Just binged it tonight. Thought it was good

It felt like a tribid between Curb, MF and Blackish during the first two episodes but it picked up its stride by episode 5. Like it a lot more than any of the 'ish shows , which I don't bother with anyway.
I know the show isn't for everyone but I connected with a lot of scenes . If I didn't, I know a family member that has . The scene on the plane where the flight attendant starts probing about how they earn their income for example. Just don't see that on TV yet you deal with that regularly if you're middle class or higher. Just refreshing on how they tackle certain topics.
I feel like again that the chemistry of the show progresses as the season goes . That goes for everyone: the actors and the viewers . There hasn't been a black show in this exact dynamic before so it takes some warming up to .
Not because he's a Clippers fan from Inglewood either.