Black woman wants to know why don't Black men BUILD in their communities like Asian and Hispanic men do?

May 3, 2012
I honestly can’t believe guys can go on here and push the narrative that black men hate black women when black women online have more or less become unabashed 4canners. You’ve got people agreeing with her here like male feminists, but Had a male version of this lady been posted on a site for black women the comments would have been filled with people attacking him and calling him all sorts of names. Hell, the same thing would have happened here too.
The thing is I'm for women pursuing their rights and nuanced discussions around gender but it's not going both ways, in fact it's almost become taboo to discuss what black men face specifically.


Mar 3, 2013
Hmmm let's see....

From the end of slavery until, let's say, late 1930s, our race was pretty well off in many ways, esp financially. Our great great grandparents studied the John D Rocks and Carnegie's and built what would have been today, world corps worth trillions. Cacs torched our homes and businesses and killed them. But we were prideful and consistent people. We built them back up, only for Cacs to do it again. Nowadays it's legal

You can only get so far. Something that Kanye has just figured out

And until we change that, we can't change that

And Cacs were right. We would be the dominate race in the world right now had they not done it
May 29, 2018
Brothers hate one another. Especially when it comes to working with one another.. If you cant see this you either not involved with your company or you live in a very diverse or white community.
They hate on one another too. They raise their young boys to be haters. In fact, I'll go as far as to say some black women are aiding in the destruction of the black community.
Unfortunately, You're correct in my perspective. Too many brothers have a " sick desire" to be the ONLY negro.
May 29, 2018
Unfortunately, you are hitting the nail on the head. Black men expecting their enemies to go easy on them is a sick mentality. Our enemies are doing exactly what they suppose to do. It's our job, as black men, to develop strategies to excute an counter offesnive and overcome these issues. But too many black men, have a defeatist mind and believes white people's propoganda about their own people. White people's biggest strength is controlling the black mind by propoganda which makes black people do the dirty work for them.
Didn't watch the video but we already know what their excuse will be...because WM won't let them and then they'll throw in how somehow BW are to blame.


You would think being oppressed would be enough fuel to fight or build separately but I guess not. BM are always waiting on another group to assist them before they are willing to help themselves in mass.


Jul 8, 2014
I see the newly radicalized full time empress wench got bushed. Gon back over to Lsa with that fukk shyt.


Will Ross

May 5, 2012
I honestly can’t believe guys can go on here and push the narrative that black men hate black women when black women online have more or less become unabashed 4canners. You’ve got people agreeing with her here like male feminists, but Had a male version of this lady been posted on a site for black women the comments would have been filled with people attacking him and calling him all sorts of names. Hell, the same thing would have happened here too. And on r/Blackman.

That actually brings me to a funny story.

I lurked r/Blackman and the first thread I saw was a downvoted and later deleted thread about a guy wanting a white woman. Second thread was Twitter screencap and guys taking about how they can make black women feel better about their hair.

Completely different from r/blackladies when the very first thread I saw was a girl talking about her white bf and another “black man ain’t shyt” thread.

Hate to say this most brother that fail do it trying to impress a black woman.

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
If you want to make a 'Why aren't BW leading us properly' thread feel free to do so. But this thread is about BM.

If you are incapable of building a community just that. But trying to blame BW whenever asked about your roll in your own owe advancement is played out. You need new material.
Why are you only responding to posts like that and not the ones that actually answer the question in good faith?


D-Block General
Mar 11, 2022
Above The Clouds
We’ve been under siege in this country for the entirety of our duration here, so why in the world is anyone making false comparisons between us and other minorities with less time facing the full force of white supremacy? I really don’t think people understand black men have been at war for 500 years cause it’s so normalized to everyone. Think for a second about the fact that the only other minority to face the close to the level of trauma for as long as we have are close to extinction. You know how crazy it is that we avoided systematic elimination and the natives didn’t? It’s also interesting to note that they’re the only group that statistically matches us the closest with similar problems. The black people in Argentina who also faced similar eliminatory practices watched their population go from 30% to now 0.5%, but we still managed to survive. You’re welcome by the way black women

I legitimately can’t understand this new breed of jackass women who have anything to say about what we have and haven’t done. Wtf have y’all built? Did y’all build any Black Wall Streets? If so, Where they at? Do y’all even have a inkling of a clue how many neighborhoods black men have built only to have it burnt down, gentrified, zoned out by predatory housing and land practices, squandered by a heirs, or sabotaged by cacs. Almost every privilege that’s enjoyed by women and other minorities has a black man’s blood or background influence behind it. Too many Darren seals have died for us to be putting up with this nonsense. Man oh man, I’m glad these women are only a loud minority on the internet cause woo

If I asked this goofy aśs broad to explain why black women make up 60% of the women with multiple baby daddies or commit the highest rate of domestic violence of any demographic, I’m sure I’ll get a accurate play by play of their struggles with broken homes, poverty, racism and sexism etc but somehow black men are exempt from all that. I guess We just over here living in a vacuum and not accomplishing anything cause “black men are -insert eugenics argument-,” which is essentially the implication being made. Same implication Trump made by calling Haiti a shythole country while ignoring the role the western world played in its current state

Ever since the media started pandering to these internet pigeons they’ve been insufferable. Always talmbout black men haven’t done this or that. You know what.. since y’all liberated and “thriving,” go take y’all liberated thriving asśes and you go build something. Put that equality y’all fought for to good use and Leave us and the brehettes who work with us to our own devices

And weird masochistic dudes who’re aren’t use to being spoken to with dignity can’t wait to cape up for these types of bozo women

A black women could legit say black men are useless and if a breh checks her, this be some of y’all

May 3, 2012
"Yeah, I know Melan Munch has some great produce and meat cuts but they don't be having the deals that Kroger/Stop n Shop do so I drive a little bit further to save money and make it stretch."

We're at cross purposes.

We're statistically the poorest in overall wealth so even if someone does do the unlikely and open up a Black owned grocery, the people targeted probably won't be able to shop there as unless it's ran by an already wealthy person(talking decamillionaire to be honest) they probably won't be able to compete with the cost cutting that the major chains can.

So the prices will stay higher and the community it targets complains and goes where their money stretches.

So the entrepreneur smartens up and opens their location in a place where the gdp can probably support the store.

Which means a larger white presence. And then they get flack for forgetting their people.

And there's tons of bp with businesses, but the vibe I'm getting is she's talking about a CERTAIN KIND of business, big and bold with someone's name splashed on the front.

She's not seeing the numerous black owned landscape, commercial cleaning, weather reserve(snow removal/gutter repair/etc) all that blue collar stuff.

She sounds like she's looking for more gloss.
Overall the posts in this thread are a trash heap but this is one of the good ones. Let's look at the economic and systemic reasons why black owned businesses don't persist very long, or why certain black owned businesses take certain approaches. Why the fukk is someone like Kevin Samuels even getting brought up in this thread?

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Matriarchal Dudes who agree with this babble fail to realize that the criticism doesn’t come from an area of tough love and legitimate concern, but from an area of angst, belittling, misandry, and hatred for the black man.

If it came from love then she should show us what she built with HER MAN. Because I know black businesswomen and they are too damn busy building with their black spouses to get on tick-tock and bytch about what she and others aren’t doing.


The Dan Bongino Show (Mon. – Fri. 12p-3p ET)
May 31, 2022
we could clown her all we want but the cold hard truth isn't going away. There is not a single first world black nation and yes, that makes me hold some resentment toward the adult males that came ahead of my time.

even latin America has a first world nation in Chile
Our situation is very different we never really had a chance to formally any structure.

Today young men want respect so she's off either that. She's one of them girls who see us like other groups and think we should be like them but our minds are different. We never had patriarch families in place so our we gonna have people doing them, getting money and seeking respect. We also got America exploiting us everyday for our style and culture for money so her asking that question is down right foolish and it shows she doesn't think logically.


The Dan Bongino Show (Mon. – Fri. 12p-3p ET)
May 31, 2022
Lets be real honest, real Smart, Intelligent (cornball) brothers, you know the ones with the mind to build and create don't get no love or respect from Black Women. NONE!! If a dude has dirty shoes he's done. So any men with intelligences isn't staying where he isn't values, rewarded or respected.

Swag and drip don't build communities.

Also, a Mexican man can be a day laborer and come home to dinner, sex, more peace and respect than most Black men.
They work at bravo supermarket and got their wife sitting in a hot car in the waiting on them to come out, papi broke and poor with a wife while a black man on someone's couch getting screamed at like a child, this chicken is naive and a clown.

Here in miaminthey undercovered that many Hispanics have multiple families in a single family home and people didn't find out until years later because they don't snitch. The buyer gets his bread, the families save money and wveryone eats.

Well be on TV switching like crazy on each other.