladed Quasimoto :stopitslime:. I killed all of them and just called it a night. All this drama and I haven't even reached the damn boss yet :martin:.


You are about to meet by far the most easy boss in the game...

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
:patrice:, if you think bloodborne is bullshyt you definitely shouldn't go step dat ass in the back yard with the originals either.


King's Field (キングスフィールド) is a role-playing video game series developed by FromSoftware. It is known for its brooding atmosphere, labyrinthine dungeons, and difficulty.[1] Titles in this series have been released for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Microsoft Windows, and various mobile phone platforms.

While the first three installments continued a single story, the fourth (King's Field IV) begins a new story. All King's Field games share elements of game play and some common items. A spiritual successor to the series, named Demon's Souls, was released February 5, 2009 in Japan for the PlayStation 3, followed by its own spiritual successor, Dark Souls for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on September 22, 2011 which went on to become a franchise. Bloodborne, which shares several similarities to Souls games, was released for the PlayStation 4 on March 24th, 2015. The Moonlight Sword has been a recurring element in everyKing's Field, as well as in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, as well as Bloodborne: The Old Hunters. In-game items such as the Earth Herb and Antidote have crossed over as well.

In all King's Field releases, except for the PlayStation Portable titles, battles are fought in real time, and usually involve maneuvering to land blows using melee weapons as well as casting offensive ranged-magic spells.
They got stuff that'll "all 9999s" you at game start if you take the wrong turn.... :ohlawd:
Though KF2 was linear(easier) so they could put all the harder stuff were you hadn't got yet. :manny:


I don't even know anymore...
Apr 30, 2012
SMH, I worked my way to dude with the machine gun in Old Yharnam that fukks you up if you stay out in the open. Got up to him, we fighting, and I fall off the damn platform and die. :stopitslime: Go right back, we fighting again, and this time HE falls off the platform .:lolbron: Turnabout is fair play. :blessed:

Been trying to beat this Blood Starved Beast, and the poison is what keeps costing me. I had him down to a sliver, with 2 Molotovs left, but had no antidotes and got caught with one of his stupid lunging attacks. Dead. :to:So damn close. I had cashed in my 40k beforehand, so I had to go grind so I could buy more Antidotes and Molotovs (only to realize that I had 13 Antidotes in storage, AFTER I loaded up). :francis:

My eyes had been burning for about an hour, so I had to stop. shyt's irritating the hell outta me. Can't really focus right.


The Carolina Blueprint
May 3, 2012
Now I go up this hill to the left and find 4 more women and a bladed Quasimoto :stopitslime:. I killed all of them and just called it a night. All this drama and I haven't even reached the damn boss yet :martin:.

You were literally right there at the boss breh....the easiest one in the whole game btw


Staff member
May 1, 2012
SMH, I worked my way to dude with the machine gun in Old Yharnam that fukks you up if you stay out in the open. Got up to him, we fighting, and I fall off the damn platform and die. :stopitslime: Go right back, we fighting again, and this time HE falls off the platform .:lolbron: Turnabout is fair play. :blessed:

Been trying to beat this Blood Starved Beast, and the poison is what keeps costing me. I had him down to a sliver, with 2 Molotovs left, but had no antidotes and got caught with one of his stupid lunging attacks. Dead. :to:So damn close. I had cashed in my 40k beforehand, so I had to go grind so I could buy more Antidotes and Molotovs (only to realize that I had 13 Antidotes in storage, AFTER I loaded up). :francis:

My eyes had been burning for about an hour, so I had to stop. shyt's irritating the hell outta me. Can't really focus right.
I used that fire paper against him and summoned that other Hunter before I know summoning others was deemed casual



Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
Updates :ld:

Beat the Witch of you guys weren't kidding when you said she was easy. She didn't even hit me, the only time I got hit was when I fell off a platform in front of a Sideshow Bob that I killed in 4 swipes :skip:. They don't even act normally in this fight, I was running around them with no consequence :why:. Anyway, beat her and got the tool that lets me equip runes to my weapons so my axe is pretty damn powerful at this point :youngsabo:. Nothing left to do here so I make my way to the Forbidden woods. I see they've brought back the enemies from Central Yarnham and they've levelled up a bit :francis:. This is the first time in the game where I think I might need a map :lupe:. Out side of a few ambushes in shacks, it was nothing too terrible (even if I had to run through a swamp and run towards a cannon right afterwards :martin:). Making my way through the woods, I've accumulated 41k echoes and I've reached what looks like a barn where I sneak viseral killed someone who was lurking at the bottom and stopped with his back turned to me. Only problem is, this Medusa looking motherfukker is right outside the door:


I'm trying to decide whether I should take my echos and level up or try to beat this dude and keep moving :lupe:

Don Mack

All Star
May 28, 2012
Updates :ld:

Beat the Witch of you guys weren't kidding when you said she was easy. She didn't even hit me, the only time I got hit was when I fell off a platform in front of a Sideshow Bob that I killed in 4 swipes :skip:. They don't even act normally in this fight, I was running around them with no consequence :why:. Anyway, beat her and got the tool that lets me equip runes to my weapons so my axe is pretty damn powerful at this point :youngsabo:. Nothing left to do here so I make my way to the Forbidden woods. I see they've brought back the enemies from Central Yarnham and they've levelled up a bit :francis:. This is the first time in the game where I think I might need a map :lupe:. Out side of a few ambushes in shacks, it was nothing too terrible (even if I had to run through a swamp and run towards a cannon right afterwards :martin:). Making my way through the woods, I've accumulated 41k echoes and I've reached what looks like a barn where I sneak viseral killed someone who was lurking at the bottom and stopped with his back turned to me. Only problem is, this Medusa looking motherfukker is right outside the door:


I'm trying to decide whether I should take my echos and level up or try to beat this dude and keep moving :lupe:

I'd level up. If you've never fought those dudes before to know there attach patterns just now that if you fukk up and miss your ass is dead quick. Best thing is to sneak and visceral attack them or either rush them and put them down before there snake heads mutate