Black woman wants to know why don't Black men BUILD in their communities like Asian and Hispanic men do?


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
Yeah cuz now they don’t even give them the chance to get built whites just deny your loan at the bank and then give ling xiaoyu and Jin Kazama the same loan even if the Asians and the Black businesses men have similar qualifications for the loan.

Y’all are playing dumb for daps, idk why. It’s a bad look.

The coli is going in an odd direction lately :patrice:
Alot of these nikkas really think real life is like Wakanda for black ppl

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Trying to figure out when some black women forgot their history and what black men have gone through. The question is valid but the answer is obvious. Its like asking why do so many black people live in the hood and poor sides of town. I would expect this question from an ignorant white person.

yes black men should be doing better and need to do better. But acting like you dont know why things are is weird. black men still out earn and are doing better than black women as a whole. Despite bw having degrees( and the most student loans), and despite bw working dead end middle mgmt jobs in corp cause cacs are more comfortable around them then masculine black men. And the only executuive roles they put bw in are the head of diversity and inclusion roles. So we know the why. Any black person should know why things are how they are.

When did some BW get so disconnected from the average black man that they view black men through the same lens of a racist white person?
They’re doing this “mock us into being better” shtick and it’s corny. As if there already isn’t a lot of dudes who are LowTierGod in the community who espouse “this is why nikkas can’t do anything right”.

All it does is cause resentment. It’s similar to Clarence Thomas trying to put black people in a desperate position on purpose because he thinks it’ll make us do something

This is how some of these women raise their sons

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
It would be foolish to not think there tons of black men and women that need to step up :yeshrug:. While it was abrasive, she brought up valid points.
It’s only valid if you dont know history or understand how white supremacy works.

Those other people aren’t viewed as threats to whites established power because whites know they strive to be white.

Pointing out a bunch of Asians that worship whites building shyt, and are allowed by whites to flood the country and compare them to us whom whites have had a vile hatred for, for 500 years and thwarted our progress every chance they get and then saying

“huurrrr durrrr look at these lazy nigggras not building hurrrrr durrr the Asians build hurrr durrr why not you nigggras hurrr durr”

Is intellectually dishonest and shows the woman in the OP doesn’t know history, or understand systemic white supremacy racism—which Blacks are the main targets of—especially straight Black men, cuz they know BW aren’t a real tangible threat to them and Black homos regardless of gender are mentally ill, and useless in the grand scheme of fighting racism. (I.e. BLM who stole all the money)


Just look how Asians are given slaps on the wrist for selling weed, and it’s framed as them being “victims of human trafficking” :dead: :troll:

Now how would that be framed if nikkas was doing it :mjpls:
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Jun 1, 2012
Do black men need to do better? Sure
But I'm not buying into the whole, "Black women would be more feminine if Black men build" BS.
You're entitled to that opinion but consider the alternative

Nikkas on the internet begging and shaming black women to be feminine ain't gonna do SHYT:mjlol:


Mar 11, 2022
And yeah, Asians get so many benefits (laws passed instantly with minimal push on their part) and don't get me started on Hispanics. Remember Haitians were trying to flood here like hispanics and it became a national crisis? :mjpls:

These other groups have it easier than Black people and actively play a part in our demise. To act like it's just "They work harder" is retarded. Wenches & simps in full effect.


Aug 26, 2015
Yea because we failed breh

The coping mechanisms gotta stop. Call shyt what it is

If the Patriots beat the Rams nobody's gonna say "Nah man the rams didn't lose, they had systematic issues against them"

Black people are the most gifted people on the planet and everybody else knows it and acts accordingly. These other groups are not playing and in the scope of everything we're a largely unserious group
I feel that in my personal life I don't like giving excuses. WE have some house cleaning to do for sure.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
We as a collective need to stop all the absolutes when finger pointing at each other. I know BW that struggled to get their own thing off the ground (like all of our small businesses) and are doing very well. I know BM that have done the same.

When started or throwing in the "always" and "never" or "all" or "none" in your rant, it invalidates it and spits in the face of those that are actually doing what you claim they are not, and not doing what you claim they are.

We have it harder than any other demographic in this country, and not solely because of our doing and not solely because of the system.

I wish we as a collective could get on code and stop airing each other out. We, as a collective, cannot do that then expect others to not treat us the way we treat one another.

I love y'all brothers and sisters. Even when I'm angry with you it is because I love you. I ain't tryna preach, it just hurts my soul to see so many threads about our men tearing down our women and our women tearing down our men.

Peace be unto you.
This. I wish we could have these conversations without being so mean to each other and pointing fingers at each other. Both groups (Brehs and Brehettes) are virtually in the same boat in the dysfunction, both groups contribute. Both groups got work to do. Both groups are making progress in some areas, while there are areas where shyt still needs to be ironed out. But neither group likes to be called on their shyt, even when there are some valid criticisms. But what doesn’t help is shytting on the group you want to change.

We can go all day pointing fingers and blaming each other because there’s fault on both sides.

There are many black businesses, but the ones that could make a big difference in our community aren’t the ones we’re building. For example, every single service I use currently is a black business. The breh who does my lawn care owns his own business. The Breh who takes care of my car is a black business. The woman who maintains my locs owns her shop. The woman who does my waxes owns her own shop. My financial advisor is a black man with his own business. Hell, it was a breh who invited me to join the Urban League in my city because he’s a member. We are doing things and aren’t just sitting on our asses.

But when it comes to grocery stores, good schools, hospitals and even the number of black owned banks-we’re short. And those are the very areas of need. I think we need to work together but instead everyone wants to blame everything on one gender and act as if their shyt don’t stink. It’s sad and embarrassing as hell.

Oh @SPACE IS FAKE you are forever negging me. I was going to neg your hateful ass back but then I looked at your reputation and realized you must not be saying anything of substance on here, hence why you so in the red. No need to even neg you.
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Jul 24, 2018
You're entitled to that opinion but consider the alternative

Nikkas on the internet begging and shaming black women to be feminine ain't gonna do SHYT:mjlol:
I've considered the alternative and it's BS.

Plenty of men all around the world don't make as much money as Americans (regardless of race, ethnic group, nationality, etc) yet their women still act feminine.

The pendulum had already swung to listening to men's issues.


Mar 11, 2022
I think part of the problem is we have some brothers who seek to find any excuse for why they are not successful. They seem to be crowded in certain areas, so those areas do not seem to be well built up. There are a lot of brothers out there who are building things, but many of them are not crowded in the areas that she probably passes through, so she will not even see them. Nor will those brothers who are actually working towards success be on the look out for her. So she is a victim of her environment perhaps, and needs to move out of it to actually see Black men who are upward mobile.

Now I am not saying White Supremacy does not make it harder on us to succeed, but we can't allow that to be the excuse for why we are not doing anything. We still need to provide for our families, and so we need to put in the extra effort needed to overcome the obstacles that are place in our way. We have some brothers who are just unwilling to do that, and the sisters who choose to have relationships with those brothers sometimes assume that all brothers are like their man.
Completely agree.


Sep 11, 2015
I said this before, black marriages need to be back in the 80 - 85% range. Before 1965 when marriages were up, black men were builders, we had our own stores and the things that she's talking about. We were able to save up and purchase these things. The black woman in the 60s and before saved every dayum penny.

FF to 2022, the marriage rate for black women is at 24-25%, there's no building going on with individuals. The reason that these other groups can build is because they are MARRIED, the banks are quick to lend them money. These folks save money, the woman is trying to save every penny that she can etc. Black women in 2022, spend money like it's going out of style. When you're married, the husband tends to save, invest, think forward, that is his role as the husband. The woman would add to the overall plan. Both parties are working together, this comes with being married.

Black women, single, spend spend, spend and spend, consume, there's no building in that sector, but if she's in a marriage, the building can happen because the husband and her can create a plan/vision and that will put her focus on that vision where she can't spend.
Black men spend too, but not as nearly as black women

Let's also talk about "Lending" These banks and lending companies are not giving Blacks money for startup businesses to begin with. As individuals/singles it's much harder to get a loan from a bank because the bank is using 1 income one credit score etc. Most black men make around 42k a year, that's not going to wild the banks into lending you a 1.2-million-dollar loan to build up a building or apartment complexes, A bank won't even consider giving your ass a loan for you to build up a ice cream stand, let alone give you a loan to rehab houses etc. The men who are in that 10-12% group, that make close to 6 figures or above 6 figures, still have a hard time getting loans. It's very few of those men and GUESS WHAT, THOSE MEN DON"T STAY IN NO DAYUM HOOD THOSE MEN AND THEIR WIFE LIVE IN AREAS THAT HAVE THINGS/AMMENTIES ETC. THEM MEN MAY NOT BUILD IN THOSE ARES THAT SHE's TALKING ABOUT.. THE HOOD. MOST DIDN"T COME FROM THE HOOD IF WE ARE BEING HONEST

The black men that stay in the hood are nikkas with no money (fast money, no bank account) or make less than 42k a year, 16–17-dollar hr. job if that with BAD CREDIT., they are not really married, they have a BM/GF whose making around 28k or 32k, BAD CREDIT and on gov't assistance. AINT NO BUILDING HAPPENING WITH THOSE STATS. SOME MEN PUSH, SO YOU KNOW THEY NOT TRYING TO DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN BUILD A CAR WASH OR PUT MONEY INTO A RAP LABEL

To fix the problem, BLACK marriages will need to be established. That means 2 incomes can be combined, over 100k or close to that number, women will have to clean up their credit score, it's so many of our women with BAD ass credit scores HIGH DEBT/CONSUMER DEBT, some dudes too. Spending habits will need to be cut, weaves and all that other BS will need to be cut out. You do that, then you can save money and have income to show the bank. As a married couple, you can use 2 incomes, a stronger Credit Score and you at least will have a good resume to present to the banks to get that 200k loan to build in the Hood or Black area.

Let's be fair, there are no black community, we have hoods. We had communities back in the 60s and before, we have poverty areas or hoods.
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Mar 11, 2022
People don't like hard questions. I live in PG County right outside of DC. I was floored when I learned kids here can either go to community college or some four year schools here for free. Yet some of these schools still have low graudation rates among black students. Yes there is a historical component why blacks are where we are. As I have gotten older it becomes more evident blacks were taught to play the wrong game. Blacks are always asked the government for help with something. Other groups figure out how to make money off the government or benefit their business/industry.