Black woman wants to know why don't Black men BUILD in their communities like Asian and Hispanic men do?


Jun 28, 2012
we could clown her all we want but the cold hard truth isn't going away. There is not a single first world black nation and yes, that makes me hold some resentment toward the adult males that came ahead of my time.

even latin America has a first world nation in Chile

You're comparing the wrong things. I'm pretty sure you're using a European centric scale to measure in your mind why black countries don't measure up. The first thing African descendants need to do is stop trying to fit in to the European lifestyle. Culture is different throughout the world. It's not going to look the same, that's what makes life interesting.

The first thing people need to do is realize most of these countries borders came out of the minds of Europeans and were meant to keep strong empires from forming. They've done this all over the world.

Just because life looks like it does today doesn't mean it's always been that way or even will stay that way. I can tell you now, it won't stay that way.
Jul 24, 2018
My post said nothing of the sort if anything it's in alignment with this point

I'm saying it manifests as an excuse because the need for self reliance as a community transcends the conflation of doing it in the hopes that women get in line
At least you admit that these women are making excuses. The reasoning for the excuse is BS.
Jul 24, 2018

She'll have to go back to being the white man's whore.


Dec 29, 2016
I don't even know how to respond to rubbish like that.

It undermines the strides made by black men and it denies the reality of the world we live in.

The reality is it takes time and investment to build. Instead of shytting on black men, look at the companies with a critical eye:

"It was founded in 1849" - Gee, I wonder why black men didn't create something like that.

"It has a high startup cost" - Oh man, I wonder why black men didn't get loan with premiums set at a reasonable price.

"It is reliant on securing contracts with other companies" - Snap, I wonder why folks refused to do business with black men over the years.

A lot of you are c00ns and simps. You're happy to think the worst of your people because you've bought into that "pull yourself up by the bootstraps. In capitalism, you're only limited by how much you're willing to work" rubbish.

The reality is much more cruel and not changed by a plastic ass having stripper.


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
This thread has ran its course.

Just wanna salute the good brothers:


@Burned Verses
@Luke Cage

for quality responses

We haven’t always agreed on every single thing over the years but it’s good to see nikkas pushing back against these wenches and their pets.

Good shyt holding this thread down, and shutting these BMAT whores the fukk up—but be vigilant Kings—the armies of Wenchdor and their simps are at our Coli gates and grow stronger every day with very little help from the Mods


At least @™BlackPearl The Empress™ their general got bushed for now.


You must change the reputation of 25 users before you can influence the reputation of the username Dre God again.

:deadrose: @ Wenchdor

simps ARE at the gate.

but the Fellowship of the Rang will hold the line...
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Nov 19, 2016
Honestly there's so much Manipulation, Fraud, Scamming, Faking and Finessing, we don't trust each other at all.
Part of the reason the other part is we just don‘t have the teaching. Even as a college grad I’ve struggled with money because I come from parents in debt and grand parents in debt. We are taught to make it out and get away but when somebody tries to go back it sometimes ends fatal. There’s much more to this conversation but we just have to do better and in turn We will see better results. There are places though that black people can move to and see this.


Nov 19, 2016
This goes both ways because the women I see with my own eyes are too busy trying to be "boss bytches" and their kids dumb and cant read.
or they shun men that want to do for kids and be better support. It’s complicated we have a ton of problems and there’s not just some easy fix. One thing I’ve taken from Tariq Nasheed is that there is no one savior, its going to take Groups of us banding together.


Apr 30, 2012
You're comparing the wrong things. I'm pretty sure you're using a European centric scale to measure in your mind why black countries don't measure up. The first thing African descendants need to do is stop trying to fit in to the European lifestyle. Culture is different throughout the world. It's not going to look the same, that's what makes life interesting.

The first thing people need to do is realize most of these countries borders came out of the minds of Europeans and were meant to keep strong empires from forming. They've done this all over the world.

Just because life looks like it does today doesn't mean it's always been that way or even will stay that way. I can tell you now, it won't stay that way.
Breh, use what ever measure or category you want but the fact is black countries have failed economically.
shyt, let's take GDP out of the equation, socially economically, very few black countries are doing well in that either, you can just tell looking at the life expectancy.
Having functioning schools, good literacy rate(in native language), enough hospitals for the populace should be a bare minimum for all countries, not just Europeans. Who said I was using European centric skills anyways? Asian countries with their own metric would all have the same countries under the same category.


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
A few things:

1. Hispanic & Asian businesses have built-in moats to their businesses because of a language barrier & distinct culture. It's not like they're opening coffee shops & donut shops. They're selling their food & speaking their language to their customers. How does ADOS do that?

We compete with Popeyes, KFC, etc., when it comes to soul food. The only thing we were allowed to keep was our hair, & look at all of the black owned barbershops...

2. Hate to say it, but it's hard to trust & do business with a random black breh. Our culture is weak, meaning you generally don't know WHAT the fukk the next dude is on in terms of morals & values. It also embraces a fast money mentality. I haven't had great experiences connecting w/ other black men who I didn't already know from work or school. Too much fukk shyt.

3. Black women generally do NOT support brehs building like they did in the past. Businesses take years to build, not weeks or months. You're laughed at and called broke/boring if you don't already have the bag. "Broke boys don't deserve no p*ssy- I know that's right." Takes a strong man to endure that.

4. Brehs just lack any kind of racial pride (I realize the irony vs. #5) or collectiveness, and are not protective enough of our culture. There is no fukking reason the hip-hop industry and NBA shouldn't be black-run by and large or well on their way to it. THERE IS NO PRODUCT IN THESE INDUSTRIES WITHOUT BLACK MEN, but somehow it's like we have 0 leverage? Gotta man the fukk up on this.

You have people like Deion Sanders and Lebron that make moves to take that power back for us, but it's still too infrequent. There's no excuse for this, and if it's still like this come 2040, the finger's gotta be pointed straight at black men. Sorry, no excuses for this one.

Black culture used to have a shelf life of like 6+ months before it got coopted by white culture. Gen Z brehs are doing next-day delivery of that shyt via TikTok & other social media, but not even gatekeeping like they should.

5. Our best & brightest date out at the highest rate and/or get distanced from the community due to cultural mismatches.

All (literally 100%) of my 6 figure brehs who didn't find a girl by like 25 are dating/marrying out after grinding to get to the bag in their 20s, and I'm honestly on that path myself though I never really expected to be. And I'll be 100, that feeling of awkwardness dating out is some shyt that can have you not as in your element w/ the community.

It's hard to find a woman that meets the bill period, but finding a BW that meets bare minimum qualifications (not fat, no kids, not ratchet, not a laze-feminist) is just way too fukking difficult past a certain age. Black church women & black women in LA are the only groups of black women I've really seen hold up like that past like 27 (in terms of not fat, no kids), which is trash. That said, never lived in the DMV which is supposed to be black mecca.
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Aug 6, 2012
The intellectual dishonesty levels in this thread are unprecedented and I can’t believe there’s black people (allegedly) on this board who really think this way
Your right Jesus Christ :huhldup:I did not think there would be so many black posters on this website that would practice this level of willful ignorance on how both government and private sector does to undermine black people attempts at building wealth compare to other groups :mjpls:

Black Americans are paying more than white Americans to own a home, making it harder for Black households to accumulate housing wealth at the same rate as their white counterparts, according to new research from MIT.

In a study published earlier this month, MIT researchers found that Black Americans pay $743 more annually than white Americans when it comes to mortgage interest payments, $550 more per year in mortgage insurance premiums and $390 more each year in property taxes — totaling more than $13,000 over the life of the loan.

The study — authored by Ed Golding, executive director of the MIT Golub Center; Michelle Aronowitz, former deputy general counsel for enforcement and fair housing at the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Jung Hyun Choi, a researcher with the Housing Finance Policy Center at the Urban Institute — found that the inequities totaled to $67,320 in lost retirement savings for Black homeowners.

Citing income data from the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), the country’s oldest minority trade association, the study said it found an income gap of $25,800 between Black and white Americans to be “exacerbated by this ‘Black tax’ on homeownership.”
Sifting through granular data such as student loan debt and occupation breakdowns by race—information that is usually the preserve of think tanks and academics, rather than Wall Street economists—Peterson said that inequities exist at every juncture, be it when Black Ivy League graduates are paid less than White counterparts or the struggles Black business owners face when trying to secure investment from venture capitalists. By her calculations, an additional 6.1 million jobs a year and $13 trillion in business revenue could have been generated over the last two decades if Black entrepreneurs had fair and equitable access to credit. “At all these different levels of society and achievement, there are these roadblocks,” Peterson says. “It’s pyramidal.”

Over the course of her research, Peterson said she was most struck by an analysis conducted by the Urban Institute on the gap in home ownership rates. The nonprofit said that after accounting for differences in income, education, credit score, and marital status, 17% of the difference between Black and White households remained unaccounted for. “That was shocking—that potentially one in five rejections alone might be attributable to bias or racism,” Peterson says. Equitable access to home loans could have resulted in 770,000 additional Black homeowners since 2000, with combined sales and expenditures adding $218 billion to gross domestic product, she concluded in her report.

Peterson calculated that by closing the various gaps between Blacks and Whites, the U.S. could stand to gain an additional $5 trillion in economic activity over the next five years—not an insignificant number as the U.S. struggles to recover from the downturn caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

May 3, 2012
How do you look at the criminalization and malignment of black men in this country and then make statements like that? We discuss the same shyt ad nasuem and still can't properly contextualize these issues? We still continue to ignore the systemic issues that we as men face? And yes those issues are just as much about gender as it is race because masculinity isn't a straight up boon towards privilege, it's a double edge sword. We're locked up at higher rates and given longer sentences, because our sex compounded with our race deems us bigger threats towards society, we're disregarded in schools because "boys will be boys"; we're left to our own devices and black boys specifically are deemed too unruly to teach, we make up for broken homes by taken penitentiary chances to make money because our fathers are locked up, we can't get loans or buy houses in certain areas because we are viewed as incompetents who scare the shyt out of other races. I can go on and it's so unfortunate the discourse around the issue black men face begin and end with sex and relationships( we're also at fault for not delving into more to be frank), because we're getting compared to other races who don't face the stigma we have faced for the last 500 years.

Conversations around black men damn near devolve into white supremacist logic because we are the only group that is regularly blamed for their own plight. If someone is inept and you think they're at fault for it you can't disguise it as anything else other than thinking they're a lesser being, it is what it is. Black people are dehumanized in general, but I bet we all work with at least one white person who is scared to drive through your local neighborhoods because they are scared of black men; they look at us like monsters. Call these excuses, I call it context, you can't address any issue properly if you can't break it down to it's roots, and we can't even move beyond that. It makes me wonder if the people who call out black men do it out love and care, or if it comes from a place of bitterness, resentment and ego?
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Jun 28, 2012
Breh, use what ever measure or category you want but the fact is black countries have failed economically.
shyt, let's take GDP out of the equation, socially economically, very few black countries are doing well in that either, you can just tell looking at the life expectancy.
Having functioning schools, good literacy rate(in native language), enough hospitals for the populace should be a bare minimum for all countries, not just Europeans. Who said I was using European centric skills anyways? Asian countries with their own metric would all have the same countries under the same category.

It's an economy based on European bank practices. It was never designed to let anyone get ahead except for those tied into it. It's still that way. That's why you see countries like China, Brazil, India, and South Africa along with Russia and others trying to branch off and have their own banking system and reserve currency. The people in charge of the money have been scheming up ways to control the world for centuries breh. It didn't just start. When you talk about this think about who is controlling the resources and how many wars they have fought and still fight to try to keep control. Fiat money is a concept they came up with to keep people from hording gold, silver, and other prescious metals. The value is in the resources. If you have food, water, land, minerals, metals, etc then you have value. There's plenty of value in Africa.
Jun 15, 2022
I honestly can’t believe guys can go on here and push the narrative that black men hate black women when black women online have more or less become unabashed 4canners. You’ve got people agreeing with her here like male feminists, but Had a male version of this lady been posted on a site for black women the comments would have been filled with people attacking him and calling him all sorts of names. Hell, the same thing would have happened here too. And on r/Blackman.

That actually brings me to a funny story.

I lurked r/Blackman and the first thread I saw was a downvoted and later deleted thread about a guy wanting a white woman. Second thread was Twitter screencap and guys taking about how they can make black women feel better about their hair.

Completely different from r/blackladies when the very first thread I saw was a girl talking about her white bf and another “black man ain’t shyt” thread.